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I speak with the good People of New Mexico about our campaign and plan to take Congress back. #RepthePeople #DontTread

A Modern System of Congressional Representation as Envisioned by JERRY ROSE FOR US SENATE. #RepthePeople #DontTread

We need to stop voting D and R. It's destroying us. #RepthePeople #DontTread

What could five dollars do? #RepthePeople #DontTread

I'm announcing my intent to represent the People of New Mexico in the U.S. Senate in 2024. #RepThePeople


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

5 videos

Category News & Politics

Too many politicians today have it in their minds that they hold office to rule over the People that elected them. Jerry Rose seeks to change that paradigm. He is running to represent the People of New Mexico in the U.S. Senate in 2024, and he makes a promise to you. He promises that if he is elected, Jerry will keep you informed of all legislative issues, and get feedback from the voters on how to proceed. Jerry doesn't promote his own views on "the issues" as your usual politician does, because he is not a politician. He will not give useless platitudes and propaganda, nor does he pretend to have all the answers. He is counting on you to give him the answers. He serves no political party, but will only serve the People. He is just a concerned citizen, who perceives a big problem with a very simple solution: elect representatives who will actually do what you tell them to do, who will actually be true representatives of the People who elect them.