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Alustasin septembris oma uue sõbra Arttoga anarhistlikust maailmavaatest juhinduvat podcasti.

Anarhia aluspõhimõteteks on iseenda omamine ja vägivalla mittealgatamise printsiip.

Anna ka sina juba järgmiste valimiste ajal oma hääl endale, siis see saab olema esimene kord kui valimislubaduste täitmine oleneb sinust :D

Ancast Estonia podcast:






https://open.spotify.com/show/7Gz7Y7L6AkUa50JnluwLOG? si=A5ASuVqMSJOYtY6BEDJYJw

New anarchy podcast in Estonian

In this video DivineLoveArtto is going over the topic of what is Divine Love, why and how this is life changing. He will be sharing some of his spiritual experiences and explaining the way of becoming united with the Creator through His Nature - Love. Plus much more.

Additional information, messages from the spirit world, answers and resources:


Author’s contact: [email protected]

Original video:


Olen tudeerinud veidi Piiblit, mõistmaks põhjusi miks on just selle raamatu sisu sundinud sataniste kogu maailmas võimu haarama

Teose algus- loomislugu- oli põnev, kuid siis hakkas mind häirima see et Vana Testamendi alguses (Tooras) tahab Issand Jumal et ka küllalt väikeste eksimuste korral inimesed kas ohverdaksid loomi või saaksid ise surmatud.

See on emotsionaalselt küllalt keeruline lugemisvara ning ma otsustasin edasi liikuda.

Võtsin käsile Uue Testamendi.

Selle evangeeliumidest selgus et Jeesus pöördus oma palvetes alati Isa poole, kes on Toora Issand Jumalast väga erinev, armastav ja õiglane tegelane.

Nii hakkas mul tekkima kahtlus et jutt käib kahest erinevast entiteedist, kuigi Piiblis selle kohta selgitust ei leidunud.

Olles selle üle mõnda aega pead murdnud, jõudsin ma tänu ühele meie Ancast Estonia podcasti tellijale selle videoni.

Asjad hakkasid paika loksuma.

Täispikk originaalvideo:



Recently, I’ve been doing some Bible reading to grasp the importance of this book and to better understand why Satanists are so desperate to rule the world.

It was fascinating at the beginning but then things got out of hand - what bothered me was that as my reading of the Old Testament (Torah) progresses, the Lord God starts to want everyone to die and sacrifice animals for the slightest error in following his whims and demands.

This book is seriously challenging to read.

Then instead, I jumped to New Testament.

Turned out that in its Gospels, however, Jesus refers to the Father, a very different and loving being from the Torah's Lord God.

There was a suspicion that these can't be one and the same being, that there must be two different entities, but I could not find anything in the Bible about this.

Then I saw this video and things started to fall in place.

Original full video:


There has been a lot of talk recently about the germ theory vs terrain theory.
Many people have come to the conclusion that the germ theory is bunk and terrain theory is what it is all about. And although this is true and we do need a pure terrain to avoid bacterial infections and fungus problems, nobody seems to know how the terrain actually kept clean.

Dr. Robert Morse fills this gap.

Original link:


Dr. Morse talks about symptoms called "cancer". It's a loaded word, triggering countdown to imminent death in everyone who is assigned to the task of carrying a label "cancer patient". Turns out cancer is a boldfaced lie, condition that is more or less easily to reversable when untouched by the medical maffia but you have a good chance to do it even if they did.

Original videos:








Original video from Apple Diaries Mariah YouTube channel:


Prof Spira toob veidi kainet mõistust nohu, köha ja palavikuga tegelemisse. Huvitaval kombel ei maini ta kordagi testimise ega hingamisaparaatide vajalikkust...

Originaalvideo Prof Spira YouTube'ikanalil:


Prof Spira reintroduces a little bit of common sense in regards to dealing with sneezing, coughing and fever. It's curious that he doesn't mention once the need for testing or ventilators...

Original video on Prof Spira's YouTube channel:


If you still believe there are serious goodwilling people "leading us"...just take a look at this guy.

People's demonstration of will in Tallinn on November 27th 2020.
I was there to show my nonconsent with so-called "orders" from the narcissists in the "government" to wear a mask indoors in public places.

There was also a live video available during the event:


Inimeste tahte avaldus leidis aset 27.-ndal novembril Tallinnas.
Olin seal et näidata mittenõusolekut "valitsuse" nartsissistide nn "korraldustega" mille kohaselt peaks kandma avalikes siseruumides maske.

Sündmuse ajal oli ka otseülekande vaatamise võimalus:


I have heard that many or even most people remember certain Johns Hopkins University as John Hopkins University. Dr. Morse seems to agree. I tend to think that they are right.
According to Wikipedia, this university is named after Johns Hopkins who was named Johns at his birth. So a simple explanation of a name change is not possible.
Keep in mind that sometimes the name change reverses and this video is relevant only at the time of posting this video at December 25th 2020.

Original video:


For more information about Mandela Effect, check out Brian Staveley on the internet- YouTube, Dlive, Facebook, Odysee etc.

Here is his ME short list on his (currently active) YouTube channel:


Olen kuulnud et paljud, vast isegi enamik inimesi mäletavad Johns Hopkinsi ülikooli (Johns Hopkins University) kui John Hopkinsi ülikooli (John Hopkins University). Dr. Morse paistab nendega nõustuvat. Ja ma arvan et neil on õigus.
Vikipeediale tuginedes saame teada et see ülikool on nime saanud Johns Hopkinsilt kellele pandi Johns nimeks juba sündides. Nii et lihtsa nimemuutusega seda asja ei seleta.
Tuleb aga meeles pidada et mõnikord nimi muutub tagasi, seega on see video kindlasti asjakohane vaid 25. detsembril 2020- selle postitamise päeva seisuga.

Originaal video:


Rohkem inglisekeelset infot Mandela efekti kohta leiab Brian Staveley'lt. Kasvava tsensuuri tõttu tuleb teil ta ise internetist leida- YouTube'ist, Dlive'ist, Facebook'ist, Odysee'st etc.

Siin on prooviks pleilist tema ME teemaliste videotega tema (hetkel toimival) YouTube'ikanalil:


Iga mõtlev inimene saab aru et väidetava viiruse väidetavad mõõtmed on kordi väiksemad kirurgi- ja tolmumaskides olevatest õhupooridest. Milleks siis kogu see tsirkus? Pool maailma lämmatab end asjata ja varjab oma nägu. Kahtlemata on siin mingid muud motiivid mängus ja ürituse rituaalne tõlgendus tundub asjakohane...

Originaalvideo Greg Reece'i YouTube'i kanalil:


Every thinking human being understands that the alleged size of the alleged virus particles is much smaller than the porosity of any surgical or dust mask. So what is all the circus about? Why half of the world is suffocating themselves and hides their face? No doubt that there is something else going on and ritualistic interpretation makes a lot of sense…

Original video from Greg Reece’s YouTube channel:


Uus nädal, uus teema. Heitkem siis sellesegi jäneseurgu veidi valgust.

Originaalvideo Baller Dave'i YouTube'ikanalil:


New week, new topic. Lets throw some light into this rabbithole too.

Original video from Baller Dave's YouTube channel.


"Tõde maski ei kanna, ei kummarda inimeste altarite ees, ei otsi omale kohta ega heakskiitu. Ta vajab ainult ärakuulamist."

Originaalvideo Baller Dave'i kanalil:


"Truth wears no mask, Bows at no human shrine, Seeks neither place nor applause, She only asks a hearing." Quote from the foreword of Carl A. Wickland's book "The Gateway of Understanding"

Original video from Baller Dave's channel:


Kliimamuutus...on see lihtsalt alusetu propagandamüüt või leidub seal ka tõetera mida soovitakse demagoogia kihtide alla matta? Otsusta ise.

Originaalvideo Spacebusters'i BitChute'ikanalil:


Climate change...good old CC (33) again). Is it just a propaganda myth or is there something real to it that needs to be buried under truth's protective layers? You decide.

Original video from Spacebusters BitChute channel:


Until now I have refrained from addressing our socially engineered degenerative food choices from emotional angle. As you may have noticed it is the common mistake many militant vegan activists do. I think it is more important to show people the mechanisms of destruction so they can understand the immediate benefits for themselves. And once they have entered the world of detoxification and are eliminating all this pus, mucus and acidity from their bodies, they become more sensitive to subtler laws of morality anyway. Ethics is the natural effect of understanding the health, not the other way around. So therefore it is only logical that at this point I chose to bring in some emotion and present this video featuring Mariah Manazza from YouTube channel Apple Diaries Mariah.

Original full video:




Senini olen ma hoidunud meile sissejuurutatud enesehävituslike toitumisvalikute kritiseerimisest emotsionaalsest vaatenurgast lähtuvalt. Nagu olete võib-olla märganud siis on see agressiivsete veganaktivistide tavaline viga. Ma arvan et on tähtsam näidata inimestele kuidas täpselt nende tervise laastamine aset leiab, et nad mõistaksid kuidas nad otsest kasu saavad kui loomsetest söökidest loobuvad. Ja kui nad on asunud oma keha puhastamise teele ja algab kogu sellest limast, mädast ja happelisusest vabanemine siis muutuvad nad ka tundlikumaks moraaliseaduste nüansside suhtes. Eetika kasvab välja tervise mõistmisest, mitte vastupidi. Nii et on ainult loogiline, et olles käinud seda teed juba mõnda aega, otsustasin ma ka veidi emotsiooni mängu tuua ja esitleda seda videot Mariah'ga YouTube'ikanalilt Apple Diaries Mariah.

Täispikkuses inglisekeelne originaalvideo:




Some myths are hard to kill and "stars and planets are wavy circles" meme appears to be one of them. Despite being a simple issue of not knowing how to focus the lens.

Kes teab mis maailmas toimus tuhat aastat tagasi kuid siin on siiski midagi mille üle mõtiskleda. Merealuste sidekaablite paigutus ja valdava osa lennureiside teekond näib selle video põhiideed kinnitavat- “ekvidistantne asimutaalprojektsioon” on tegelikult algne maailmakaart ning “maakera” on sellest tuletatud kolmedimensiooniline mänguasi.

Originaalvideo “Flat Earth, Banjo, USA, Japan and Brazil” YouTube’i kanalil:


Who knows what happened on Earth a thousand years ago but I think you’ll find something here to think about. The arrangement of undersea communication cables and most of the flight paths seem to confirm the main idea of this video- “Azimuthal Equidistant projection” is the original world map and the globe is just a 3D toy that it is derived from this.

Originalvideo from “Flat Earth, Banjo, USA, Japan and Brazil” YouTube channel:


Muidu ükskõiksed inimesed üle maailma on hakanud mõistma olukorra absurdsust ja tulevad tänavale oma meelemuutust demonstreerima. On küll veel palju rahvusromantilist hümnilaulmist ja maagiliste lipukestega lehvitamist (hea näide kognitiivsest dissonantsist!) aga algus on ometigi tehtud.

Nüüd oleks veel vaja tagada et "tühja kõhtu" ja "haigusi" karta poleks vaja, sest need on asjad mis sind lõpuks alluma sunnivad. Seni kuni sööme kraami mida seesama kontrollisüsteem (mille vastu me protestime) meid sünnist saati on sööma julgustanud ei ole meil erilist edu loota. Sest isegi kui praegune süsteem igasuguse füüsilise kontrolli kaotab ja põranda alla läheb, säilivad sisseprogrammeeritud mõttemustrid siiski meie põletikulistes ajudes ning me hakkame kohe jälle vägivaldseid struktuure looma ja toetama.
Et seda kõike vältida, uuri edasi kuidas minna üle järjest kergemale ja vähem keha toimimist tõkestavale toidule ja tee endale selgeks paastumise põhimõtted, kasutades näiteks professor Arnold Ehreti raamatute "Limavaba tervisetoit" ja "Paastumise abil haigustest vabaks" abi. Inglise keele oskajatele on suureks abiks ka Prof Spira YouTube’ikanal:


Soovitan ka uurida permakultuuri ja "Tagasi Eedenisse" (Back to Eden) aiandusmeetodit et vältida asjatut energiakulu endale toidu kasvatamisel.




Otherwise indifferent people have been waking up to the absurdity of the situation and are coming to the streets to demonstrate their change of mind. Granted, there is a lot of romantic hymn-singing and flag-waving (great example of the cognitive dissonance right there) but the first step is taken.

What remains to be done now is to ensure that you are not in fear of “empty stomach” and “diseases” because these are things that eventually make you to surrender. Until we eat exactly what this same control system (against which we are protesting) has been encouraging us to eat since our birth, we have little hope for success. Because even if the current system loses any physical control over us and goes away, the programmed thought patterns will remain in our inflammed brains and we start creating and supporting violent structures again. So to avoid that, find out how to transition to lighter, less obstructive foods and learn about the principles of fasting- for example by studying the books of Professor Arnold Ehret- “Mucusless Diet Healing System” and “Rational Fasting”.
Great help is also Prof Spira’s YouTube channel:


Also look into permaculture and Back to Eden gardening in order to avoid wasting your energy when growing food!

Original video:


On inimesi kes väidavad et “me” oleme teadnud juba tuhandeid aastaid et Maa on kerakujuline ning kõik vaatavad maailma eri nurga alt ja näiteks Uus-Meremaal kõnnib inimene lausa taldadega meie suunas! Ah, kui me vaid saaksime siit Eestist neid läbi selle imelise Keramaa vaadata…
Nüüd aga selgub et leidub veel inimesi kes mäletavad et see Narnia kroonikatesse sobituv fantaasialugu on suhteliselt hiljuti õppekavadesse lisatud…
Ma ei ole ise religioosselt identifitseerunud kuid seda David Weiss’i intervjuud eaka kristlasega jagan ma teiega meeleldi :)

Originaalvideo DITRH’i YouTube’ikanalil:


David Weiss’i Lausiku Maa päikese, kuu ja sodiaagi kella äpi tutvustus Jeranism’i YouTube’ikanalil (inglise keeles):


There are people who claim that “we” have known for thousands of years that the Earth is spherical and everybody sees the world from different angles- a human from New Zealand walks with his soles toward us! If only we could see through this amazing sphere-Earth!
But it turns out that there are people who remember that this fantasy story (which is a fit for The Chronicles of Narnia) has been added relatively recently to school curriculum…
I am not identifying with a religion myself but I am pleased to share with you this David Weiss’ interview with elderly christian :)

Original video on DITRH YouTube channel:


Introduction of David Weiss’ Flat Earth Sun, Moon and Zodiac Clock app at Jeranism YouTube channel:


Päike ei looju maakera kumeruse taha vaid liigub tasapinnalisel alusel oleva maaga paralleelselt kuni kaob silmist lisanduva atmosfääritiheduse tõttu.



Conspiracy Music Guru album:


The sun doesn't set but goes further, moving parallel to flat Earth. Until it disappears because of increasing density of the atmosphere.

Original video:


Album from Conspiracy Music Guru:


Kumb oleks siis lihtsam ja odavam- kas lennutada satelliite fantastilisele vaakumis ümber maakera kukkumise orbiidile või riputada need lihtsalt õhupalli külge ja saata stratosfääri, selle eest siiski astronoomilisi summasid sisse kasseerides? Otsusta ise.

Originaalvideo Friend of Yahweh kanalil:



What would be easier and cheaper- to launch satellites into fantastical orbits, falling around the Earth-pear in the vacuum or just attach them to balloons and launch to stratosphere while still cashing in astronomical sums? You decide.

Original video from Friend of Yahweh's channel:



Created 6 years, 6 months ago.

66 videos

Category Education