Progressive News Channel

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Progressive News Channel



You are no longer inspirational made that platform a success, but the sole reason It Is a mess. The system Is now corrupt with power, greed and control. It Is no longer for thee, but thou to them.

The most disliked, beloved and annoying mascots are soon going to be In the next highly upcoming sequel... SJW RABBIDS!

#orangemanbad #npc #meme

This Is an opening parody of Dawn Of The Dead (2004)
The song Is by Johhny Cash -The Man Comes Around

The only "neutral" and "Independent" Progressive news channel on the Internet!

A full Behind The Scenes look Into Creepy Uncle Joe Bidens 2020 Campaign! A short snip-it Of Good Old Uncle Sleepy Joe! The only Democrat Candidate that Is already topping the Polls and will win against the evil bad man, Drumpfe!


Created 4 years, 9 months ago.

6 videos

Category Entertainment

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