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Jordan has a great non political talk about meaning.

Angela talks about Grit and its influence on success.

Chris Bailey talks about modern distractions.

Dennis Prager talks about gratitude.

Mike Rowe talks about lessons he learned on his show Dirty jobs.

Napoleon Hill has 10 rules for profitable self discipline.

Vanessa talks about communication skills. Tips.

Charlie talks about life and collecting knowledge

Jim Rohn Talks about Diseases of Attitude.

Victor Davis Hanson talks about the influence of Greek civilization on the modern western world.

Julian talks about speech and speaking

Warren Buffet talks about investing.

Ken Mcelroy talks about the financials of running rental properties great info!!

Lacey talks about FIRE (financial independence retire early)

Tali Sharot talks about motivations to change behaviors.

Admiral McRaven talks about lessons learned from navy seal training and beyond.

DR Frankl discusses finding meaning in the hardest of times.

Tony Robins the premier motivational speaker of our time.

Real estate mogul and shark tank star tells her story

Eric Bischoff talk about how the media has become more like pro wrestling than you think


Created 3 years ago.

20 videos

Category None