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Low Life BAR Card Toting Esquires. The Founding Father's never intended them to be citizens or hold office. I am your write in vote of no confidence in 2024.

Today, we find ourselves facing a dire and unprecedented situation in our great nation. Our once proud republic, founded on the principles of liberty, justice, and equality, is now crumbling under the weight of greed, lust for power, and a loss of connection with We The People. It is a dire situation that calls for bold action.. The cherished Constitution of 1789, the cornerstone of our nation's governance, was tampered with and stripped of its core values, and replaced with municipal corporations.

Our founding forefathers were about as far removed in history from the Renaissance as we are from them today, and they knew that lawyers had gained undue influence over government's in the monarchies that granted them their esquire titles. They had the vision to secure a 13th Amendment, which protected us from the undue influence of esquires and ensured that our government would be a true representation of the people's will. At the end of the Civil War, through treachery and deceit, that very amendment was removed, and the esquires forced their way into positions of power, sowing seeds of corruption and self-interest at every level of government ever since.

But today, we can stand united, refusing to accept this betrayal of our republican ideals any longer. It is time to issue an executive order that unsuspends the Constitution of 1789 and restores America to its rightful status as a republic, governed by and for the people.

The last executive order shall be an act of courage, an act of defiance against those who seek to erode the very foundations of our liberty. It will pave the way for meaningful reforms and a renewed emphasis on the principles of checks and balances, safeguarding us against the encroachment of corruption.

Our republic was born out of the belief that we are all equal, that we are endowed with certain God given rights, and that no individual or group shall trample upon those rights. We must reclaim that spirit, that sense of justice and fairness, and breathe life back into the hallowed halls of our government. We must restore the proper balance of power, reaffirm the separation of powers, and ensure that our government serves the people, not private interests.

Just a funny to test the system.

Originally uploaded to YT in March of 2018, it was suppressed hard. Gee, I wonder why? In the meantime here is a sneek peek of what's coming in my next video:
Here is a perfectly legal way to do away with the swamp: claim state citizenship. Following is just a few case law quotes that can be used to justify defunding DC and and see how far they get without funding.

"The people or sovereign are not bound by general word in statutes, restrictive of prerogative right, title or interest, unless expressly named. Acts of limitation do not bind the King or the people. The people have been ceded all the rights of the King, the former sovereign,.." People v Herkimer, 4 Cowen (NY) 345, 348 (1825)

"People of a state are entitled to all rights, which formerly belong to the King by his prerogative." Lansing v Smith, (1829) 4 Wendell 9,20 (NY).

"State citizens are the only ones living under free government, whose rights are incapable of impairment by legislation or judicial decision." Twining v. New Jersey, 211 U.S. 97, 1908

"State Citizenship is a vested substantial property right, and the State has no power to divest or impair these rights." Favot v. Kingsbury, (1929) 98 Cal. App. 284, 276 P. 1083,

"The revenue laws are a code or a system in regulation of tax assessment and collection. They relate to taxpayers, and not to non-taxpayers. The latter are without their scope. No procedures are prescribed for non-taxpayers, and no attempt is made to annul any of their rights and remedies in due course of law. With them Congress does not assume to deal, and they are neither the subject nor the object of the revenue laws.“ Long v. Rasmussen, 281 F. 236, at 238

"Persons who are not taxpayers are not within the system and can obtain no benefit by following the procedures prescribed for taxpayers, such as the filing of claims for refunds.“ Economy Plumbing and Heating v. U.S., 470 F.2d 585 (Ct. Cl. 1972)

"Taxpayers are not State Citizens." Belmont v. Town of Gulfport, 122 So. 10.

From 8-30-2018 I call in to the Jesse Lee Peterson show and try to explain to him that Slavery is still legal. Hilarity ensues.

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Spotted a trailer full of FEMA coffins heading west bound on I-90 approximately 50 miles east of Missoula, MT today. I hope they are bound for Seattle or Portland.

Government Shouldn't Be A Corporation

If it's true that in a time of universal deciet, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. Then I'm doing my part. In this video I break down some basics about law and government in their own words. Did you know that America has 2 constitutions? I explain the lawyer's coup of 1871 and explain how We The People can restore the republic under the original constitution.

And to anyone who has ever taken an oath to support and defend the constitution, I would ask you: Did they give you full disclosure as to WHICH constitution you were swearing to? Or did they just let you assume it was the one from the founding fathers, because without full disclosure the contract you got into with them is a nullity.

One of the bears told me yesterday that I'm a genius for thinking of this, but I don't think so. It's just that if you are monetized, your video has to be at least ten minutes or they won't put ads on it. So I figure if you use someones original score of music, and its at lest ten minutes long, they are probably obligated to the copyright holder and/or advertisers to put ads on it. So PLEASE CLAIM THIS BB! And if it works others can do it too. #MakeThemPayHim

Man, YouTube has done it now! They've pissed off THE GERMANS! YouTube just had to go and financially strangle their "partners" and start changing the rules and moving the goalposts. It's the Treaty of Versailles all over again! This is a re-upload mirror from Jorge Sprave's channel. Original description follows.

Deutsche Version:
This video is in the Public Domain (Creative Commons) and you are encouraged to spread it as much as you like.

I did not edit this at all. And the thumb is what YouTube picked. I swear you just can't make this stuff up. You guys get it. #LogosRising

You guys get it.

No description needed.

The thing I like to do most is to Milli Vanilli me some songs with my Trump puppet. This obvious fair use parody was blocked on YouTube because whoever owns the copyright on AC/DC really are a bunch of pricks with no sense of humor at all. So hit that Toe button.

Since YouTube told me that my complete mockumentary I called Owen Benjamin Vs. The World was removed because it might be offensive even though it didn't violate TOS, I've had no choice but to break it up into its component bits to find out which part got it removed. It's either this one or the intro, I suspect its the intro.

So please enjoy this upload and if you would like to see the original , you can find it on BitChute at

Please Toe it up and share it from there. Peace and Blessings all.


All right, SCREW Q! I'm TrumpX! I was here FIRST! I knew Donald Trump was trolling the DeepState the day after inauguration, that's why I originally uploaded this that same day (1-21-2017) Soooo, I'm like, your DeepState Outsider, bitches! Subscribe NOW!!!

I signed up for BitChute back in Beta, but never heard anything about getting an account. I come back a few days ago to find that Bitchute has been mirroring a great many of my uploads from YouTube, but not nearly all. This is the video that really started it all for me. Stay tuned, as I'm about to start uploading just plain old talking videos using OBS but I will be hillarious. Meanwhile enjoy guys!

I've had this video sitting on my hard drive since the start because, of course, YT won't let any Beatles content play worldwide. Enjoy, Bitchute!

Bill Cooper tells you everything you need to know to understand the world we live in today at time of re-upload in 2019. It's go time for free speech and anti-censorship. We The People can course correct the current political situation, but it takes forming Jural Conventions in the States to do so. More to follow. RIP Bill Cooper.

An auto finance guy explains how he figured out the illegality of how loans create so-called money. Uploaded for posterity as it's go time freedom of speech and information sharing at the time of upload.

An auto finance guy explains how he figured out the illegality of how loans create so-called money. Uploaded for posterity as it's go time freedom of speech and information sharing at the time of upload.

An auto finance guy explains how he figured out the illegality of how loans create so-called money. Uploaded for posterity as it's go time freedom of speech and information sharing at the time of upload.


Created 7 years, 2 months ago.

42 videos

Category News & Politics

It's time to accept the biggest Red Pill of all: we are NOT under the Constitution of 1787. The lawyers pulled a bloodless coup that culminated in the Act of 1871 (an act to create a government for the District of Columbia) because the Constitution of 1787 HAD a thirteenth amendment to it that prohibited anyone ho holds a title of foreign nobility (ESQUIRE) from holding office in government. If you appreciate my work, please consider a donation or subscription to SubscribeStar.
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