Anne Fallible

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Anne Fallible




The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Sunday Vespers (6 p.m.)
Psalm 134 ~ 0.21
Mary the Dawn, Christ the Perfect Day ~ 0.46
St. Germanus of Constantinople ~ 1:37
Psalm 110 ~ 2:07
Psalm 112 ~ 3:08
1 Peter 2 ~ 4:22
Revelation 19 ~ 5:09
Revelation 12 ~ 6:13
St. Sophronius ~ 7:15
Angel's prayer at Fatima ~ 8:36
St. Alphonsus ~ 9:13
The Magnificat ~ 10:53

Choral Music of Ruth Elaine Schram: Magnify the Lord

The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Little Hours: Terce 9:00 a.m.


Your help, propitious Mother, lend us
And from the dreadful foe defend us.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever.

Hail, Ark of the Covenant, Solomon's throne
The rainbow you are through the Deluge that shone.
Bright bush of the vision, fair flowering rod!
Sweet morsel of Samson, sealed closet of God!
O, how befitting The Wisdom divine
To prepare for Himself A nature like Thine!
To which not a speck Of the error of Eve,
That taints all beside, For a moment could cleave.

My dwelling is in the highest heavens

Revised: The Jewish Religion, It's Influence Today

Table of Exhibits:

To read along:

Credit: thunder_sound_FX-Grant_Evans-1523270250

The difference between the members of the Sanhedrin and the disciples was -- the Jewish priests insisted that the body of Jesus was stolen and secretly buried by Joseph or the disciples. The latter believed Christ had risen according to His Word, on the third day, to be the first-fruits of all who slept....Sorrow turned into triumph and an unquenchable zeal to preach the Gospel to all the world. Joseph of Arimethea, the uncle of Jesus, was no longer guardian over His corporeal existence but over a greater treasure -- Christ's sacred mission on earth. Henceforth, he was to be the guardian of all the beloved against the arch-enemy, and ultimately their leader. He began to dedicate himself to his amazing destiny, which later was to make it possible for Peter and Paul to accomplish their great work in the service of the Lord. Joseph himself was to plant the roots of Christianity in fertile soil where it would flourish and never perish from off the earth.

NOTE: The word Gentile/ Gentiles comes from a Latin word which basically means "ONE WHO IS NOT A ROMAN CITIZEN." Which would refer to those Adamites dispersed in the British Isles from 3000 B.C. as The Isles were not part of the Roman Empire.

The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Little Hours: Sext (6th hour- noon.)

Your help, propitious Mother, lend us
And from the dreadful foe defend us.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever.

Hail, Virginal Mother, hail, temple divine

Germans, Europeans, European-Americans, all good souls, UNITE and FIGHT and NEVER GIVE UP!

In discussing reference to the Gauls of France and the Gauls of Asia, Archbishop Ussher sternly rebukes contemporaneous writers for creating the misunderstanding through their ineptitude to examine the ancient documents and compare the records. As we have seen from the few quotations provided, apostolic reference is indicated to the Gauls of France, and not the Gauls of Asia. The presence of St. Philip is established in Gaul and as being his first allotted mission. Other Apostles are mentioned working in Gaul, some of whom we shall see journeyed with Joseph of Arimathea to Britain. St. Clement throws historic light on the illustrious gathering at Caesarea, about the time of this exodus, which tends to support the statement by many that Philip, as the dearest friend of Joseph, with James, was an occupant in the castaway boat along with the Holy Women and others. It is on record that St. Philip baptized Josephes,1 the son of Joseph and later, when Joseph revisited Gaul, Philip sent Josephes to Britain with his father and ten other disciples. Evidently, the Saints arrived in Britain in groups. It is ultimately stated that one hundred and sixty had been sent to Britain at various intervals by St. Philip to serve Joseph in his evangelizing mission.2

Joseph did not linger long in Gaul. A British Druidic delegation of Bishops arrived at Marseilles to greet him and extend an enthusiastic invitation to Joseph, urging him to return to Britain with them and there teach the Christ Gospel. This magnanimous invitation was enlarged upon by the Druidic emissaries of the British Prince Arviragus, offering Joseph lands, a safe haven and protection against Roman molestation.

1 Magna Glastoniensis Tabula.
2 From early manuscript quoted by John of Glastonbury, William of Malmesbury and Capgrave.

NOTE: The word Gentile/ Gentiles comes from a Latin word which basically means "ONE WHO IS NOT A ROMAN CITIZEN." Which would refer to those Adamites dispersed in the British Isles from 3000 B.C. as The Isles were not part of the Roman Empire.

FOLLOWING the disappearance of the body and the Ascension of Christ, an evil, brooding passion for vengeance seized upon the ruling priesthood of the Sanhedrin. In secret conclave they plotted and planned a campaign of unremitting persecution against the followers of ‘The Way’. Maliciously, they determined to exterminate all who failed to escape their bloody hands.

Throughout this reign of terror Joseph remained the stalwart, fearless protector of the disciples and of the women. On every possible occasion he stood between them and their enemies, a veritable tower of strength...Nevertheless, it became a losing battle. Within four years after the death of Christ, a.d. 36, many of the devotees were scattered out of Jerusalem and Judea. There is little doubt that the ships of Joseph, coordinating with the Christian underworld, carried numerous of the faithful in safety to other lands.

NOTE: Cardinal Baronius, who is considered the most outstanding historian of the Roman Catholic Church, quoting from his Ecclesiastical Annals referring to the exodus of the year a.d. 36, solves the mystery as to the fate of Joseph of Arimathea and others who went into exile with him. He writes: ‘In that year the party mentioned was exposed to the sea in a vessel without sails or oars. The vessel drifted finally to Marseilles and they were saved. From Marseilles Joseph and his company passed into Britain and after preaching the Gospel there, died.’

No doubt, this event in British history will come as a surprise to many Christians, but there is a mass of corroborative evidence to support this historic passage by many reliable Greek and Roman authorities, including affirmation in the Jewish Encyclopaedia, under ‘Arles’.

NOTE: The word Gentile/ Gentiles comes from a Latin word which basically means "ONE WHO IS NOT A ROMAN CITIZEN." Which would refer to those Adamites dispersed in the British Isles from 3000 B.C. as The Isles were not part of the Roman Empire.

The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Tuesday morning, Ruth Elaine Schram: Emmanuel Expected Jesus

Three reasons to pray all 15 decades of the Rosary:

There is a special efficacy in praying the 15 decades. Virgin Mary asked us at Fatima to pray the Rosary every day. She was not asking for five decades but fifteen.

The Virgin Mary at Fatima was God’s last olive branch for peace in the world today. Jesus revealed to Sister Lucia in the 1930s that He wanted Mary’s Immaculate Heart to be honored alongside His, and hearts that love the same things share the same dispositions towards others. His request simply reiterated what Our Lady herself had already revealed on July 13, 1917: that God wants to establish devotion to her Immaculate Heart in the world.

The third reason it is a good and holy practice to pray all fifteen decades of the Rosary daily is two-fold: to make reparation for our own past sins and for an increase of actual grace in our souls that will make us more powerful intercessors for others. “The prayer of a just man is powerful indeed,” wrote St. James in his Epistle.

The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin-Litany of the Blessed Virgin

Lord, have mercy on us
Christ have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us

Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.

God the Father of Heaven, Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost, Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us.

Holy Mary {pray for us}

Among the Gauls there existed a deep receptivity for the persecuted followers of ‘The Way’. Between the Gauls and the Judean advocates of Christ there was mutual sympathy. The Gauls were Druidic, and then- faith held sway over all Gaul, which explains more than anything else why the land was a safe haven for Joseph and the Bethany family, as well as the many other converts who had previously found refuge there, after a safe escape from Judea in the ships of Joseph.

Those who have been indoctrinated by the false stories describing the Druidic religion may pause in consternation. The malevolent infamy heaped upon the Druidic priesthood, their religion, with the practice of human sacrifice, is just as untruthful, vicious and vile as
the other distortions stigmatizing the ancient Britons. On close examination it will be found that those who uttered the vindictive maledictions stand out in Roman history as the dictators of the Roman Triumvirate. Their bestial hatred for everything that was British and Christian deliberately promoted the insidious propaganda to defame the people they could neither coerce nor subdue.

The influence Druidism had upon the rest of the ancient world, and its peaceful and ready reception of the Christian faith, proves its noble structure...The Roman persecutors, despising Druidic opposition, intensified their malignancy with the British conversion to Christianity. The Emperors Augustus, Tiberius and the Claudian and Diocletian decrees made acceptance of Druidic and Christian faith a capital offence, punishable by death.

NOTE: The word Gentile/ Gentiles comes from a Latin word which basically means "ONE WHO IS NOT A ROMAN CITIZEN." Which would refer to those Adamites dispersed in the British Isles from 3000 B.C. as The Isles were not part of the Roman Empire.

No Briton ever entered the Temples of Jupiter but, in the ensuing years, thousands of Roman soldiery who served in Britain turned to Jesus, kneeling before the Christian altars with the Christian British.

The banner of the Cross under which Caractacus led the British troops for nine years was to be unfurled at Rome and accepted by the Romans as their national insignia. It was the family of Caractacus who first unfurled that standard at Rome and the family of Arviragus who made it steadfast.

In the end the Silureans conquered Rome for Christ.


The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Little Hours: Compline (before bed)

May Jesus Christ, Your Son, at Your intercession convert us.
And turn away His anger
from us for ever.

Your help, propitious Mother, lend us
And from the dreadful foe defend us.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever.

Hail, Virgin productive, yet mother unstained

Eyes fascinated by the splendour of the Vatican Palace and other sumptuous buildings, not one Christian stops to view this hallowed place which played such a majestic part in making the faith they profess theirs to enjoy. All the riches combined in the Vatican cannot equal one iota of the wealth of devotion and sacrifice made for us within these time-weathered walls. Within its sacred precincts trod two of the greatest of Christ’s Apostles, Peter and Paul

By Pastor Sheldon Emry

It is quite common, in religious circles throughout the world today, to say that Jesus Christ was a Jew....God directed the path of the Christ child to the land of Israel, into a city calIed Nazareth. This was in fulfillment of the prophecy that Christ would be called a Nazarene, which " means "a branch" or "separated one."

The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Sunday 6:00 a.m.
Psalm 51 1:02
The Trisagion 3:02
Angel's prayer at Fatima 4:02
St. Sophronius 4:02
Psalm 118 5:16
Daniel 3 7:59
Psalm 150 8:59
Sirach 24 9:33
St. Athanasius 10:22
St Aelred 11:29
St. Alphonsus de Liguori 12:26
The Song of Zechariah 13:03

The Music of Ruth Elaine Schram: Alleluia, Praise His Name

Revised: The Jewish Religion, It's Influence Today
Table of Exhibits:

To read along:

credit: thunder_sound_FX-Grant_Evans-1523270250

The strange distortion of ancient Britain is the most incredible paradox in history. One could be forgiven for thinking that certain academic minds had deliberately entered into a joint conspiracy to defame the history of those islands and their inhabitants. It is not as though the truth were hidden. They had but to read the classical histories of Rome, Greece and Gaul, as their course affected Britain, and compare notes with the early British Triads. It required
but a mite of effort on their part to search the old church records and the stored tomes in the British Museum Library and other libraries at hand, replete with concrete evidence contradicting the spurious writers. In addition, thousands of Cymric Triads and monastic documents exist, particularly in the Vatican Library, as well as the historic versions of the earliest British historians, Celtic and Saxon. A few enlightened historians did cast gleams of light on the truth, but it was darkened and made obscure by the mass of irresponsible literature foisted on the public.

Truth was lost in unbelievable error....We must ever be on guard against the distorters, the irresponsible, the charlatan and the atheist. Their warped minds are motivated by bigotry, prejudice, intolerance, religious and racial hatred. They delight in destroying the champions of the truth.

NOTE: The word Gentile/ Gentiles comes from a Latin word which basically means "ONE WHO IS NOT A ROMAN CITIZEN." Which would refer to those Adamites dispersed in the British Isles from 3000 B.C. as The Isles were not part of the Roman Empire.

In the year a.d. 42 Claudius, Emperor of the Romans, issued the fateful decree to destroy Christian Britain, man, woman and child, and its great institutions and burn its libraries.¹ To this purpose Claudius equipped the largest and most efficient army ever sent by Rome to conquer a foe and led by its most able generals. In this edict, Claudius proclaimed in the Roman Senate that acceptance of the Druidic² or Christian faith was a capital offence, punishable by death by the sword, the torture chamber, or to be cast to the devouring lions in the arena of the Colosseum. It is interesting to note that this ruling also included ‘any person descended from David’ (Israelites).

1 O’Reiley, The Martyrs of the Colosseum.
2 Suetonius.

NOTE: The word Gentile/ Gentiles comes from a Latin word which basically means "ONE WHO IS NOT A ROMAN CITIZEN." Which would refer to those Adamites dispersed in the British Isles from 3000 B.C. as The Isles were not part of the Roman Empire.

The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Litany of the Sacred Heart

Lord, have mercy on us
Christ have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us

Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.

God the Father of Heaven, Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost, Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us.

Heart of Jesus, Son the Eternal Father {have mercy on us}

The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Monday Prime (first hour, 6:00 a.m.)

God, come to my assistance
Lord, make haste to help me
Your help, propitious Mother, lend us
And from the dreadful foe defend us.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.

Byzantine Troparion
Psalm 51
The Trisagion
Angel's prayer at Fatima
St. Luis de Leon
Psalm 90
Isaiah 42
Psalm 146
Proverbs 8
St. Anselm
Tridentine Introit
The Song of Zechariah

To read along:

The Music of Ruth Elaine Schram (Composer Merit Series): Agnus Dei

The Little Office of the Blessed Mary
The Little Hours: Nones (3:00 p.m.-ninth hour)

Your help, propitious Mother, lend us
And from the dreadful foe defend us.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever.

Hail, city of refuge, the safety of all


Created 5 years, 11 months ago.

33 videos

Category Education