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Despite the necessity to face an impending food crisis the European Union and the Dutch government have shoved down an anti-agriculture directive which keeps stirring up mass protests and violent altercations in the Netherlands. The German parliament Bundestag has turned down the option to continue nuclear energy. The ECB keeps flooding the place with money, but given the inflation that is going to change. A disorganised brainstorm.

[No continuation of German nuclear energy]
[video Dutch farmer protests]
[thumbnail ressources]
[brain image]
[thunder image]

I haven’t uploaded anything in a while. So I do a little explaining here. A lot of terrible things are happening. Additionally, I try to work on improvements. After all my reach is small (and I suspect nefarious reasons). Eventually I will need some kind of breakthrough and have to find new ways to raise the quality.

People hate the media. Media dishonesty has accelerated considerably in the West since around 2015. The well-deserved loss of trust has made some jump onto the irrational assumption that whatever sounds the most remote from their media's explanation is the reality. This "logic" has absurd side effects such as the mainstream media still remaining the compass and that you have to mirror their inconsistency whenever they knot their narrative into pretzel.

In need of finding a standpoint that looks - at first glance - like the most remote one from that of Western media, a variety of political influencers have blindly trusted Russian media. The irony is big, literally, since Russian propaganda is infamous for its absurd level of inconsistency.

Konstantin Kisin gave an interview to Brandon O'Neill for 'spiked.' For my video I slapped some illustrations on some audio excerpts. You find the full conversation here:

creative commons images used:

The respectable guys on an isolated remote island are, of course, FreedomToon's 'Debunkers':

Vladimir Milov served under Vladimir Putin as his Deputy Energy Minister. Since then they had a little fall out. US General H. R. McMaster interviewed him for his show 'Battlegrounds' (organized by Hoover Institute). In the interview Mister Milov explains Putin's rise, some inner workings of the administration in Russia and the attitude of the public. The full recording is long and you find it here:

This video summarises and adds illustrations to the audio. Unfortunately, the microphone and/or sound setting of the original document are underwhelming and I do not know how to improve on that. If somebody can clean it up and make it available to me, I will re-upload it with the polished sound. But in any event it is easily comprehensible still. On some segments (notably at the beginning) the voice modulation sounds strange. This is because my cuts "corrected" grammar flaws or pre-empted an interruption of the interviewer that make listening to it rather more difficult. They do not misrepresent Vladimir Milov's views (and everybody can check the original to prove me right).

used creative commons images:

video that I used for orientation to illustrate the 'bottom up movemnt':

Carl Bildt is a Swedish diplomat and conservative politician. In a conversation with Russian dissident Vladimir Milov he addresses the fact that the motivations stated by Russia make no sense. Ukraine"s constitution even forbade a NATO membership. This was only changed after Russia annexed Crimea, occupied government buildings in the East of the country through proxy "separatist" forces and armed years of attempts at an insurrection.

The full conversation can be found here:

Helen Dale's first novel 'The Hand That Signed The Paper' won critical acclaim and a variety of prestigious prizes like the Miles Franklin Award. Yet, what followed her heightened visibility in the public eye was not a privileged pathway to more success, but a decades-long cancel-culture witchhunt. In her book she described the pressures on and the weaknesses of Ukrainians during WWII. Stalin committed a genocide against them only a few years earlier. The Nazis, at the time, looked like an opportunity to break free from Russian control. It is this historic dilemma Vladimir Putin weaponizes against Ukraine today. In those dark years a disproportionate number of Holocaust enablers emerged from this brutalised country. Cultures change. Ukrainians have made huge strides in the past. One very visible, and thus often repeated, example is that they voted for a president who is the descendent of survivors of both major genocides the country had seen, the Holocaust and the Holodomor.

The audio that I chopped up and rearranged into a somewhat cohesive narration (while preserving Helen Dale's viewpoint integrity) was taken from two sources. The parts discussing Ukraine and its history was taken from an interview conducted by Neil Oliver. You find it following this link:

The bulk of it comes from a conversation on the podcast 'Disaffected.' The show hosted by Joshua Slocum scrutinises the mass madness of our times.

creative commons license images that I included:

I summed up, re-organised and illustrated some of the points Konstantin made in his conversation with Triggernometry partner Francis Foster. You find the full conversation here:

Please, share my content! I try to upload fairly regularly. Sometimes, though, I invest time in improvements which is bad for the social media algorithms. This time I made a pause to set myself up to make these illustrations that I premiere today with this video.

I re-purposed a creative license image to speed up the process (I didn't want to think up a street scenery):,_Colombia.jpg

While the truckers in Canada get the applause they rightfully deserve, the European anti-covid-policy protests get little attention. For weeks masses have taken to the streets of Germany and demand an end of the restrictions and mandates. The difference to your average protest march is that they are wildly decentralised and unorganised. There are known as The Street Walks (Spaziergänge, singular: Spaziergang). They carry their message not just through the big cities, but more importantly through hundreds of little towns and villages. Authorities move heaven and earth to ban the demonstrations and fine the participants. But as freedom of assembly is a human right enshrined in the constitution, there are limits to what they can do. In my video I explore those limits and walk you through the relevant laws and court precedents.

[Artikel 8 GG]
[§ 14 VersG: announce assemblies]
[§ 13 VersG: grounds on which police can end protest]
[§ 15 VersG: grounds on which local authority can ban a protest]
[groups can be dispersed when highly infectious person or corpse]
[roaster of measurements for epidemic situation of national significance]
[Brokdorf verdict]
[town Ostfildern's banning order]
[state of Baden-Württemberg order quoted in Ostfildern banning order]
[The disease control law protest bans quote because it entitles state authorities to act through orders]

[Wikipedia article about the Brokdorf Supreme Court verdict]
[Koblenz banning order]
[city of ulm sets mask mandates for time spots]

[pol distance measures & walk bans]
[hut citizen (Hutbürger) lost job]

[truck convoy Canada]
[Protest News "Thousands of people are taking to the streets"]
[BMedia "This is

In the last week of 2021, a video circulated on the web. It showed Sergeant Major (Oberfeldwebel) Andreas Anton Oberauer issuing a vague warning against unnamed politicians without specifying much. He set an “ultimatum” in the event that the corona policies were not lifted by 4:00 p.m. (presumably of the following day - but that was also unclear). A second video revealed the nature of his "warning." He “ordered” his subordinates to dress in uniform and protect the decentralized anti-corona-policy protests.

And while his behaviour was obviously erratic, it drew my attention to the fact that a vaccine mandate was already silently introduced at the Bundeswehr. Soldiers are generally submitted to some vaccines. They are diseases that they are likely susceptible to, for example, those which are endemic in other countries. This situation is expanded to include the new vaccine. Other countries are likely to have similar arrangements. So I explain in detail how this works.

[Oberauer asking colleagues to guard protesters in uniform]
[letter of Oberfeldwebel/sergeant major Oberaurer]
[Robert Müller case]

[Daniel Futschik letter 1]
[Daniel Futschik letter 2]
[Daniel Futschik says in that letter that according to the Bundeswehr committee Schlichtungsausschuss (session 11/22/2021) only 90,000 flu vaccines are administered annually]
[Stern reporting on bully letter to generals]

related laws:
[unprofessional orders must not be given]
[law regarding 'obligation duty'(Duldungspflicht)]
[obedience paragraph does not apply to orders unrelated to military matters]
[Wikipedia claims that illegal orders must be followed]
[political activism in the context of mil service is forbidden]
[law requiring permit for wearing uniform out of service]
[duty of care]
[threat to military order requirement for 1st offender disciplinary arrest]
[Soldatengesetz/soldier law paragraph 55, enacted to dismiss Sergeant Robert Müller] https://www.

The dismissal of Prof. Kekulé was carried out in a brutal fashion. The university president Christian Tietje initiated an investigation into trivial workplace contract violations, two colleagues sent a letter to 50 directors of the university's hospital complex, a letter that was quiet on the charges, but loud in its support of the action taken against their colleague, and thus the professional relationship was ended. The 'preliminary dismissal' is particularly aggressive as it does not only remove the suspect of a disciplinary enquiry from his duties with immediate effect, but signals that the authorities are confident to strip him off of his pension scheme and his protected legal status (Beamter) that is attached to the professorship.

Alexander Kekulé suspects that his dismissal is politically motivated, yet only connected to his requests for a better funding of his field. Chances are that some of his public positions may also have played a role. In general his positions are very much in line with the WHO (and I don't share many of his positions at all), but there are also some inconvenient views. The aggressive nature of his removal indicates that he follows the likes of Tim Hunt, Alessandro Strumia and (shirtgate) Matt Taylor as another victim of academic cleansing.

My little addenda: The booster shot risks are not represented with an iid random variable and we should not treat the risk of continuous vaccine shots as if they were binomially distributed. We need an open discussion and debates are stymied when academic witch hunts take place. I don't need to agree with Prof. Kekulé to defend him as a scientist.

[Kekule complained that vax campaign created false sense of security & that vax wasn't updated for noval variants]
[three months booster recommendation for all adults]


On the 2nd December the EU Commission issued a statement on their official website that reports on the assurance of the German government to prevent ultra-vires verdicts of its courts. "Ultra vires" are cases about alleged power overreaches of an institution. The conflict that sparked the utter submission of our legal system under the arbitrary rule of the EU resulted from a struggle between the German Supreme Court and the EU Court of Justice over the rightfulness of the national central bank's bond-buying activities abroad. I explain the details in the video. The website with the note is this one:

[thumb nail image resource]

I don't hold any rights on his speech and less so on its visual part, but I can safely assume Monsieur Zemmour's consent to my use of it since it is the defining nature of a political campaign to see its material widely spread.


[thumb images]

As Europe boils over in the face of aggressive anti-Covid policies, more and more nations add pain to injury and roll out vaccine mandates. Olaf Scholz, the prospective Chancellor of Germany, has already stated his support for this. But what are the justifications for it? How do unvaccinated people affect others? And more importantly are these externalities, the effects of the citizens' decisions on others, big enough to warrant government interference? In my video I look at the heart of the controversy.

The study I focus on:

[virus evolution trajectory]
[Italian mass protests a couple of weeks back]
[Omicron looks mild so far]
[Russian troops on Ukrainian border]

image sources:
[footage protest Trento, Italy]
[thumb creative commons]

The Clown World must reform. Every madness needs a shrink and every disorder needs a therapy. These are my remedies:
No 1: Open communication!
No 2: Limit the power of NGOs!
No 3: Whittle down the deep state!
No 4: Formation of a citizenship and a constitutional, minimal social contract!
No 5: Delimit the boundaries of the government!
No 6: Make government accountable!
No 7: Term limits!
No 8: Government shall not fund political parties. Parliamentarians' salaries should be linked to income average in their constituency.
No 9: Subsidies should have military purposes only!
No 10:Supranational bodies must be cut back!
The list is not comprehensive, but a good shot on the bottleneck issues.

[Soros saying that he was influential in the events around 2014, known as Euromaidan]
[Merkel Zuckerberg hot mic situation]
[Reagan and Thatcher image]
[image Victor Davis Hanson]
[Bertelsmann shareholder structure]

Around 40 flights from the Middle East land at Minsk airport everyday. Thousands of migrants amass on the border to Lithuania, Latvia and Poland to put pressure on their border controls. The numbers keep rising because Belarusian President Alexandr Lukashenko issues plenty 'tourist visas' to load his weapon, the weapon of mass migration. The migrants are retaliation for EU's sanction which followed election fraud, a brutal crackdown and the forced landing of an Irish Airline to arrest oppositional blogger Raman Pratasevich Раман Пратасевіч.


{consider a translation tool like Bing, google translate, babblefish etc. for the following two articles. They also include the footage]

The Bundesrat (roughly comparable to the US Senate) has passed a law to monitor our heating habits. The lawmakers say that they want us to learn how to heat 'consciously' (German: 'bewussten und sparsamen Umgang mit Wärmeenergie anzuregen'). A snitching, remotely accessible heating meter is to be mandated on all new installments and existing heaters will be fitted with one by the end of 2026 at the latest. On our utility bills we will not only see our energy use compared to that of the previous year, but also to the AVERAGE of OTHER RESIDENTS.

[study vaccine versus virus exposure immunity]

[thumb. cave]
[footage Leipzig, Germany 1990]

The New York Times had gone on a witch-hunt to oust the editor-in-chief of Europe's largest tabloid newspaper BILD. And they did! Julian Reichelt had to step down because of vague allegations of misconduct around women. There were little specifics. The reason - which I dropped from the video itself to keep its length at bay - was given as a supposed cover-up by other media professionals, notably the competing publisher 'Ippen.' Ippen had run an investigation searching for texts and indicators for misbehavior at the competitor's office. At the last minute the story was pulled. And for the German media and the New York Times (who broke the story anyway) this supposed "cover-up" is a major scandal. How can a story that apparently is about private, romantic relationships and not about Clintonesque groping or rape be without public interest when the accused party is a conservative? Scandal!

But the New York Times went a step further and scoured the earth to find incriminating material against Reichelt's boss at the time, the CEO of the Springer media corporation Mathias Döpfner. And they found another skin crawling scandal: a private text message in which Döpfner calls the current neo-Marxist atmosphere reminiscent to the fallen East German dictatorship! Scandal! The editors of the New York Times must have scratched their heads wondering how a man in a Western country can walk free despite offering his own views in private conversations! How dare he! He is German, but not Muslim-German, so he must be punished!

Magazine 'Übermedien' jumped in and asked all major news organizations that cooperated with Mathias Döpfner to give a statement about that evil, rebellious private text message. And sure enough, Mathias Döpfner caved in and wrote a show-trial-like statement to apologize for his privately held views, only shared in a private conversation, which he claims were misunderstood. I run you through the malice of his scary writing. We are heading towards Helloween. So be scared! Be very scared!

Fun note: I just noticed that Döpfner watered down his privately stated accusation of journalists being 'propaganda assistants' to 'PR assistants' in his public apology!
[taz, email exchange with Dirk Ippen|!5807209/
[tweet Ben Smith]
[NYT on FOX]


Our public broadcaster aired a speech by Detlef Flintz which sounds like a page from the Great Reset playbook. And it is shockingly direct. Yes, you will consume less. Yes, you will be forced. Yes, you will produce differently. Yes, masses will have to rely on welfare. Yes, we will rebrand it as basic income. Yes, we do make comforting promises about its sufficiency. Telling the masses these things plainly is so far the most brash test balloon that I have seen.

[the speech without my translation]
[Italy green pass]
[EU Poland clash]
[confetti artwork used for thumb]
[arrow artwork]

Some people seem to be everywhere at once. Who can say whether Dennis Prager hosts a radio show, writes scholarly books about Judaism or runs the web enterprise 'PragerU'? He is all and does it all. Likewise father of seven children Götz Kubitschek runs the literature publishing house 'Antaios', operates a book retail distribution service, works an organic-food farm and is the editor-in-chief of his own magazine 'Sezession.' Secret service 'Verfassungsschutz' will now be allowed to tap his private communication and use secret spies against him and his think-tank 'Institute for State Politics' (German: Insitut für Staatspolitik). They have classified him now as "right-wing extremist." And we all know what this means. Nazi-like. But the authoritarians on the left don't admit what their accusations actually mean and 'right-wing extremist' is received by the wider public as "Nazi" when in Reality it is one of these fuzzy proxy-words that are too vague to allow for any defence. Kubitschek's wife Ellen Kositza even speaks Polish!

Outside of that it is NOT the job of intelligence agencies to create or destroy potential majorities in the electorate. And what is important for people to understand is that human rights violations are acceptable here because Germans, like most of us, fall into a schadenfreude-self-booster fallacy. When somebody is hurt, we hope that he deserved it. Government overreach can be built on the sentiment that everybody has it coming.

[DW, short fair-use quote to make my point]

[question mark, creative commons license]]
[geometric objects]
[thumb, creative commons license]

On September 13th, multiple detailed bomb construction manuals, doxxed home addresses of politicians (mostly AfD) and a blatant call to murder was published on Indymedia. The site can be accessed anonymously, but this specific post is now made accessible for subscribed users only. However, I found it archived in the google cache.

[article focus]
all creative commons pics from Wikipedia

For the quick ones: not much. However, I would be remiss to not talk about it given that everybody pretends that we had much of a choice and that we as a people were respected as the sovereignty in our own homes.

The sources are the google search result for the parliament seats and the email Youtube sent me.
[law allowing parties to enter parliament with fewer than 5% of the party list votes]

Gab's legal team is flooded with correspondence from Germany. The authorities are utterly concerned about evil speech giving rise to Polit-Satan - coincidentally - shortly before the upcoming general election. CEO Andrew Torba wrote an email to his subscribers contemplating whether fight or flight is the right reaction. Should Gab block German IPs? Or should all those fines and legal threats go straight into the trash bin where all those spam fake invoices go?

source material:
[Jan Böhmermann pic]
[Klaus Schwab pic}
{WEF logo]

A sea of tents sprawls over the US American airbase Ramstein (Germany, state of Rhineland-Palatinate) to host at least 20,000 Afghans; more likely 34,000 already. About a thousand arrivals land every day and the troops have moved a 5,000 of them to their nearby military base 'Rhine Ordnance Barracks.' The US works feverishly to expand its capacity there to host even 6,000 of them. And while many conservatives have dropped the ball in their obsession to exploit any failure of the Biden administration, the uneasy question who can be rescued, correctly identified and who can not remains unanswered. Commentator after commentator shows compassion with that 50% of women that will have to live under the Taliban despite the Pew Research finding that 99% of those very women want to live under shariah law. Everybody feels heartless asking how the other 1% can be identified so we don't import the very Taliban we once set out to fight. And now with the sprawling camp smack in the middle of Europe nobody knows how to get some of the "rescued" back home again.

[about the Court of Justice ruling*]
[parliamentary correspondence on the number of army and foreign office cooperators 'Ortskraefte']

[thumb, Ramstein air base]

*CAVEAT: I didn't see an English source for the court ruling. ZEIT, a major German newspaper, does just write 'European court of justice' (europaeischer Gerichtshof) which could be wildly interpreted as any court in Europe. Without context, such as in this article, the expression is about the EU Court of Justice. But given that I cannot find an English source immediately chances are that ZEIT could have made a mistake.


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

194 videos

Category None

Political and social commentary from the bad-weather California, formerly known as Germany.

Available to interview requests and other ideas through:
[email protected]

Feel also free to comment on my videos directly and don't forget to like and subscribe.