Jiri Novak

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God honored Zacharias and his wife Elizabeth to be the parents of John the Baptist. But sadly Zacharias could not herald the good news that God is about to bring the Messiah into he world. Because he did not receive God's divine message by faith, Zacharias had to suffer the consequences placed upon him by a holy God. Then Zacharias remained in silence, being forced to take his own spiritual inventory. May our God and Father help each one of us to remain in the faith.
Pastor Jiri


Please SUBSCRIBE for regular videos of Bible studies that help us to grow in our relationship with the LORD Jesus Christ and to know God better. (John 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.)

The real living faith can not have just intellectual exhibition of head knowledge without commitment to merciful love for others, without commitment to personal holiness and also without active obedience.
Pastor Jiri

Preached at Calvary Chapel of Orange, CA


Please SUBSCRIBE for regular videos of Bible studies that help us to grow in our relationship with the LORD Jesus Christ and to know God better. (John 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.)

The victorious return of Jesus Christ speaks of God's righteous KING returning to this earth and taking what rightfully belongs to Him.
Pastor Jiri Novak

Preached at Calvary Chapel of Orange, CA


Please SUBSCRIBE for regular videos of Bible studies that help us to grow in our relationship with the LORD Jesus Christ and to know God better. (John 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.)

Marvelous love of God revealed through Jesus Christ who was instated into humanity and into our weaknesses when He was baptized. We are then instated into Jesus Christ when we are baptized ourselves. God has done something for you when Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world and God has done something to you when you were crucified with Jesus Christ. We are justified by believing that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, and sanctified when we believe that we were crucified with Christ on the cross. Amazing love of Christ that changes us, shapes us and transforms our lives. That's the unconditional love of God that brings such a joy to your heart that your cheeks can't stop smiling as the Spirit of truth testifies to your heart and works on your behalf.
Pastor Jiri


Please SUBSCRIBE for regular videos of Bible studies that help us to grow in our relationship with the LORD Jesus Christ and to know God better. (John 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.)

The deepest work of God is done in the inner heart of each one of us when we learn how to be still and know that He is God. Down in the deepest part of us we can come to the end of ourselves and chose to give up trying to be godly in power of our own strength as we yield to God's divine presence.
Pastor Jiri


Please SUBSCRIBE for regular videos how to understand the purpose of your existence, how to reach your full potential in life and how to have a good success. (Joshua 1:8)

God took Joseph through suffering while waiting to produce in him a surrendered selflessness that when Joseph was brought before Pharaoh, he gave all glory to God.
Pastor Jiri

Preached at Mid Cities Baptist Church, Westminster, CA


Please SUBSCRIBE for regular videos how to understand the purpose of your existence, how to reach your full potential in life and how to have a good success. (Joshua 1:8)

Our purpose on earth to glorify God, can be fully understood only when we walk by faith, contend for the faith and remain in faith. We keep ourselves in the love of God by earnestly contending for the faith.
Pastor Jiri


Please SUBSCRIBE for regular videos how to understand the purpose of your existence, how to reach your full potential in life and how to have a good success. (Joshua 1:8)

Drawing parallels between the sacrificial lamb of the Passover and the LORD Jesus Christ. God has chosen the method of the cross and the crucified Christ to reveal His wisdom and to purchase us from the bondage of sin.
Pastor Jiri Novak


Please SUBSCRIBE for regular videos how to understand the purpose of your existence, how to reach your full potential in life and how to have a good success. (Joshua 1:8)

Merry Christmas to all of you dear friends.
The world is in danger because of sin in the human heart. God's solution was to send His own Son Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, to die for the sins of the whole world. In fact, we can go directly through the Lord Jesus Christ without the Pope or Mary (mother of Jesus) to have a personal relationship with the living God.
God spoke through many prophets before, but in these last days "God has spoken through His Son Jesus Christ" (Heb 1:1), the only One in history who was born of a virgin. We all come short of God's glory--the Pope, Mary, each of us needs God's grace. Only Christ is without any spot or blemish, and thus able to take away sins of those who believe that He died and rose again, and of those who choose to obey Him.
Pastor Jiri


Please SUBSCRIBE for regular videos how to understand the purpose of your existence, how to reach your full potential in life and how to have a good success. (Joshua 1:8)

Preached on Sun Dec 19th, 2021, at Grace Community Church, Garden Grove, CA

Please follow Pastor Jiri on https://odysee.com/$/invite/@jirinovak:8

As David continues as a fugitive God supplies His grace, His wisdom and an opportunity for David to show kindness to Saul.
Pastor Jiri


Please SUBSCRIBE for regular videos how to understand the purpose of your existence, how to reach your full potential in life and how to have a good success. (Joshua 1:8)

God intervenes on behalf of David and protects his life. David and his men have been prepared by the LORD for the future.
Pastor Jiri Novak


Be sure to hit that SUBSCRIBE button for regular videos how to understand the purpose of your existence, how to reach your full potential in life and how to have a good success. (Joshua 1:8)

Also, You are invited to join me on Decentralized ODYSEE, please Subsribe, Follow and Verify your account to partner with us: https://odysee.com/$/invite/@jirinovak:8

Our merciful God gives Saul another opportunity to redeem himself by honoring and obeying Him, but Saul would not.
Pastor Jiri Novak


Be sure to hit that SUBSCRIBE button for regular videos how to understand the purpose of your existence, how to reach your full potential in life and how to have a good success. (Joshua 1:8)

Saul is no longer king, but yet he reigns with his hate and terror; while David being on s secret mission of God is the king, but yet he is not on the throne.
Pastor Jiri Novak


Be sure to hit that SUBSCRIBE button for regular videos how to understand the purpose of your existence, how to reach your full potential in life and how to have a good success. (Joshua 1:8)

Also, You are invited to join me on Decentralized ODYSEE, please Subsribe, Follow and Verify your account to partner with us: https://odysee.com/$/invite/@jirinovak:8

While the identity of the king remains mystery in this chapter, we know that the LORD God is the KING of kings. The LORD anointed David to replace prideful Saul while God sends David on secret mission to prepare him to take over the throne.
Pastor Jiri


Please SUBSCRIBE for regular videos how to understand the purpose of your existence, how to reach your full potential in life and how to have a good success. (Joshua 1:8)

My dearly beloved, God's Word is our guide, light unto our feet and complex of moral absolutes with God's Divine ideals for every topic and issues in our lives. Every true believer should be moved by God's Word, as we realize that the work of the Holy Spirit with God's Word within us accomplishes something we can't produce in our own strength. God loves you and me so much that He does not want to leave us the way we are.
Pastor Jiri


Be sure to hit that SUBSCRIBE button for regular videos how to understand the purpose of your existence, how to reach your full potential in life and how to have a good success. (Joshua 1:8)

Also, You are invited to join me on Decentralized ODYSEE, please Subsribe, Follow and Verify your account to partner with us: https://odysee.com/$/invite/@jirinovak:8

While David trusts only a few last people, he came up with a plan to help Jonathan, his friend, to understand the hate of King Saul, Jonathan's father. After Jonathan finds out he recognizes God's Divine plan, and chooses to obey God rather than man.
Pastor Jiri


Please SUBSCRIBE for regular videos how to understand the purpose of your existence, how to reach your full potential in life and how to have a good success. (Joshua 1:8)

Jonathan's reliance on the LORD who cause him to be victorious, shows a contrast to Saul's delusional sacrificial vow, which does not help him in victory because his heart was not right before God.
Pastor Jiri


Be sure to hit that SUBSCRIBE button for regular videos how to understand the purpose of your existence, how to reach your full potential in life and how to have a good success. (Joshua 1:8)

Also, You are invited to join me on Decentralized ODYSEE, please Subscribe, Follow and Verify your account to partner with us: https://odysee.com/$/invite/@jirinovak:8

Jste zvání k zapsání na Decentralizované ODYSEE, prosím Zapište se, Následujte, a Ověřte svůj zápis aby jste se mohli podílet v přinášení Evangelia s námi: https://odysee.com/$/invite/@jirinovak:8

Saulova nenávist nyní byla veřejnou událostí, a David, muž podle Božího srdce se stal psancem když je donucen důvěřovat a vložit jeho způsobilost do pár posledních jedinců v jeho životě.
Pastor Jiří Novák


Prosím udeřte na tlačítko PŘIHLÁŠENÍ (Subscribe), aby jste mohli vidět pravidelná videa o tom jak porozumět důvodu naši existence, jak dosáhnout plného potenciálu v našich životech a jak vás může provázet zdar na cestě životem. (Jozue 1:8)

As Saul's hatred for David becomes public, David, a man after God's own heart, becomes an outlaw and is forced to place his confidence in a few remaining people while running for his life. But the LORD steps in with His Holy Spirit and allows Samuel to conquer Saul not with weapons, but with God's Spirit while David is able to get away. God knows how much we can all handle and He always provides the way of escape that we may be able to bear it. Let's rest in the LORD and allow our God to step into all of our situations.
Pastor Jiri


Please SUBSCRIBE for regular videos how to understand the purpose of your existence, how to reach your full potential in life and how to have a good success. (Joshua 1:8)

Fear not, stand still, be courageous and trust the LORD God. It is worth facing danger and trials to know how near the LORD Jesus can be to us. Learn to face real problems in life. It is worth facing danger and trials to know how near the LORD Jesus can be to us. The nearness of Jesus Christ experienced during the most difficult times is the most glorious experience for any child of God.
Pastor Jiri


Please SUBSCRIBE for regular videos how to understand the purpose of your existence, how to reach your full potential in life and how to have a good success. (Joshua 1:8)


Created 2 years, 8 months ago.

20 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith



Knowing God and making Jesus Christ known is the main objective of my channel. Please subscribe , to know the LORD Jesus Christ in personal way, is the most important thing in our lives.

Be sure to hit that SUBSCRIBE button for regular videos how to understand the purpose of your existence, how to reach your full potential in life and how to have a good success. (Josh 1:8).

While Jiri leads Koinonia Ministry International, this channel is his Bible teaching and equipping ministry reaching people with the transforming power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, assisting churches, and helping individuals grow in their spiritual walk. Here at Koinonia we are PROCLAIMING GOD'S WORD AND MAKING DISCIPLES OF CHRIST.

If the LORD ministers to you through our ministry please consider partnering with us financially to seek and save the lost through bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ as well as to equip the saints.
The link ($) to PayPal account is right next to the Subscribe button.

You are also invited to join me on Decentralized ODYSEE, please Subsribe, Follow and Verify your account to partner with us: https://odysee.com/$/invite/@jirinovak:8

Phil 4:17 Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account. (KJV)

Thank you,
Pastor Jiri


Poznávat Boha a činit Ježíše Krista známým je hlavním cílem mého kanálu. Prosím zapište se (Subscribe), znát Pána Ježíše Krista v osobním vztahu je to nejdůležitější v našich životech.

Tento kanál je nejenom Jirkova Biblická vyučovací služba k vyzbrojení a zvěstování Božího Evangelia Pána Ježíše Krista s Jeho proměňující mocí, ale také služba ostatním církvím i pomoc jedincům v jejich duchovním kráčení a růstu k vyspělosti. Here at Koinonia we are PROCLAIMING GOD'S WORD AND MAKING DISCIPLES OF CHRIST. My tady v Koinoiji ZVĚSTUJEME BOŽÍ SLOVO A DĚLÁME UČEDNÍKY JEŽÍŠE KRISTA.

Jestliže vám náš Pán Hospodin slouží skrze naši službu zvažte prosím finanční partnerství s námi v hledání a spasení těch kdo jsou ztraceni zkrze přinášení Božího Evangelia Pána Ježíše Krista a ve vyzbrojení věřících.
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Fil 4:17 Ne že bych toužil po darech, ale toužím po ovoci, jež se rozhojňuje na váš účet.

Pastor Jiří