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Heute widmen wir uns der Frage, wieso die Forschung zu sämtlichen Symptomen, die mit Missbrauch und Gewalt im Kindesalter zu tun haben, bis heute gekapert wurde und von wem. Außerdem erfahren wir, welcher Scharlatan auf welche Weise den G-Punkt fand und andere Ungeheuerlichkeiten aus der Geschichte der Psychiatrie.

*Unterstützt meine Arbeit, tut Gutes mit "G"*

Gebete und gute Gedanken bitte an mich und meine Tochter
Geld via paypal an *[email protected]*

oder *IBAN: DE63100500006015813790*

Heute schlüpfen wir mal in die Haut von Psychopathen und überlegen uns, wie wir dummen Schäfchen das anstellen würden, wenn wir vorhätten, Menschen zu unterdrücken und zu verkaufen. MÄÄÄH!

BÄMM auf telegram: t.me/friedenfueralle

Intro Musik von https://audionautix.com/

Die Wahrheit kann einem ganz schön Angst machen. Aber Angst ist ja auch nur ein Gefühl! Mit diesem Schritt aus meiner Dunkelheit heraus will ich andere ermutigen, sich neben mich in die Sonne zu stellen. Wer die Angst als Herausforderung versteht, wird an ihr nicht nur wachsen, sondern auch heilen.

Telegram: t.me/friedenfueralle

Guten Morgen!
Während ich an einem anderen Video schneide, wollte ich schon einmal darauf reagieren, dass ich gestern plötzlich viral ging. DANKE für soviel Aufmerksamkeit. Außerdem gebe ich einen kleinen Fahrplan meiner Themen an und ziege euch ohne Schnitt und Schminke meinen Gedankenprozess. Nun brauche ich aber jemanden, der mir mit einem Livestream helfen kann! Das wird ja sicher einer von euch können! :) Bitte mit Betreff "LIVESTREAM" mail an [email protected]

Wenn Du rituellen Missbrauch überlebt hast, bitte mit Betreff "SCHNECKENHECKE" an die oben angegebene Adresse.

Ich bin dann mal wieder im Schnitt! Bis später. Zum Beispiel auf telegram:

Telegram: t.me/friedenfueralle

Wieso es so schwierig ist, eine Geschichte wie die meine zu erzählen und wie das alles mit Politik und Wirtschaft zusammenhängt. Nach meinem letzten Video, in welchem ich mein Schweigen über rituellen Missbrauch gebrochen habe, wurde ich gebeten, meine Gehichte etwas ausführlicher zu beleuchten. Das hier sozusagen die erste Station auf einem Tauchtrip, der noch sehr viel tiefer gehen wird, um die Frage zu beantworten, wieso diese Dinge überhaupt passieren und was das alles mit dir zu tun hat.

Many people would like to meditate but they don't know how to. Of course. It is, at the same time the easiest and most complicated things of all: Letting go, approaching nothingness. No problem, let me tell you how to do it without back pain or whatever issue. C'mon, let's meditate!

I have been absent on yt but actually I post content almost every day on steem and on smoke.io. Both are decentralized networks where you earn crypto for your content. Join us! Also, it's decentralized, can't be censored and if you like me, you definitely like the kind of people you can meet on crypto blockchains. Please follow me …



You tried conjuring something and now you find yourself in what you would call a mess? DON'T WORRY! Everything happens for a reason! And the one for manifestations turning out differently than you expected them to is actually more than just reasonable. It is a wonderful opportunity for you to learn a lot and to grow. Here's what you need to do: HEAL YOURSELF!

If you enjoy my work, please hit my every button! Like, subscribe and switch on notifications!

I do tarot readings, counsel, hypnotizations and other things for you!
Services I offer: https://www.patreon.com/magicalBamm

Wanna chat? Find me here: https://discord.gg/AjXaJtx

My blog on steemit: https://steemit.com/@mayb

Hey fellow aries, do you notice the energy coming back at us? I am grateful for feeling my energy waking up again, some mindblowing dreams & visions and that I learned so much about myself from the last challenges. Love y'all! Love&Light!

Your breath is so much more than just thin air. Learn how to use it and become healthier, happier and more mindful. You've got all you need. Give me 11:44 minutes to connect with you through our breath, fellow hearts.

Today I am grateful for this wonderful weather that made it possible to shoot this video without any lighting or else, for inspiring clouds and healing chats with loving friends. I am lucky to share air with you.

Intro: Gaiety in the Golden Age by Aaron Kenny

Prana Apana Sushumna Hari Mantra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zU8wzllYdz4 by Meditative Mind

PRANA T-Shirt: https://www.doorofperception.com

Today's video is about what people call THE MOSES CODE. How a tiny comma can change the whole universe and your idea of it.


First of all: I apologize for the sound issues. In this video and others. I am really working on it. It's a loooooong story and I keep messing up. But that's just to have some space to develop to, right?!

Today's video is about language. How words are spells and everything you send out is a frequency forming reality. You are creators! ALL IS FREQUENCY!

Thank you, Laurel Airica, for your inspiring poem:


All in our universe
as far as we can see
is frequency.

What is black magic, what is white magic, what's the difference? Are there rules? What can be done wrong? In today's video I want to wipe away some fears depending magic.
No panic!
Make yourself comfortable, fellow hearts.


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most of all for this, universe: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq1GuOMljI7/

Thank you, John, for helping me with this shooting.
Thank you, Karin, for this wonderful sweater and the
Thank you, universe … yeah, you know why!

TSCHIRP, fellow hearts!
In today's video I set the ground for one of my goals with this channel: I want to convince you that you can change this world in whatever way you like … if you like. But before we can change anything, let us first agree on the paradigm that there's no such thing as a fundamental reality.

Do you want to dive deeper into anything I am talking about in this piece? Here's a list of videos I like:

waves/pulse-model: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUQkG1A0_Sk

waves/particles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io-HXZTepH4

be amazed in hyperbolic space: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztsi0CLxmjw

where I got the animation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btImof4nyzo

Thank you:
postman for hitting the bell just in time!
Everybody who feels the need to hit this bell below my video. ;)
Thank you, universe, for being so interactive and wonderful.

and thanks to:
Beda Mulzer
LWL Naturkundemuseum Münster
Murugan Temple, Neukölln Berlin

Join the BÄMMgang on discord: https://discord.gg/AjXaJtx Steemit: https://steemit.com/@mayb Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/bamm/ Become a patreon: https://www.patreon.com/magicalBamm

Thanks, @Maths Town https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6qEdtxp_IAaVrNAHUIhHbQ for rendering this colorful piece for over a week! It's an amazing piece of arts.

What you see are Mandelbrot Fractals. If you don't know what that is, google it and let your mind be blown, fellow hearts. But now, it's time to relax and let go and dive into forgiveness to heal yourself from attachments & blocks.

Thanks, Gaia Meditation for the binaural tones in 638 Hz to open your heart.

Like all my meditation videos, this one is connected to another one with more explanations on the topic. In case you're interested you find it here: https://youtu.be/rcgtevb4p8w

Join the BÄMMgang on discord: https://discord.gg/AjXaJtx
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@mayb
Become a patreon: https://www.patreon.com/magicalBamm

Peace is one of the easiest and at the same time most complicated concepts, also. Let's switch the paradigme and install peace into this society. Be the change!

If you are in need of more support for letting go, use this meditation I provided for cutting ties and attachments. Get rid of stuff, become light: https://youtu.be/xbYcMi5Hjvs

Join the BÄMMgang on discord: https://discord.gg/AjXaJtx
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@mayb
Become a patreon: https://www.patreon.com/magicalBamm

This is the short version of the guided meditation MANIFEST WHATEVER YOU WISH FOR. If you are in need of further explanations or some practice in visualization, check out the long version:


Please enjoy!

Join the BÄMMgang on discord: https://discord.gg/AjXaJtx
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@mayb
Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/bamm/

Become a patreon: https://www.patreon.com/magicalBamm
Thanks for the tune, @Gaia Meditation

In this guided meditation I help you to manifest your desire. This is the long version where I explain a little bit about manifestation & help you to exercise your visualization. In case you're not in need of this, you can find a shorter version as soon as it's uploaded.

CHECK OUT CEREBRAL PISCES: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGi1l5d_NyE&

Please enjoy!

Join the BÄMMgang on discord: https://discord.gg/AjXaJtx
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@mayb
Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/bamm/

Become a patreon: https://www.patreon.com/magicalBamm
Thanks for the tune, @Gaia Meditation

Let's walk into the room of possibilities and accomplish whatever it is we're longing for. Easy. I will be providing a guided meditation to manifest your desire short ahead.

Thank you, Mel & Karin, for this particular superb day in the room of possibilities and for any other day and deed! :-x

Join the BÄMMgang on discord: https://discord.gg/AjXaJtx
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@mayb
Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/bamm/

Become a patreon: https://www.patreon.com/magicalBamm

What if I tell you that you have the capability to change this world for the better? In this video I tell you how to start this journey. I am changing myself and the universe every day and I would like to meet some fellow travelers along the way.
So, please make yourself comfortable and never be scared!

Hypnotizing affirmations to get in tune with this universe: https://youtu.be/CbZPvmtsYAU

Join the BÄMMgang on discord: https://discord.gg/AjXaJtx
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@mayb

Become a patreon: https://www.patreon.com/magicalBamm

Thank you:
– LWL Naturkundemuseum Münster for letting us shoot some of the footage in their exhibition about brains.
– staubfilm for filming and the drone!

This guided self-hypnosis will help you to relax and get in tune with this universe to fullfill your desires and become the person you really are. Just lend me your ears and let yourself relax. First part is hypnosis, second part lots of positive affirmations to shower your soul.


Gaia Meditation's Isochronic Tones ❁ 432 Hz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fcrn_3QOeaA

The visuals by CEREBRAL PISCES
Check out the ORIGINAL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGi1l5d_NyE&t=113s

and for meeting Grim who shared it on his stream: https://youtu.be/V0rWzHV5NKk?t=607

Everything worked out just in time. Had been looking for visuals like that in a very loooooong time. Got them just yesterday. The universe always provides us. Thanks!

Join us on discord: https://discord.gg/cH88Qaf
twitter: https://twitter.com/BMM51533270

Welcome fellow hearts,
this is the beginning of BÄMM!

BÄMM is about ancient history, herstory, politics, science, spirituality, mythology, polarity and all those exciting things that make my heart go BÄMM! I hope to make some magical friends over here! Make yourself comfortable, fellow hearts!

I want to say Thank You to my most incredible friends & supporter:
Chiara, Mel, Karin, Beda, staubfilm, Hanna, Annett, Michel, Arne & the universe.

Music: Quincas Moreira – scratch the itch

Hey fellow hearts!
This is my first video for BÄMM and it's about the secrets of secrets or the truth of truths – the 7 hermetic principles.
This video is kind of the light version to this wisdom. How you can apply those principles to your life and use the magic of this universe to become who you are.

Join me on discord:

If you want to become a patreon, here you go:

This video can also be viewed on Bitchute, twitch and many other platforms to come as soon as every channel gets approval.

Bitchute: https://www.twitch.tv/bamm_basicallymagic


Created 5 years, 6 months ago.

22 videos

Category Education

Welcome, fellow hearts!
Welcome to BÄMM, your trusted place for every day magic.

The shift is already in full swing, the earth magneticfield is going crazy, the whole universe is. This is the perfect timing to tune into this movemend and change the world. We will be talking about alchemy, hermetics, quantumphysics, history, herstory, mythology, truth, politics, science … basically about magic.

Make yourself comfortable and never be scared!