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This is historical documentation of the 1870s Paris Commune in the context of our current cultural environment.

The Franco-Prussian War has catastrophic consequences for European cultural history. France was subsequently radicalized by social justice activists, while the Paris Commune has become the basis for anarchism, communism, feminism, and globalization for every generation of revolutionaries.

Truth is not about endearing itself to the lowest common denominator.

Va Shiva

REGARDING COVID-19: There are so many levels of deception and corruption that cannot be explained in a few sentences. There were many levels of attacks and crimes happening all at one time. Yes, they used a fraudulent PCR test to create Covid cases when in fact it was just the flu or common cold or nothing at all, as in the case of asymptomatic testing that showed 97% false positives.

MIT Professor of Meteorology Richard Lindzen confirming there is little evidence of man-made climate change.

Freedom loving MEPs demanded the immediate resignation of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen who failed to disclose communication with the CEO of Pfizer. They also called for an ending of imposition of EU's Digital Covid Certificate which is useless, unnecessary and discriminatory.

German Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich gives his opening statements at the International Criminal Grand Jury Investigation involving the most heinous crimes against humanity committed under the guise of a corona pandemic on a global scale.

Left & Right, Black & White Unify at Defeat the Mandates Rally in Washington DC

Sunday, January 23, 2022 witnessed a gathering consisting of people from all political stripes coming together in the nation's capital to stand up to COVID-19 vaccine mandates and the creeping authoritarianism that Americans have experienced since the beginning of the pandemic.

In this video, comedian Jimmy Dore and The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal discuss the importance of the event, and Max delivers the speech he would have given in Washington DC if authorities hadn't cut the power and forced the crowd to disperse.

What's going on with the AG filings?

Catherine is lang beleggingsmakelaar geweest. Ze heeft in de regering van George H.W. Bush gewerkt als “Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Housing”. Daarnaast runt ze al een behoorlijke tijd het platform The Solari Report.

We spraken over Catherine haar tijd onder de “Bush administration” waar ze begon te zien hoe corrupt de politiek en het systeem is. Over de periodes van bedreigingen richting haar en haar familie. Het monetaire systeem en hoe het ingericht is. Wie trekken er aan de touwtjes achter het wereldtoneel? Wat staat ons te wachten de komende tijd? Wat kun je nou zelf doen? En nog veel meer.

Op 20-11-2021 was er in Stein een vuurwerk protest. Een protest omdat ALLES in ons leven al is afgepakt.

De video begint rustig maar wordt een beetje heftiger naarmate de video vorderd.

De agenten hier hebben zich naar omstanders die niets misdaan hebben ZWAAR misdragen.

Ook sloegen ze een man met een knuppel op zijn hoofd terwijl hij ver weg van het protest.

Ik zal binnekort aangifte doen van mishandeling en vernieling....


Created 2 years, 11 months ago.

399 videos

Category News & Politics


Roberto Petrella, Italian doctor denounces the following finding *worldwide Covid 19 is a mass extermination program for the world population,*
Excited by what he is about to say, and with a hoarse and torn voice, the Italian doctor *Roberto Petrella has recorded an 8-minute video that is a wake-up call to the Italian people and also to the whole world*. This brave and exemplary doctor only confirms what many of us have been seeing for months, that *a worldwide genocide is on the way.*
*This is a video of extreme urgency*, he begins by saying.
Covid 19 is a global program for population reduction, *it is estimated that with the vaccine they want to impose at least 80% of the population will die*
What they intend to inject is the most terrible of all known vaccines
*Do not do any tests, they are not reliable tests. The virus test results are false* because they are performed in the presence of fungal and bacterial infections.

*Rejecting tests is the only way to reject the vaccine*

*I have said it and I repeat it: no test is capable of detecting SARS-COV-2.*

Pay close attention because they will begin to test children and from there it will spread to the whole of society, they will begin to do massive tests to children in schools, once their child is tested they will begin to test the whole family and to all close contacts, the idea is that healthy people officially appear as sick.

I remind you that we are not sick, we are healthy carriers that have viruses, that does not mean that we are sick, even if you test positive two or three times, that does not mean that you are sick.

I ask you please not to fall into the trap that they want to set you up to.

*Once vaccinated we will all be weakened and we will meet certain death. Tell people not to get tested*
This video is so that you do not say that you were not warned
The behavior of politicians is completely disheartening
Most of the vaccinated people will cease to exist for society
China is already doing real tests in several cities, Spain and Argentina are the pilot countries for Latin countries in relation to mass vaccination
*I will prefer death but not vaccination*