Nature Environment

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Nature Environment



Summary of Cumulonimbus and Thunderstorm Clouds (2005-2010)
taken by Rihard

The video contains photos of subtropical and tropical gardens, greenery and flowers, mainly from the Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia trips in 2007 and 2009, but the most photos are from the Maderia trip in 2016, which starts at 09:23 minutes. Madeira is also known as the floating garden in the Atlantic Ocean, because the climate corresponds to spring or mild summer throughout the year, and thus a great diversity of flowers and greenery is possible. Madeira, as a Portuguese island, is historically also a Catholic land, which is outwardly manifested in its hills and rocks (the previous video Mountain and rock landscapes with music from Vangelis).

Media report that the Greek composer Vangelis (Evángelos Odysséas Papathanassíou) died at age 79 on May 17, 2022 in French hospital. His song "Conquest of Paradise" has resonated with me since my early childhood. In the later years of the Internet age, I discovered his other works.
His music is one that has played a special role in God's search and meditation for me before I even knew about Traditional Catholicism. Vangelis whom some call the modern-day Mozart, has never had a musical education and was not been able to read music. His goal has never been popularity. He has been forced to create a few musical hits in order to get the equipment and be able to do what he found compelling.
According to interviews, Vangelis has also rejected many lucrative offers from the music industry, as well as criticized popular music, especially from the 1960s. He pointed out that there is no objective approach to music today, so it is not real music, because it is based on self-interest and the desire for money.
Mountain and rock landscapes from my travels to France, Switzerland, Turkey, Austria, Thailand, Malaysia, Madeira and Ukraine in 2005-2017 were selected for the video.

If even good-willed Traditionalists suffer, then what about home-alone Catholics?

Video izvilkumi no Tālivalža Tālberga vadītās draudzes "Latvijas Kristīgais radio" (LKR) dažādiem 2021.gada raidījumiem par LKR nostāju attiecībā uz eksperimentālo injekciju saistību ar zvēra zīmi , kas neatbilst tradicionālajai katoļu teoloģijai. Analītiska informācija rakstā:

The story is that Protestants are still waiting for the Antichrist period, even though we are probably in the final stages. Covid "vaccines" could be likened to a beast's mark.

Pentecost is the 3rd greatest feast of the Catholic Church, it is the feast of the sending of the Holy Ghost and also the feast of the founding of the Church.

At a time when it is no longer possible to look for a festive mood in the Catholic churches and the surrounding society taken over by Novus Ordo, let us create this festival at least in our hearts by meditating on normal times when the Church still had a great influence in the world.

The video is dedicated to this Pentecost. In pictures: St. Peter's Basilica in different periods of history, interspersed with photos taken today.

Although St. Peter's Basilica and Catholic buildings are currently usurped by Novus Ordo Church, however, all this remains the Catholic Church heritage

Background sound taken from:

Musical seqvence (for reflection) on the possible destruction of Rome, the culmination phase of apocalyptic events.
It should be noted that Rome in the broadest sense is the European Union, and possibly also the so-called deep state, which has an impact all over the world. Therefore, destruction by fire, etc. may affect not only the city of Rome itself, but also other cities in the reborn Roman Empire.

The author of the video has remotely watched the event due to the set restrictions, Riga.
The event includes a protest against forced vaccination in the future, as well as restrictions (such as compulsory wearing of a mask).
Continuous trumpeting from cars for several hours

Šis 23.11.2020. video (27.11.2020. pārpublicēts ar nelielu korekciju) ir balstīts uz vaticancatholic (dot) com veidoto video. Tulkojot un veicot korekcijas attiecīgajam video, autors neiedrošina un/vai neapstiprina minētā portāla publicēto saturu, jo mans kopējais viedoklis būtiski atšķiras no minētās organizācijas mācības.

"Tai uz pieres bija rakstīts vārds: Noslēpums, lielā Babilōna, visas zemes netiklības un netīrības māte" (Atkl. 17:5).
Sv.Rakstos katram vārdam ir nozīme. Vārds "Noslēpums", šķiet, ir īpaši pieminēts tādēļ, ka lielākā daļa cilvēces nesapratīs šīs Atklāsmes gramatā minētās sievietes sarkanā zvērā jeb Babilōnas netikles patieso būtību un izcelsmi. Tas labi saskan arī ar visā pasaulē nosodītās "deep sate" jeb ēnu valdības slēpto visas dzīves sfēras pārņemšanu.

This 23.11.2020. video (27.11.2020 republished with minor corrections) is based on a video created by vaticancatholic (dot) com. When translating and making corrections to the video in question, the author does not encourage and / or endorse the published content of this portal, as my general opinion differs significantly from the teachings of this organization.

"And on her forehead a name was written: A mystery; Babylon the great, the mother of the fornications, and the abominations of the earth." (Rev. 17:5)
In the scriptures, every word has a meaning. The word "mystery" seems to be especially mentioned because most of humanity will not understand the true nature and origin of this woman on the beast in the book of Revelation or Babylon the great. This is also in line with the hidden takeover of the whole sphere of life condemned by the world-wide "deep sate" or shadow government.

Beautiful memories of the beginning of October 2006, when thunderstorms were observed for several days which is not usual. October 1 was special, when several thunderstorm clouds with warm weather formed near Jelgava from the middle of the day until late in the evening.

Such warm weather, moreover, several days in a row at the end of September is not usual in Latvia

21.08.2020. video izvilkums (7 min), kurā konspirologs D.Aiks pamato, kāpēc teorijai par “covid-19” kā bioloģisko ieroci nav loģisko sakarību un jēgas. Viņa analītisko skaidrojumu par iemesliem varētu apkopot 4 punktos:

1) nav jēgas izmisīgi tiekties nāves sertifikātos norādīt “covid- 19”, ja tas būtu ierocis;

2) dizainēta mainpulācija, zinot, ka ir liela daļa cilvēku alternatīvajos medijos, kuri jebkurā gadījumā neakceptēs oficiālo skaidrojumu;

3) ja tiktu izlaists bioloģiskais ierocis un līdz ar to nav vēlmes, lai cilvēki to zina, tad kādēļ to izlaist tieši Vuhaņā, netālu no augsta līmeņa laboratorijas;

4) neeksistējoša vīrusa gadījumā ir iespēja “piemērot” dažādos simptomus “covid-19”, kā arī “atrast” jaunus veidus, kā tas tiek “pārnēsāts”, kas nebūtu iespējams bioloģiska ieroča gadījumā.

Most alternative media do not take into account what D.Icke thinks about the Trump administration, although they support his general views. But they ignore that the political view of Trump is part of his general views, so they contradict themselves.

D.Icke videos:
1) ;
2) ;
3) .

Song: "Come to us, God the Holy Ghost".
Synthesizer (organ sound). My performance

Nightingale night song (remotely), May 27, 2020 after midnight

Video author: former youtube channel "Truth Media Revolution". Psyop for demoralized populace.

Video background music comes from a performance of a false church called the "Palmarian Catholic Church" ( As usual, we do not endorse to follow this false church but at the same time we select the elements of truth because it is almost impossible to find alternatives to beautiful performances in these latter days.

Apocalypse in Vatican and world long before "covid-19" scam. "Cardinal" Dolan as an abominations example in Novus Ordo - false counter church.

A hymn for Lent, Passiontide or any other penitential occasion, imploring the mercy of God. The melody is traditionally French and was adapted from Pergolesi. The hymn has 4 verses followed by 4 refrains, and is approved to be sung in all Roman Catholic Churches.

Mirrored from channel "Francis1930" (we believe current St.Peters chair usurper Francis to be an antipope and do not endorse this false traditionalist channel itself)

Words: St.Bernard of Cluny (12th Century)
Music: Version of Maria zu lieben. Paderborn Gesangbuch, 1765

Daily, daily sing to Mary,
Sing, my soul, her praises due:
All her feasts, her actions worship,
With the heart's devotion true.
Lost in wond'ring contemplation,
Be her majesty confessed:
Call her Mother, call her Virgin,
Happy Mother, Virgin blest.

She is mighty to deliver;
Call her, trust her lovingly;
When the tempest rages 'round thee,
She will calm the troubled sea.
Gifts of heaven she has given,
Noble Lady, to our race;
Sh the Queen, who decks her subjects
With the lights of God's own grace.

Sing, my tongue, the Virgin's trophies,
Who for us her Maker bore;
For the curse of old inflicted,
Peace and blessing to restore.
Sing in songs of praise unending,
Sing the world's majestic Queen;
Weary not, nor fail in telling
All the gifts she gives to men.

All my senses, heart, affections,
Strive to sound her glory forth;
Spread abroad the sweet memorials
Of the Virgin's priceless worth:
Where the voice of music thrilling.
Where the tongue of eloquence,
That can utter hymns beseeming
All her matchless excellence?

Calendar winter 2020

I observed the first migratory birds around February 22nd/23rd. But on February 26 starlings are singing evening songs in several places.


Created 3 years, 10 months ago.

52 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

The natural environment is like a manifestation of God, in the midst of which in these times of moral decay you have possibility to indulge in spiritual research and reflection, find enlightenment and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit realize the Truth while the churches are overwhelmed with debauchery, carelessness, disrespect and modernism (as it was once defined by Pope St. Pius X), doctrinal chaos, spiritual darkness. The natural environment and elements are as one of the essential manifestations of God, which provides not only physical well-being but also the harmony of the soul, helping to meditate on the Truth.

"For we know that every creature groaneth and travaileth in pain, even till now." (Romans 8:22)