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Before the vote to legalize abortion in Ireland, former abortion patient Salome van der Wende was asked on the spot to address concerns. Salome founded a human rights organisation for babies, set up by women who regretted their abortion due to missing crucial information. AbortusInformatie.nl provides information that abortion clinics don't give.
Een impromptu spreekbeurt op Iers grondgebied, vlak voor de beslissing om het doden van onze kinderen te legaliseren, door abortus.
AbortusInformatie.nl AbortionInformation.eu
Excuses voor de kwaliteit.

These 23 week old twins were born alive moving and screaming following an abortion, crying, and left to die without care.
Supposedly they had heart conditions.
In Netherlands abortions can be done till 24 weeks without having to specify the reason.
from flower.fetus709

A sample display of street educational campaign AbortusInformatie.nl on the streets of The Hague, Netherlands, to educate the public about the development of the baby and what can happen to the baby through abortion.
Ages are from conception.

This is where it all began, for founder Salome van der Wende, former abortion patient. Excerpts during a visit to the Hinnom Valley, Jerusalem, where babies used to be offered to Molech. She can briefly be seen in a few shots.
Courtesy Brink TV, the land cries out
AbortusInformatie.nl AbortionInformation.eu
full video: https://kiesdanhetleven.nl/media/clip/383566863/

An Oxford study in 2016 found the heart starts to beat earlier than previously thought: around what they termed
“day 16 of human pregnancy” – you can watch it beating here:

The research article was discussed on
https://elifesciences.org/podcast/episode33#33 from minutes .33 to 6.42 after the intro.

“The heart is the first organ to form and to begin working in an embryo during pregnancy” according to https://elifesciences.org/articles/17113

"Calcium handling precedes cardiac differentiation to initiate the first heartbeat."


Salome van der Wende giving press conference concerning voting on abortion in Polish parliament.

Response to heartbeat bill - "the difficult cases" - by woman who aborted after rape, and found out later she was conceived in violence herself - grateful for her life.

“The life-death decision to kill a baby conceived in rape is extremely heart-wrenching, with all the emotions of surviving our own death and in turn contemplating killing another.
The father (the rapist) harmed me, but I harmed the baby. My baby didn’t do anything wrong.
We need extra time to think clearly through the maze of emotions of panic and shock, to consider all options logically.
Wanting different laws for children conceived in rape is hateful, discriminatory and coldhearted from where I stand.
You think three days is long? Here in liberal The Netherlands we have a 5 day waiting period.”

— Salome Irene van der Wende, Silent No More Netherlands
founder AbortusInformatie.nl and AbortionInformation.eu


Vergadering van gemeente Utrecht 4 november 2021 vanwege bewustwordingscampagne omtrent abortus door AbortusInformatie.nl bij Hogeschool Utrecht. Hoezo 'foutief'?!

Council Utrecht meeting discussing awareness display of AbortusInformatie.nl educating youth about abortion at university Hogeschool Utrecht.

Disclaimer: we do not own the movie clips in this video. This video is only made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. All rights belong to their respective owners.

https://utrecht.bestuurlijkeinformatie.nl/Agenda/Index/7f07f11b-9e7b-4c34-a3e6-dccb26b2faf6 minute 39

Watch beating heart of alive baby in womb 4 and 6 weeks after conception!
The sound of the beating heart is of a baby 6 weeks from conception, with permission.
This video is the property of www.erf.science, which is a science foundation with no political affiliation or position on any policy issues.

Vergadering van gemeente Haarlem 4 maart 2021 vanwege afbeeldingen van AbortusInformatie.nl in ABRI reclamezuilen bij bushaltes nabij abortuskliniek Heemstede.

Council Haarlem meeting discussing images of AbortusInformatie.nl in bus shelter advertising by the abortion clinic.

Disclaimer: we do not own the movie clips in this video. This video is only made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. All rights belong to their respective owners.

https://haarlem.notubiz.nl/vergadering/839068/Vragenuur%2004-03-2021 minute 19

"An important anti-abortion lobby organisation" - AbortusInformatie.nl Radio November 13 2021 Spijkers met Koppen. We were contacted on the Tuesday for interview in this debate on the Saturday, but Friday evening 20.00 it was suddenly cancelled. The interview lacked the necessary balance, as instead, 2 pro-choice women (incl. parlementairian Corinne Ellemeet [Groenlinks]) discussed how bad we were. Ha!
“Je refereert denk ik nu aan de website AbortusInformatie.nl – een heel neutraal klinkende naam … "
“I think you are now referring to the AbortusInformatie.nl website – a very neutral-sounding name…
A line that you can call… that's also an important part of the strategy - yes - present yourself as neutral, and it turns out, when you call, that info is not neutral, and with the other hand rake in the money! (huh?) For example, I read that in the article, there is a line that you can call to get info about what you could do if you are pregnant unintentionally but it turns out that the info in this case is an important anti-abortion lobby organization.
And that sends you in the direction of other options…
Part of the strategy is - present yourself as neutral - give seemingly objective help.
Parliament – to check that boundaries are reasonable – do not give money to organisations that are coloured.
Conclusion is that anti-abortion is on the rise in the Netherlands
By using language (in the past more religious), it's nowadays more about that … cleverly … about human rights.

Part of the strategy is to present yourself as neutral, providing seemingly objective help.
They adopted the American strategy.
At times they mixed us up with Siriz who has been granted government money - not us AbortusInformatie.nl. We rely solely on donations.

Collection day at an abortion clinic in Vienna. What is in the backpacks? At the same address - school classes visit: "Can one smell their pubic hair?"

Alarm! Plans underway for partnership 'block' EU and Africa would give impressive majority of 106 votes in the United Nations General Assembly, enabling passing of most resolutions (binding) worldwide! Be aware! This is not in the best interest of Member States, but world control. Depopulation.
Salome van der Wende speaks on behalf of OneOfUs Netherlands

The text of the agreement: https://tinyurl.com/2amj347n
The status: https://tinyurl.com/2p82fkd3
Timeline: https://tinyurl.com/mrxhr6ph
Brief overview: https://tinyurl.com/4r5f6b47

In 2016 the Netherlands become a member of the executive board of the World Health Organization (WHO), to enable more influence on policy, according to this newspaper https://tinyurl.com/2zsdserx

Vergadering van gemeente Utrecht 1 april 2021 vanwege afbeeldingen van AbortusInformatie.nl in ABRI reclamezuilen.

Council Utrecht meeting discussing images of AbortusInformatie.nl used in ABRI advertising along street, at metro station, and at busstops.

Disclaimer: we do not own the movie clips in this video. This video is only made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. All rights belong to their respective owners.

https://utrecht.bestuurlijkeinformatie.nl/Agenda/Index/8f61c52c-c3a5-4803-8569-abe70a79018c minute 7


Created 3 years, 2 months ago.

14 videos

Category Education

AbortusInformatie.nl AbortionInformation.eu - set up by women who regret their abortions. If we had seen the reality of abortion beforehand, we would have made a different decision. Naïve, not interested in religious aspects, if government says it's ok to do, and your doctor as well, what do you do? Please educate yourself beforehand. It was only after seeing reality that we fully comprehended what we had done: it was our own baby, our own son/daughter, we had killed.