Ascended econ and pol

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Ascended econ and pol

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In this insightful and innovative discussion, we delve deep into two groundbreaking economic concepts: Pactflation and Non-Fungible Wealth Approximations. In a world increasingly governed by complex contracts and unique wealth trackers, these ideas offer fresh perspectives on how we understand and navigate our evolving economic landscape.


this captivating tale of gods and mortals, join Kira, a mortal girl, and Posmeter, a former titan, as they embark on an epic journey to stop the malevolent Viscus from wreaking havoc across dimensions. Along the way, Kira discovers her hidden potential and undergoes a soul fusion with an ancient book, granting her extraordinary abilities as a summoner and ambassador of books. Together with Posmeter, they seek the aid of the god Vaiods to uncover the secret power of the second titan, who ascended to a realm beyond the titan dimension. As Kira embraces her new powers and the mysteries of the multiverse unfold, she is forced to confront the enigmatic truth about Viscus. Will Kira and Posmeter be able to harness the power needed to save their world and stop Viscus before it's too late? Dive into this thrilling adventure and find out!

Posmeter's trials: A Journey Transformed (chapter 5): Ascendance

In this video, we explore the importance of passionate learners in our society and why we need them to drive growth, innovation, and positive change. From self-taught individuals who have achieved success in their fields to those who are dedicated to continuous learning, passionate learners are a crucial part of our communities. We delve into the unique qualities and mindset of these individuals and show how their dedication to learning can inspire others to follow in their footsteps. Whether you're just starting out on your learning journey or you're already a seasoned learner, this video will give you a new perspective on the power of passionate learners and why they are needed now more than ever. So sit back, grab your notes, and get ready to be inspired!

They are scamming if they can't increase house values, that is not to say that I like overly expensive house prices

Discover the power of econometrics and learn how to make accurate predictions about the future of the economy! This video will teach you the basics of econometrics, including how to select appropriate data sources, identify meaningful economic relationships, develop and test mathematical models, interpret results, evaluate effects of economic policies, and assess the validity of economic theories. With this knowledge, you'll be able to improve decision making and unlock new opportunities for success in business and economics.

The bullwhip effect is a supply chain phenomenon describing how small fluctuations in demand at the retail level can cause larger fluctuations in demand at the wholesale, distributor, and manufacturer levels. The term "bullwhip" is used to describe the way a whip amplifies the force applied to it, making it more powerful than the arm alone. Similarly, the bullwhip effect amplifies the fluctuations in demand as it moves up the supply chain.

The bullwhip effect is caused by a combination of factors, including order batching, forecasting, price fluctuations, and rationing. Order batching occurs when retailers group together orders to reduce costs. This practice creates larger orders than what is actually needed, which can lead to stock outs and overproduction further down the supply chain. Forecasting is another cause of the bullwhip effect. Retailers often use inaccurate methods to predict consumer demand, which can lead to overestimates or underestimates. Price fluctuations can also amplify the effect, as changes in price can signal to retailers that demand is either increasing or decreasing. Finally, rationing can cause the bullwhip effect by creating artificial shortages that lead to hoarding and stockpiling.

The bullwhip effect can have a number of negative consequences, including higher inventory levels, increased costs, and longer lead times. In some cases, the effect can even cause supply chain disruptions. To mitigate the effects of the bullwhip effect, companies can use a number of different strategies, including Lean manufacturing, just-in-time inventory management, and demand forecasting.

we must throw out the global elite, but we still need the global economy

We can have a global economy without a global elite.

Academic bias can impact economics in a number of ways. For example, academic economists may be more likely to research and write about topics that they personally find interesting or important, rather than topics that may be more relevant to the real world. Additionally, academic economists may be more likely to believe or support certain economic theories or policies that fit with their own personal beliefs or values, rather than those that may be supported by evidence or data. This can lead to a bias in the economics research and writing that is produced, which can in turn impact the way that economic policy is made or understood.

#economy #keynes #mmt

Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is a school of economic thought that analyzes the way money influences economies. It rose to prominence in the early 21st century, in part because of the Great Recession. MMT was also popularized by a number of high-profile economists, including Stephanie Kelton, Bill Mitchell, Randall Wray, and L. Randall Hoven.

Despite its growing popularity, MMT remains a controversial school of thought. Critics argue that it places too much emphasis on central banks and government spending, and that it does not adequately account for inflationary risks. Supporters counter that MMT provides a more accurate description of how modern economies actually operate

episode 1

The enterprise of economic development is a complex one. This can be illustrated by the fact that the debate on economic development has been contentious and controversial since the 1950s. It is not surprising that the debate continues even in the post-globalization era. Early development efforts started with a singular and unified focus on increasing the production of goods and services, but over the years, the concept of development has broadened. Development has come to encompass different perspectives and approaches, which have been formulated by thinkers and practitioners who have constantly challenged and modified existing ideas. This is not to say that there is a unified theory of economic development. Rather, there is an essential debate on what economic development is and how it can be achieved.

Theorists and practitioners of economic development have defined economic development in different ways. They have also identified different goals and objectives of economic development. In this chapter, we will survey a number of these theories, beginning with what is considered to be among the earliest and most influential theories–the neoclassical theory of development. We will then discuss a number of criticisms of the neoclassical theory. These criticisms have led to the formulation of a number of alternative approaches to development. We will briefly survey some of the most important


Created 1 year, 6 months ago.

32 videos

Category None

Ascended economics and politics, is a channel dedicated to providing information on current and theoretical economic and political behavior, in this channel we put a spin on the things economists like to talk about and point to out-of-the-box solutions to problems we face in society. we may also discuss our form of a sort of anarcho monarchism we like and how they could work as a good stakeholder for a nation

#economy #politics #podcast #education #entertainment