h4ck3rm1k3 Stream of Random

channel image

h4ck3rm1k3 Stream of Random



see code here
and here
based off of stable diffusion https://github.com/lstein/stable-diffusion.git

The images are like this
"seed": 111,
"fn": ".\\outputsid-samples\\cube.-2022-9-22-804020\frames\\p29s2c0s25x512.png",
"prompt": "cube. block. wooden. spinning. rotating. bright red. low poly. 3d. letter a. alphabet. simple. focal length. ",
"data": {
"seed": 111,
"variation_amount": 0,
"width": 512,
"height": 512,
"cfg_scale": 7,
"steps": 25,
"iterations": 1,

Each parameter is scanned quickly at 25 iterations.
I backup and mutated the pytorch as follows:

modifications = []
eparams = []
eparam_names = []

for name, param in model.named_parameters():
backups = []
for mm in mutations:
vect = eparams[mm].data.cpu().detach().numpy()
eparams[mm].data += (mutation * torch.randn_like(eparams[mm]))
backups.append([mm, vect])
modifications.append([mm, mutation, eparam_names[mm], str(eparams[mm].size()), len(eparams)])

and after the render I restore them,

for p in backups:
eparams[p[0]].data = torch.from_numpy(p[1]).cuda()

ai generated images using stable diffusion algo and custom codez

New pics of the vampire pelosi drinking the blood of young tortured children
generated by the stable diffusion ai.

ai generated images, still needs more work but this is getting there

created like this

post processed like this
ffmpeg -i videox512.mp4 -map 0:v -c:v copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb raw.h264
ffmpeg -fflags +genpts -r 0.75 -i raw.h264 -c:v copy output.mp4
ffmpeg -i .\output.mp4 -c:v libx264 -c:a libfdk_aac video_out.mp4

this is my first attempt editing, still tons more work to do.
"the character named Frisk from the game named undertale shown in a hyper realistic and detailed 3d printed sculpture"
using script here

{"other": {"pixels_sizes": [512], "stepsize": 45, "seed": 3, "fixed_seed": 2, "many_iterations": 2}, "fn": ".\\outputs\\vid-samples\\the-2022-9-11-131419\\frames\\s0c0x512.png", "prompt": "the royal english prince charles as shapeshifting reptilian lizard demon in hyper realistic and detailed stone statue", "strength": 0.8, "seed": 2, "variation_amount": 0.07, "width": 512, "height": 512, "steps": 45, "iterations": 2, "with_variations": [[18.84955592153876, 0.07], [28.274333882308138, 0.07], [47.12388980384689, 0.07], [65.97344572538566, 0.07], [103.67255756846316, 0.07], [122.52211349000194, 0.07], [160.22122533307947, 0.07], [179.0707812546182, 0.07], [216.76989309769573, 0.07], [273.318560862312, 0.07], [292.16811678385073, 0.07], [348.71678454846705, 0.07], [386.4158963915445, 0.07], [405.2654523130833, 0.07], [442.96456415616086, 0.07], [499.5132319207771, 0.07], [556.0618996853934, 0.07], [574.9114556069321, 0.07], [631.4601233715484, 0.07], [669.1592352146259, 0.07], [688.0087911361646, 0.07], [744.5574589007811, 0.07], [782.2565707438586, 0.07], [838.8052385084748, 0.07], [914.2034621946298, 0.07], [951.9025740377074, 0.07], [970.7521299592461, 0.07], [1008.4512418023236, 0.07], [1027.3007977238622, 0.07], [1064.9999095669398, 0.07], [1196.946801017711, 0.07], [1234.6459128607887, 0.07], [1291.194580625405, 0.07], [1310.0441365469437, 0.07], [1404.2919161546374, 0.07], [1423.1414720761763, 0.07], [1479.6901398407924, 0.07], [1536.2388076054087, 0.07], [1573.9379194484864, 0.07], [1630.4865872131027, 0.07], [1687.035254977719, 0.07], [1705.8848108992577, 0.07], [1800.1325905069516, 0.07], [1818.98214642849, 0.07], [1856.6812582715675, 0.07], [1875.5308141931066, 0.07], [1988.628149722339, 0.07], [2101.7254852515716, 0.07], [2139.424597094649, 0.07], [2158.2741530161875, 0.07], [2195.9732648592653, 0.07], [2252.5219326238816, 0.07], [2271.3714885454206, 0.07], [2365.6192681531143, 0.07], [2422.1679359177306, 0.07], [2478.716603682347, 0.07], [2535.265271446963, 0.07], [2554.1148273685017, 0.07], [2610.663495133118, 0.07], [2648.3626069761954, 0.07], [2667.2121628977347, 0.07], [2761.459942505428, 0.07], [2893.4068339561995, 0.07], [2931.105945799277, 0.07], [2949.955501720816, 0.07], [2987.6546135638932, 0.07], [3119.6015050146643, 0.07], [3176.1501727792806, 0.07], [3270.397952386975, 0.07], [3289.2475083085137, 0.07], [3326.9466201515907, 0.07], [3383.495287916207, 0.07], [3458.893511602362, 0.07], [3515.4421793669785, 0.07], [3571.990847131595, 0.07], [3609.6899589746718, 0.07], [3666.2386267392885, 0.07], [3741.6368504254433, 0.07], [3779.335962268521, 0.07], [3854.7341859546764, 0.07], [3948.9819655623696, 0.07], [3967.8315214839085, 0.07], [4062.0793010916027, 0.07], [4080.928857013141, 0.07], [4137.477524777758, 0.07], [4175.176636620835, 0.07], [4231.725304385452, 0.07], [4307.123528071606, 0.07], [4344.822639914684, 0.07], [4363.672195836222, 0.07], [4401.3713076793, 0.07], [4514.468643208533, 0.07], [4589.8668668946875, 0.07], [46

random pictures from the AI

ffmpeg -i videox512.mp4 -filter:v "setpts=40*PTS,minterpolate='fps=5:scd=none:me_mode=bidir:vsbmc=1:search_param=500'" output.mp4

code here

{"fn": ".\\outputs\\vid-samples\\the-2022-9-11-112014\\frames\\s0c0x512.png", "prompt": "the royal english prince charles as shapeshifting reptilian lizard demon in hyper realistic and detailed stone statue", "strength": 0.8, "seed": 1, "variation_amount": 0.4, "width": 512, "height": 512, "steps": 45, "iterations": 1, "with_variations": [[2, 0.4], [3, 0.4], [5, 0.4], [7, 0.4], [11, 0.4], [13, 0.4], [17, 0.4], [19, 0.4], [23, 0.4], [29, 0.4], [31, 0.4], [37, 0.4], [41, 0.4], [43, 0.4], [47, 0.4], [53, 0.4], [59, 0.4], [61, 0.4], [67, 0.4], [71, 0.4], [73, 0.4], [79, 0.4], [83, 0.4], [89, 0.4], [97, 0.4]]}

smoothed with
fmpeg -i videox512.mp4 -filter:v "setpts=40*PTS,minterpolate='fps=25:scd=none:me_mode=bidir:vsbmc=1:search_param=400'" output.mp4


(he hit her in the mouth|33 is the magic number|33|shape shifting jew) (conspiracy|reptilian|werewolf|hp lovecraft|aliens|bigfoot|new world order|communist) as (painting|sculpture|2d bitmap|icon|hyper realistic painted wooden scupture|album art|1960s album art|tv show)

AI tells you the nwo agenda

Evolution of 256x256px image with stable diffusion using 30images per step of processing using seed variations

This is my first sample from jar 4, you can see what I believe to be a budding Agaricus . This is 100/1.25 oil lens on a 5mp amscope B120C-E5. one frame every 5 seconds and played back at 0.01 sec per frame

Compilation of last episodes

Keywords :
absorbed abstract accept ad ads adversarial affecting aggregate aided air
airplane allocation also always AM animals annotated anonymize anonymous
another anything appears application approachable arrays Arroe assigned AST
attention audacity audio auto awaited baby bad balls based basketball
beansprouts beautiful bees behavior bench better bill binary bit bits black
blender block bodies body bones boostagram bootstrap brave bubbler buried
burning bye CAN cantor carried case CASE cemetery chain change charts chemicals
chest Chomsky choose circular clean climate clip clips closed code collect
collection come communicate communication compile compiler compilers complete
complexity components compress computer computers computing computation
conflict connecting constrain construct contract control controls copies copy
correspondence cost could covered crazy create created credits crime
cryptography cultivate cycle dark data dead debt decimal decision
decisions decompose deep define defines definition Dennis describe
design developing diagonal diagonalization died different digestion ding
display distributed dont door dotty draft drink driven easy economy edit
editing editor Eighteen elderberries else emacs enables
endless engine engineering engineerting england enhanced enhances entire
environment episode escalation establish etc even every everyone everything
evolution evolutionary Ewing execution exhaustion experimenting exploit
exploitation export extract fascinated fail farm farming farmland fast fat feed
feel fence fencing fields fight file finding finished finite fire first fish
floats flow flies forest fork formation forst found fox free frequency friday
friend frondosa fruiting function functions fungal FUNGI fungus functions furci
GCC general generated generators get girl giving glysophate god Goedel going
gotta grammar graph graphviz grave great Grifola ground grow growing guess
Guilliana happen happy hard heat Helen help hen hidden hierarchy hold honest
honor hot house housing How hubris humans hunting hurting hyperconnected
icecream id idea ideas identifiers identity implicit important impression
indecidable indoor infinitely information inoculating input inputs insecurity
insurance integer integers interactive interesting interface internal internet
interpret interrupted intro introspector intuition invariance irrational joint
json judged Kansas key keys Kleen know known Kombucha l label labeled labels
lady land language languages lanternfly last lantern lean learning legs level
life lifting like likely limited Linux listen listener listening lists literals
live LLVM logic long loop lost lots machine machines make makes making
manipulates many map mark market marketplace marking markup mary master
materials math mathematical maybe Mckenna mean media meme merge messages messy
method might mind missed mobile model models monkey much multi mushroom
mushrooms mycillium mycorrhizal need needs network networks networkx new next
ng nodes noise noisy notes npr NPR nto number numbers nutrients oak occur old
olives one One open org OS output Page palette part parts pattern paul pay
paying payment pays people peoples peter phase phosphorus plant plants Plato
playback player playing podcast podcasting podcasts point points policy
politics popular portable position post poverty power powerful precision
preempt principles privacy probabilities probability processed processing
producers program programs properly protect provisioned purpose put puzzle
random read reading reads real realize really rebar recognition record
recursion recycling reduce reduced reduction reading reference references
refine releases remember repeat represent represented represents resolving
resources reverse revisit rice rices richness road roofing rotating rotisserie
run running Russian said saving saw say saying science sciences scientist
second secure see seed segment self sell selling sense series serve
settle shiff shifting show sign signed sit size sizing smart smoke
software solve sombucca source space spores spotted spreading
Stamets started starting statistics state statistic statistical statistics
stats statistical still stockmarket store stream strengthened street strength
strength strength string structure structures stuff subject suck sun suppose
supposedly sword syntax system table tables take talk talking tank targeted tax
technical technology teeshirt teeth tell thank theory thing things thin


0:00:00 NPR
0:00:05 new video platforms
0:01:14 abused listeners not respecting time
0:01:37 swiss chard went to seed
0:02:08 running water off the water tower
0:02:12 afraid of redacted
0:04:16 smell of drilling
0:04:30 in my face
0:04:36 tooth hurting
0:04:42 shoes getting wet
0:04:46 reddit is woke, self censorship, mind control
0:05:26 Rumble of noise
0:05:34 journal exposing thoughts
0:05:39 Extraverted intution
0:05:43 i want to be buried under a tree
0:06:16 graveyard is full of bodies
0:06:27 three point buck
0:06:30 does fungus grow in the graveyard?
0:06:44 is there a fugus network
0:06:57 symbols on Chinese grave
0:07:08 micro-dosing reconstruction
0:07:37 dirt looks dead
0:07:50 green coffin
0:07:59 dirt looks dead, squash growing
0:08:19 7:30
0:08:23 the writers diet
0:08:32 The work of the communication is hard
0:08:56 transcribing is good training for me
0:09:01 Topics
0:09:08 joint probability of the mind
0:09:36 noise difference
0:09:41 measuring the volume of breathing
0:10:02 vertical mic doing the job

This episode has taken me days to listen to and edit. There is still so much to do to refine the ideas touched on here and I have been researching into them.


Audio Player


Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume.
Podcast Audio
Table of Contents
1. Sleep after surgery
2. Showing up for work, Gino
3. No Till
4. Common ancestor: opisthokonts
4.1. “Assembling the Tree of Life”
5. See you underground
6. Complexity
7. Local news
7.1. 855 Berkeley Ave, Trenton, NJ 08618
7.2. Killings in Trenton
7.3. Amanita galactica
8. Words are like the spores a fungus.
8.1. Memes are mushrooms?
9. Complex physical systems
10. God creates all possiblities
11. Does life send it self back after it evolves
11.1. Chestnut blight
11.2. Coevolution
11.2.1. Oriental Bittersweet
11.2.2. Virginia Creeper
11.3. Cannabaceae
12. OSI
13. Math is language which use god
14. Probabilty of two events happening at the same time.
14.1. Binomial Distribution
14.2. displaced foxes
15. beauty of math and science
16. monster group
17. integer types
18. encoding other types as integers
19. Recursive data types
20. operating system
21. how will program be used
22. reproducible builds
23. Profile driven compilation
24. Model of attackers building stacks of machines
25. pokemon go
26. editing the show out of parts
27. what are all the podcasts of the listeners of noagenda show

Table of Contents
1. STREs3e412
2. STREs3e413 Usability of Mathematics!
2.1. Listened to my own podcast.
2.2. Listening to lex friedman #204
2.3. What if I had to think about things before I said it.
2.4. Rock bottom
2.5. Idea for QR code
2.6. Cottage Bakery NJ
2.7. What do we need to produce Kombucha
2.8. Alcohol importing business
2.9. Short episode
2.10. Galileo experiement
2.11. Tree fell on neighbors house.
2.12. Catching catfish with a limb line
2.13. Viral video with three-d stuff
2.14. Miss our talk.
2.15. Viral video
2.15.1. Have enough random recordings
2.15.2. If I was famous
2.16. Question of rotation
2.17. cost of post production
2.18. Pendulum
2.19. Internal vs External thoughts
2.20. Transcription
2.21. Furniture
2.22. Wrap up.
2.23. Cambodian developer wants 6k USD per month.
2.24. Describe what you want to do
2.25. Math is not usable
3. STREs3e414
3.1. NPR's Stream of Random brought to you by Pfizer
3.2. Random Thoughts
3.2.1. Science center
3.2.2. Tornado
3.2.3. Names :
3.3. Production Notes
3.3.1. Editing notes
3.3.2. Types of content
3.3.3. Lamenting not being famous
3.3.4. Reordering of the clips
3.3.5. QR codes
3.3.6. Editing notes
3.4. Topical Notes
3.4.1. Alerts on phones are like mind control
3.4.2. Screaming youtubers
3.4.3. Absnasixpack
3.4.4. Yeast living in the body
3.4.5. Leaky Gut and Fungus
3.4.6. SCOBY
3.4.7. Mushroom Revival Channel
3.4.8. Enjoy the silence
3.5. Obese children police in AU.
4. STREs3e415 NPR Stream
4.1. Personal Life
4.2. Process of Podcasting
4.3. Random events
4.3.1. 1999 Zenith TV
4.4. Topics
4.4.1. Kombucha
4.4.2. Math
4.4.3. Computing
4.4.4. Mind
4.4.5. Life
4.4.6. Science
4.4.7. Fungus
4.4.8. Podcasting
4.4.9. Pokemon
5. STREs3e416
5.1. Personal Life
5.2. Process of Podcasting
5.3. Topics
5.3.1. Math
5.3.2. Fungus
1 STREs3e412


Shownotes and production info :

Catalan e Euler_s_Constant
Golden_Ratio Lemniscate Log_10
Log_2 Log_3 Pi
Sqrt_2 Sqrt_3 Zeta_3


data from https://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/contrib/pi/pi-billion.txt

from decimal import Decimal
from gmpy2 import mpz, mpq, mpfr
import numpy as np
import os.path
from PIL import Image as im
maxsize = 20000
maxsquare = maxsize * maxsize

size = 480
bpath = "frames_pi"
path = bpath
if not os.path.exists(path):

## load colors
max_xsize = 10
if not os.path.exists(colors_file):
colors = np.zeros(
(max_xsize +1,
) # create a simple square

for x in range(max_xsize):
color = list(np.random.choice(range(127,255,10), size=3))
colors[x] = color

with open(colors_file,'wb') as o:
args = np.savez(o, colors=colors)
colorsd = np.load(colors_file)
colors = colorsd['colors']

digits = [str(c) for c in range(10)]

scale= mpz(10)

def render(n, page):
imgd = np.zeros((n+1,n+1,3),dtype=np.uint8)
lp = len(page)
for i,l in enumerate(page):
ll = len(l)
for j,c in enumerate(l):
if c not in digits:
x = int(c)
color = colors[x]
c1 = color[0]
if j > n:
imgd[i][j][0]= c1
imgd[i][j][1]= color[1]
imgd[i][j][2]= color[2]

return imgd

res = ""
with open("pi.txt") as fi:
for l in fi:
res = res + l
print("going to process",res[0:10])
stop = len(res)
line = ""
print("Len",stop, maxsize)
m = 0
block = res[:maxsquare]

for linesize in range(1024,maxsize):
start = 0
page = []
#print("linesize", linesize)
for linemax in range(0, linesize * linesize, linesize): # take the square in steps of linesize
line = block[start:linemax]
start = linemax

name = '%s/%s_%08d.jpeg' % (path, "scan", linesize)
if not os.path.exists(name):
np1 = render(linesize,page)
data = im.fromarray(np1)

We took the previous video that was growing by one pixel per frame and cropped it!

ffmpeg -pattern_type glob -i "frames4d/*.jpeg" -filter:v "crop=1024:1024" out4d1.mp4

Same as before with more digits


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

53 videos

Category Science & Technology

The stream of random podcast is a daily podcast covering the "life happening" in the world of a "hacker".
We cover topics such as Censorship, Politics, Philosophy, Mathmatics and Computer Science, Security, Cloud Computing, and current events from a different perspective.

Anchor Site : https://anchor.fm/stre
See also an alternative rss feed in the works : https://streamofrandompodcast.wordpress.com/