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Cactus The Butcher



My next video is about a Special Military Operation.
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The video shows that not everything you see on your screen is true. Every war is connected with lies and misinformation. The war in Ukraine is not the exception. Check the information and don't trust everything you see.

"People never lie so much as during a war," said Otto von Bismark. This video was inspired by events in Ukraine.
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Politics is a dirty game and war is simply one of the ways of doing it. It’s been a lot of time since Russia invaded Ukraine. And the Ukrainian people have struggled with the great standoff between Russia and NATO.

Printing money only devalues those money and the US has been doing it for quite some time. After this sudden occasion, the U.S. dollar will lose its value even more. There’s too many of it. After imposed sanctions on Russia, the world’s power shifted.

US President Joe Biden announced nearly half a billion more dollars of US military aid to Ukraine during a surprise visit to Kyiv. That's on top of billions the US has already spent on Ukraine's conflict with Russia. Congress appropriated more than $112bn (£92.47bn) in 2022 alone.

When the migration crisis is once again brewing in Europe, the EU countries, instead of seeking a joint solution to this problem, only exacerbate this conflict. How and why it happens about it in our today's edition.

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Democracy. A word that could cover many wrongdoings. Especially when it comes to democracy in the US...

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The CIA has been involved in many unofficial political actions in favor of US foreign policy. Including regime change and deals with criminal elements. It became a fact to many conspiracy theorists that the Ukrainian coup was provided by the CIA. But if you think about it there’s no conspiracy at all.

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Joe Biden… a political figure that leaves many questions unanswered. Why shake hands with invisible colleges? What’s wrong with his TV speeches? And why is Ukraine so important to Biden?

The war in Ukraine continues. The Armed Forces of Ukraine have made significant progress in most areas. And their situation no longer seems catastrophic and hopeless, as it was in March when many international experts said that Ukraine would not last even four days.

Desde del comienzo de la guerra en Ucrania un gran número de países apoyaba a Kiev en direcciones diferentes – en la zona de combate con el armamento y equipamiento, en la esfera económica con el apoyo dineral y etc.

Since the war began in Ukraine, many countries supported Kyiv in different directions – with weapons and equipment for warfare, financial support in the economic sphere, and so on.

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Nos gustaría comenzar con la renuncia de la recién elegida Primera Ministra del Reino Unido, Liz Truss. Según las estadísticas, su mandato como primer ministro es el más corto del reino (45 días).
We'd like to begin with the resignation of the newly elected Prime Minister of the United Kingdom – Liz Truss. According to the statistics, her premiership is the shortest for the kingdom (45 days).

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La política agresiva de EE. UU. y la OTAN para apoyar a Ucrania en su enfrentamiento con Rusia asesta un duro golpe a la economía de la UE y al nivel de vida de la población de los países europeos.

The aggressive policy of the US and NATO to support Ukraine in its confrontation with Russia deals a severe blow to the EU economy and the standard of living of the population of European countries. But the authorities don’t listen to their residents.

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Tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan have resumed. On September 13 Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense reported a gunfight on the border with Armenia. Azerbaijan announced that the conflict was caused by massive sabotage by Armenian soldiers. In turn, Armenia accused Azerbaijan of shelling Armenian cities along the border. In considerable measure, this happened as Russia had weakened in the region.

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Anti-government protests took place in Cologne and other major cities of Germany. The Germans demanded the launch of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline and cut off arms sales to Ukraine. Activists chanted protest slogans such as “Down with the sanctions!”

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Since July, 31 world community is watching the situation in the breakaway region of Kosovo and Serbia. Over a long period, the Balkans remains the tinderbox of Europe. Another spark that led to an escalation of the conflict on the peninsula, became a prohibition by Pristina to enter Kosovo with Serbian vehicle registration numbers and documents.

The end of the XXth century was marked by a confrontation between the decline of the imperial hegemony of the US and the rise of forces standing for a multipolar world in the global political struggle. This process was called the central conflict of the new century.
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The Ukrainian crisis has affected everyone. It has greatly dented the European economy and has already led to the global energy crisis. Experts say that the following winter will become the biggest energy crisis for European countries. The worst situation with energy prices is in the USA and Western Europe. Inflation and recession are forcing residents to change their usual needs by switching to a medieval lifestyle: wash less often and save electricity. As a result, the understanding that we are facing the most severe energy crisis since the 70s is growing every day.

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The elites understand that Ukraine is unable to exist without permanent financial aid. Moreover, the New York Times said that the White House mistrusted the Ukrainian president. Ukraine is rich in corruption cases and that is a problem for European countries. More specifically the EU. Which is an organization Kyiv really wants to enter.

In September 2021, the US, Australia, and the United Kingdom concluded an agreement called “AUKUS”. One of the main points of the agreement was the transfer to Australia of American technologies for the construction of nuclear submarines.

It’s not long before XXIV Olympic Winter Games begins, but it has already been marred by a series of scandals. In particular, China was blamed by the US and some European countries for violating human rights in the province of Xinjiang. The talk is about the Uyghur genocide.

Race discrimination existed in the USA for several centuries. Black Americans went through slavery and terror, and their place in the community got better only some decades before. However, along with the discrimination of Black Americans, nowadays appeared discrimination of White Americans. So why the problem of harassment of black and white people exists in the US?


Created 3 years, 10 months ago.

52 videos

Category News & Politics