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The history and influence of True Medicine; Entheogens and their role in Religion, Evolution and Holistic Health and Freedom under Natural Law.

The Great Reset, The New Normal, Plandemic, Scamdemic, NWO, The Fourth Industial Revolution, Vaccines, Population Reduction, Digital Transhumanist Slave Society. Government IS Slavery.

Plandemics, vaccines, the great reset, the fourth industrial revolution, police brutality.

An information packed condensed presentation focusing on the solution to the current human dynamic by aligning with Natural Law

My Natural Law 'The Condensed Version' at Swindon Truth Freedom 28th May 2017

A re-run of my presentation from Truth & Freedom in Swindon on 28th May 2017, going 30minutes more in depth.
Human Slavery. Natural Law is the key. Passio's Manly P Hall we must outgrow the cause. Ma'at. Don't Steal. Aphoposis. Right vs Wrong. Do No Harm & Take No Shit. Conscience / Common Sense. Natural Law Principles. The Kybalion. The End Of All Evil. CARE. Occult. Esoteric, Exoteric, Allegory. Oracle Of Delphi, Know Thyself; Thoughts, Actions & Emotions. Freemasonic First Degree Tracingboard. NO; The most Powerful Word. Christ Consciousness. Sword Of Truth. Allegorical Holy Trinities & Right Action In The World. East, West, As Above So Below. Movie Allegories. Occultocracy. Satanism. REALITY. Love. Natural Law Expressions. Krishnamurti. Soren Kierkegaard. Truth & Morality. Solipsism. Objective Morality vs Moral Relativism (Man's Law). TheTrivium & Quadrivium. Taxation Is Theft. Licences & Permits is Slavery. Prohibition is a Claim of Ownership. Hemp. Entheogens. Change. Zombie Apocalypse. Words. RELIGION; Religion, Money, Scientism, Carnism, Statism (Government/Archonism). Order-Followers Quit Your Cult. Ego, Fear, Confusion & Control. Love, Dominion & Freedom. Solutions. Increase The Quality Of Input. Heal Your World View.

Delving into Natural Law as the only real solution to end human slavery and planetary suffering. Also looking at; What the occult really is. Morality. Religion. Mind Control. Order-Following. Holistic Health. Reality. Entheogens and much more. An information packed, solution based talk.

Allegorical Movies & The Escape Plan. The Dead. We Are In The Zombie Apocalypse. Monty Python. The Life Of Brian. The Holy Grail. The Meaning Of Life. Batman Vs Superman. Consciousness. Holy Trinity. The Matrix. Mind Control System. NO The Most Powerful World. Freemasonry 33rd Degree. Natural Law The Key To All The Subconscious Doors Of Self Imposed Suffering. The Wizard Of Oz. Spiritual Journey Of Truth. Theosophy. Star Wars. Sky Walker Shamanism. The Force Awakens. Fear Based Control Heriarchy. Loss Of The Self. selflessness. Self-less-ness. They Live. Lord Of The Rings. Avengers. Prometheus. Cloud Atlas. Oblivion. Equilibrium. The Hunger Games. After Earth. The Host. Snowpiercer. High RIse. Fight Club. The Giver. Avatar. Dances With Wolves. Noah. Battlefield Earth. The Truman Show. The Lego Movie. Chicken Run. Ratatouille. The Neverending Story. Dune. Jupiter Ascending. Transformers. 2001 A Space Odyssey. Moon. Avengers. Elysium. Divergent. Robocop. Eyes Wide Shut. Instinct. Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes. Rosemary's Baby. IRobot. Good Will Hunting. Judge Dread. IFrankenstein . The Escape Plan. Books; The End Of All Evil. The Kybalion. 1984. Brave New World. Documentaries. The World In Transition. Which New World Order Will WE Choose? Natural Law.

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Solutions. Natural Law And Animals. Animals Lives Are Not Ours To Take And Will Always Be Wrong Under Natural Law. Veganism. Human Biology Regards To Diet. Ley lines And Slaughter House Locations. Nikola Tesla. Giza & Chichen Itza. Paradigm Shift. Free Energy Can Only Manifest As A Natural Consequence Of Universal Spiritual Enlightenment. Solutions; 1. Right & Wrong. 2. Increase The Quality Of Input. 3. Conscious Use Of Entheogens. 4. Learn How To Think; Trivium & Quadvrivium. 5. Stop Lying To Yourself. 6. Balance The Brain Hemispheres And Live Alongside The Non Aggression And Self Defence Principles. 7. Non Support Of Dominators. 8. Heal Worldview. 9. Mindfulness Of The Causal Factor. 10.Teach Others.
Shamanism. Medicine. Communion. Sacrament. Entheogen. Psychedelics. How To Make DMT. Sanity. Change. Trivium & Quadrivium. Conversations With Others. Manly P Hall. Mark Passio's What It Really Means To Be Awake. The Warrior Spirit. The True Great Work. Service To Truth. Courage. Dedication. Persistence

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Anarchy. What Is Anarchy? Hemp Can Save The World. The Real Political Spectrum Is One Of Consciousness. The End Of Al Evil Jeremy Locke. Rebels. Recalcitrant. Natural Law Expressions. Gun Control. Larken Rose. Taxation. Licences & Permits. Prohibition. Hemp Uses. Hemp Is The Number One Renewable Resource. Hemp Can Stop Ecoside. Hemp For Fuel, Paper, Housing, Nutrition, Textiles, Food, Oil, and Medicine. Cannabis Cures Cancer. Juicing Cannabis. Hemp For Victory.

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Order-Followers Quit Your Cult. What Is An Order-Follower. Why Order-Followers Are Cult Members. Right vs Wrong. The End Of All Evil. The Painful Truth. All Order-Followers Are Bad People. There Is No Such Thing As A Truly Intelligent Order-Follower. Order-Followers Are The Enforcers Of The Dark New World Order. One True Divide. Occult Mockery. Hypercube Mockery. Satanic Pentagram Mockery. Floor Of The House Mockery. Poppy Mockery. Secrets In Plain Sight. The Law Of Freedom. Justification. The Unholy Trinity. Fears vs Love. Natural Law Expressions.

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Methods Of Manipulation; Obfuscation, Worldview Poisoning, Primal Fears, Divide & Conquer, Indoctrination, Controlled Opposition, Religion, Subversive Symbolism, Financial System, Control Of Mass Media, Children In Need. Food & Medicine, Illusion Of Time, Denial Hassle Ridicule, Chaos Sorcery, False Flags & Words.
Stockholm Syndrome. Occult Mockery of The Cap & Gown Ceremony. Disney & Satanism. Depopulation. Vaccine Dangers & Harm. The Illusion Of Choice The Hegelian Dialectic. Controlled Opposition. The Origins of Christmas. Scientism. Statism. Buddhism. Symbols. Archetypes. Fractional Reserve Banking. The Faustian Pentagram. Saddam. Bin Laden. Hedonism. Fluoride. Mercury. Excitotoxins. GMO. Chemtrails. Geoengineering. Dr Kinsey. Sexualisation Of Children. The Normalisation Of The Sexualisation Of Children. Birth Trauma. Pedophilia. Pizzagate. metzitzah b’pah. Colloidal Silver. Juicing. Organic. Self Policing. Political Correctness. Ego BS. Wilful Ignorange. Fear Of Personal Responsibility. Self-Loathing. Operation Mocking Bird. Conspiracy Theorists. Morgellons. Saturnism & Satanism. Hitler. Georgia Guidestones. Cern. 9/11. Crisis Actors. Words; Government, Anarchy, Apocalypse, Occult, Intelligent, Conspiracy, Illusion, Solvent, Sanity, Entertainment, Amusement, Police Officer Of The Military, Soldier, Money, Liberty, Mortgage, Psychedelic.

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Natural Law Principles. Hermeticism. Mentalism. Correspondence. Vibration. Polarity. Rhythm. Cause and Effect. Gender. Merovingian. Care & Love. Satanism. Stupidity. Pretentiousness. Solipsism. Self Deceit. Herd Conformity. Lack Of Perspective. Forgetfulness Of Past Orthodoxies. Counterproductive Pride. Lack Of Aesthetics. Selfishness. Moral Relativism. Social Darwinism. Eugenics & Epi Eugenics. Dysgenics & Epi Dysgenics. Occult Gematria. Mental Schism. Worldview Schism. 93 Love Will & Consciousness. Aquinas On Liberty.

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Delving into the causal factor of humans collective self imposed slavery and suffering. An Introduction to Natural Law, Objective Truth & Morality. Solipsism. The Human Brain. Five Sense Reality. Ego.Holy Trinities. Allegory. Esoteric. Exoteric. Freemasonry. The First Degree Tracing Board. The Occult. How Reality Is Built. Psychopaths. Compartmentalisation. Ignorance vs Nescience. Apophasis. Conscience / Common Sense. Teachability. Money Creation. JFK. Secret Societies. Illuminati.

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Created 3 years, 7 months ago.

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