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Quick tour of one of my bases (survival mode).

I made a blunder and let a skeleton escape the grinder at 08:53... understand even the most seasoned players make errors and I had the situation under complete control when I realized what was happening.

A note on my visible desktop at the beginning:
This and the other Minecraft video were not recorded on my personal computer. I do not leave apps visible on my personal desktop, those belong to other people as I share the pc downstairs with my family. Yes twitch is mine but I only used it to access the SoS MC server. Alright I am subscribed to a few people but I have barely watched any of them outside of YT, I would say I have under four hours watchtime on the app.

Just had to clarify that in case anyone thought I was an idiot.

Thanks, enjoy

Base inside an arch formation I hollowed out on the Sons of Saturn server (survival mode).

Ok so I froze at the very beginning and some other times because my computer lagged alot on the heavily modded server but please don't stop watching there, please please watch the whole video from beginning to end, as it gives you a feel for how I transverse terrain in Minecraft (which is absolutely crucial to understanding the reason I build the way I do, and take longer to enjoy the game than some "expert" players). I know some people have 80hd but it's not so bad, I made the film as short as I could despite not knowing how to edit video files.

If you really can not wait, then the action gets under way at 01:55, if you absolutely must click ahead. Pricks.

If anyone from SoS would like to share screenshots or videos of their bases from the dead server, please do not hesitate to notify me. I would be absolutely thrilled to see what you have of the bases I missed out on; I only really got to thoroughly tour Reisen and 777's bases, after all. (Reisen, 777, if you are reading this, I would still be happy to see images and/or videos of your bases as well, they were magnificent!)

RIP the $100 dollars I spent on server fees; nobody even took notice. Very badly memed.



Created 4 years, 7 months ago.

3 videos

Category Gaming

Aw from Discord. Just uploading videos to share with friends from there, for now, though I may diversify content in the future.

I am new to Bitch ute; very thankful for the opportunity to publish videos without having to set up a new google account that requires a damned phone number to set up and doesn't allow me to bypass, as I would have had to do over at YouTube. Sodomites.

I didn't want to post the videos on my old YouTube account because outing myself as a Gamer would have put me in a bad light in the eyes of several people I have been debating over the last three to five years in the comments sections of various political and World Star Hip Hop fight compilation videos, and believe me they do check my feed for ammunition (I can only imagine the glee on their faces and in their fingertips had I ever accidentally left my softcore erotica or anime music playlists in the public view)... Again, very thankful for this site as it is an escape from that toxic environment and a place to more freely express myself.

Looking forward to building my audience here, cheers.

A note to site moderators on my views:
The numbers are inflated due to me checking the videos over and over to make sure they work. I did not mean to cheat or anything.