A Different Adventure

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A Different Adventure



When we ask this question the most common answer is: "More!" We are not that satisfied with what we have because we are often looking in the wrong place. When I ask myself this question I often think I deserve this particular reward more than most. That might sound arrogant but wait for the answer.
What we deserve is not what we want or even really think about. How good are you? How wonderful are you? When it comes to the One who can see into your heart and knows what you are really like - what do you honestly think your reward should be?
Jesus spoke about this topic to warn us about a future that may well be too hot for too long in a place you don't want to be - Hell. Jesus is someone we can trust. He came back from the dead to prove it. He is also are proven escape from a distinctly uncomfortable future. The Lake of Fire is not a holiday resort and there is no return ticket. Jesus is our escape plan. You need to turn to him and trust him that what he has done for you is enough to rescue you and make sure you don't end up in Hell.

Not many people know that tomatoes were designed. We take them for granted and rarely think about where they come from or how complex they are. We live in a society that is deeply rooted in Materialist Atheistic religious adherence to the idea that life in all its complexity came about by pure chance - it just happened! This is neither scientific nor rational. It is a deeply religious belief system that has no basis in real science. All we are given is fine sounding stories but with no actual observations to support them. Evolution has never been observed it has just been explained. It is a theory that flies in the face of reality.
Design on the other hand is obvious. Even Richard Dawkins admits his observation would lead him to believe in design but his prior commitment to his religious Materialist philosophy means that he cannot accept what he observes.
In the end design is obvious and so there must be a designer. Who is he? Has he spoken? And what does it all mean?

Part 4 to come next

Here we go further with our effort to explain the issue of truth and the need for God. As I try to explain that truth is an objective reality, some people get a bit upset and try to shut me up. They don't want any challenge to their irrational position. Because they have no argument they try to use abuse and logical fallacies to shut me down. The Woke believe that only their "truth" is what should be allowed to be heard. This is very dangerous.

Looking further into the issue of how we understand truth and the issue of identity in our modern era. If we want to know the answer to the question we have to understand "Truth." If all there is, is a chance universe, then "Truth" is meaningless. There is no basis for truth or for the ability to know truth. So is it realistic to believe that complex life came about by blind chance? What are the implications if the idea of Chance is so improbable as to be irrational? We are left with one option and that is in a designed universe there must be a designer who exists outside of the universe...

We went out in Belfast to ask the question: "Can a man be a woman?" There was some interesting interaction clearly demonstrating the lack of logical and critical thinking in society today. The question was used to raise the subject of "Truth." What is "Truth" and how do we understand it? Does everyone have their own truth? Is truth relative? Is truth an objective reality regardless of what we believe?

Doing outreach on the streets of Belfast Northern Ireland. We asked the question: "Is it right?" The answers people gave we put up on our sketchboard and asked if everything started with a Big Bang and there is only chance is there any basis for right and wrong? No there is not. With a demonstration that Evolution is not possible the relevance of the Creator becomes evident.
We demonstrated the need for God to make sense of the world but also to make sense of our lives. Jesus is God come to Earth to rescue us from our own failure. He brings us the gospel, the Good News. The question is: Will you turn to Him as your King and find forgiveness?
If you are a follower of Jesus will you go out and tell the people about their desperate need of Jesus? We are all called to be busy with evangelism but very few can be bothered. Why is that?

Can you know? Can you know why you exist? People sometimes ask: Why do I exist? Why do you exist? It is a question that we often laugh at because it just seems absurd. How can life have meaning or value when we come from nothing by chance?
Of course we all have a desire for meaning but it seems to elude us. Why is that? There is an answer and there is a definite way to find meaning and value that cannot be found in our standard Western cultural understanding of reality. If there is an Infinite Personal Creator God who has spoken we can find meaning in Him. There is no other option. The meaning of life is found in the One who gave us life in the first place.
I hope you really get something out of this video and that you will be challenged and greatly encouraged.
I have taken some scenes while riding around on my Honda NC750X. I hope you enjoy the wonderful scenery we have here on the North Coast of Northern Ireland.

Can you know...? What can you know? Can you know your future? If the Infinite Personal Creator God exists and he has spoken then we can know our future. It will be a future of consciousness either with God or without God. It will be good or it will be too awful to contemplate.

We have a choice to make about God and if we want to spend eternity with him or if we would rather be in the Lake of Fire (Hell) for ever. The only way out is Jesus who said: "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." He gives life real meaning.

We are led to believe that we have value but on what basis. If we live in an impersonal, chance universe then why would we have any value at all? Why would anything have any value? On the other hand if we live in a deliberate universe we can find a logical reason for great personal value regardless of how others perceive us or our bank balance or our input into society.

A quick look at what Satan is like and how he is influencing some things today with Covid, vaccines, deception and lies. Considering the future plan and how to escape his claim on you that will otherwise drag you to Hell along with him.

What reason do we have to say that Hitler was wrong? What basis do we have to say that anything is wrong as opposed to right. We live in an age that says: "Live and let live." That would mean let Hitler do his thing. Our relativistic view of life has major flaws. When we look at the evil of Hitler if we do not have a sufficient basis for saying that he is wrong then our society is going in the same direction. Mass murder is happening again. The unwanted are being murdered. There is deliberate division in society. There is a metaphoric Yellow Star for some. History teaches us we learn little or nothing from history and if we don't learn from it we are destined to repeat it.

The poor teaching about salvation in the Christian community is really sad. Most Christians have little or no idea about the Biblical teaching regarding how a person needs to respond to the gospel. There are many ideas out there and much confusion. Here is a challenge from someone who had to investigate it for himself and change his mind.

Many will struggle with this challenge because many use the idea of Jesus knocking at the door without really thinking about it. We must go back to the Scripture and be honest. This idea, of Jesus knocking at the door, has been misused to make people and ministries look good by having large numbers respond in evangelistic pursuits. It makes you look successful in pragmatic terms but in reality it is deceitful. It does no service to the truth or to the King. Playing the numbers game is dishonest.

For training in this area and in the practical outworking of the teaching get in contact with: https://kingswarriors.org/

Here we look at the basic difference with Christianity in Africa and in the West. The Cross and the Tower are used as an illustration to bring home the hard truth and a call for change.
https://kingswarriors.org/ is set up to help equip those who want to tell others.

Here we have a quick look at some of the implications of the resurrection of Jesus. If it is really true what does it mean for me? Well, it means a whole lot of important stuff. If Jesus really came back from the dead - death is not the end, Jesus is really who he claimed to be, he is the judge of the living and the dead, he credits all who believe him with the righteousness of God. Better off with the righteousness of God then trying to have our own righteousness/goodness.

[email protected]

How do we know if anything is right or wrong? We all have a sense of right and wrong as we are moral beings but we disagree as to the specifics. We have different opinions and preferences. These opinions and preferences are not moral standards but opinions and preferences. In order to know what is objectively right or wrong we need to find a source outside of ourselves to give us the answer. This can only be an infinite, personal, creator who has spoken. Otherwise it will never be enough to sustain society when things get difficult. One young woman stands up for the murder of the weak. If you murder a baby in the womb that is right, that is ok. Abortion is the murder of the innocent, weak and dependants. Is murder wrong? It seems for a lot of people it is quite acceptable. But if God exists and he has spoken that is where we find the answer to the question. He does exist and he has spoken. Murder is wrong!

If Jesus actually came back from the dead it would be quite something but how can we know if he did or not? There are some questions we can look at that can give significant insight into the issue. Faith can be blind faith but Christian faith is not blind faith. It is faith in that which we know about not what we want to be true despite the evidence. If Jesus did not rise from the dead it is all pointless. If he did rise from the dead we had better listen to what he has to say.

Many say that no one ever came back from the dead. How sure are you that is true? Sure it doesn't happen every day and if it did happen that would be quite something. Someone claiming to come back from the dead would really change things if it was true. Did Jesus really come back from the dead?

There are many reasons you could be struggling as a Christian. One of the most significant areas of confusion and distress can come from how we understand our relationship to the law and grace. Here is a quick look at the subject to bring some encouragement and remind you of why and how you stand.

Toss was looking for meaning and a reason for life in different directions which was confusing. Surely there has to be more to life than this?

Sometimes it is hard to see the wood for the trees. Life appears absurd and doesn't seem to make sense. Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die... or so I thought but one-day things changed...

We asked people in Belfast who they thought Jesus was. The answers were... interesting.

With all the suffering cruelty and death around us, where is God? If God is so good and loving why does he stand back and let all this happen? Surely there is an answer or is life just a hopeless, meaningless mess that has no point? With the threat of Corona and Covid-19, anxiety growing and people in lockdown with the threat of lethal infection, where is God? Is Jesus still relevant in our society today?

Thanks to those who gave free use of their video clips:
Tomb opening
Video by Jeff Jacobs from Pixabay
BBQ Steak
Video by Max Berube from Pixabay
Air show
Video by Vimeo from Pexels
Black And White Video Of A Busy Street
Video by Free Videos from Pexels
A Crowd Of People Dancing In The Street
Video by Taryn Elliott from Pexels
Trash And Debris Collected Inside a toxic Warehouse
Video by Pressmaster from Pexels
Video of People walking
Video by Pixabay from Pexels
Video by Pixabay from Pexels
A Man On A Microscope Studying A Sample And Recording It In A Computer
Video by Pressmaster from Pexels
Tombstone Markers Placed On A Graveyard
Video by Erkan Avanoğlu from Pexels
Digital Formation Of A DNA In An Animated Presentation
Video by Pressmaster from Pexels
The Sun Illuminating Earth's Surface
Video by Space Space from Pexels
A Woman Using A Binoculars telescope To See Clearly
Video by Taryn Elliott from Pexels
A Chess Game Pieces Made Of Glass
Video by Magda Ehlers from Pexels
Close-Up Video Of A Woman
Video by Taryn Elliott from Pexels
Different Kinds Of Vehicles On The Freeway
Video by Mike from Pexels
Video Presentation Of The Outer Space
Video by Frank Cone from Pexels
A Woman Dancing Happily In The Middle Of The Field Of Flowers
Video by Taryn Elliott from Pexels
Pirate flag
Video by Oleg Gamulinskiy from Pixabay
A White Flag Swaying By The Wind Blows
Video by Magda Ehlers from Pexels
Video Of Crowns Focusing
Video by Pixabay from Pexels
Video Footage Of Crossing A Bridge
Video by Pixabay from Pexels
Struggling To Live In A Plastic Environment
Video by cottonbro from Pexels


Created 3 years, 4 months ago.

22 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Life is an adventure. Everyone is on some sort of adventure. It may be good, it may be a struggle, it may be full of suffering or a combination but we are all on an adventure of one type or another. Our foundation in life determines a lot about the adventure we are on. The foundation in my life is the Lord Jesus Christ - the one in the Bible not the religious variety. He changes the way a person sees things and experiences life. I am on A Different Adventure. Check out my channel and maybe one day you will want to be on A Different Adventure too.