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It's been a long time, so i decided to return with a more mellow song. It's still weird, since I'm still the same freak I've always been.

Also, the irony of this being my first video since I've gone clean, is not lost on me.


Created 5 years, 7 months ago.

5 videos

Category Music

Here is my mission statement. I want to free Kekistan from the oppressive hu-white, bu-wack, ash-en, and hick-panic normies! I don't give a fuck what you think of me! I couldn't care less! I'm a mother-fucking fetishist, and I'm proud!

P.S. Don't subscribe to me, unless you are comfortable with subscribing to a highly political, right-leaning, fur-fag. Just telling you now. I'm not entirely on your side, if you're an alt-righter.