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in Georgia, Atlanta, USA.

I am releasing my Coronavirus medicine secret to the public, the laboratories and pharmaceutical companies, the ministry of health, the CDCs, and the health researches institutes worldwide (Africa, Asia, Europe, the Americas, Antarctica). It has been tested as authentic by a laboratory in the USA (as referenced in the video).

My goal: to do what is morally and ethically right before God and humanity based on the evolution of the development of this project for humanity you will discover in this video. And as a human being, to positively contribute to the survival of our fragile civilization against our common invisible enemy that knows no race boundaries, COVID-19.

Please listen and watch this video until the end to learn about the ingredient and the formula. DO NOT FAST FORWARD it because of my accent or English, but instead, please listen with your heart and act accordingly.

You are welcome, and I encourage you to download this video, post it on various social media sites to help spread this message worldwide before it gets censored. Pass it on to your government officials, newspapers, and scientists. They will know what to do next with this information.

As you listen to the story, remember that I have done my part to save your life, the life of your family, and consequently of your offsprings.

My contact and message to your leaders and scientists are listed on the first and last page of this video. Or you can visit us at, "Covid-19 Cure Developed by Christian Bernard Magnongui" subpage, under the main page "Pyramid Project".

Christian Bernard Magnongui
Founder, Author and Independent Pyramids, Obelisks and Climate Change researcher at

John Voight "Fight Like It is our Last Fight on Earth...As if we don't know the truth...There would be a price to pay...My friends of all colors, races & religions, this is now our greatest fight since the civil war...The battle of righteousness..."

My personal message to the President of Egypt and the Ministry of Antiquity.
An overview of the Reincarnation of Great leaders: From Louis de XIV to a Sioux Chief son and Malcolm X. An insight of my upcoming book volume 3 of "The Challenge of A Message: from the United States to France and Switzerland".

(sorry for my nose appearance... I put some Vaseline inside to heal before living home...With the mandatory mask against Covid-19 here in France, after removing it, I didn't check my face like does "single man" in a mirror, before doing this video🙏.
I guess I know why I need a 💞heart💞 by my side?!?).

Nevertheless, I hope you got my message for the Egyptian government.

Please share!
Pyramid Project (Pyramid Presentation)
Youth/Parents (black Child-science and the survival of humanity)

In response to the BURNING forests in the USA, the Amazon and Australia, being used by the Democratic leadership "politicians", since the previous administration, to advance their global warming hoax agenda on Climate Change "caused" by the increase of carbon dioxide during this 2020 presidential election; while in fact, the frequent and unusual hurricanes and tornadoes happening in the USA and around the world can be justified by honest and sincere scientists, as consequences results of the South Atlantic Anomaly: the Deterioration of the Earth's Magnetic Field.

What is the purpose of carbon dioxide or green gaze effect?
A Definition from a book of science:
CO2 is one of the different “greenhouse gases” in the atmosphere, which act as the panels of a greenhouse vis-à-vis light rays. These gases are essentially transparent to low-wavelength radiation, allowing solar rays to heat the planet, but they absorb long-wavelength radiation in the infrared spectrum. Therefore, when the planet re-emits heat in the form of infrared, it is trapped by the atmosphere. Life on Earth is only possible thanks to this natural greenhouse effect which maintains a higher temperature of 33 degrees C than it would otherwise be (-18 degrees C).

The bedside book of Chemistry
by Joel Levy
As translated from the French version book.

Le CO2 est l’un des différents « gaz à effet de serre » de l’atmosphère, qui agissent comme les panneaux d’une serre vis-à-vis des rayons lumineux. Ces gaz sont essentiellement transparents aux radiations de basse longueur d’onde, permettant ainsi aux rayons solaires de réchauffer la planète, mais ils absorbent les rayonnements à grande longueur d’onde dans le spectre infrarouge. Par conséquent, quand la planète réémet de la chaleur sous forme d’infrarouges, celle-ci est piégée par l’atmosphère. La vie sur Terre n’est possible que grâce à cet effet de serre naturel qui maintient une température plus élevée de 33 degrés C de ce qu’elle ne serait sinon (-18 degré C).

The bedside book of Chemistry
by Joel Levy

How could Carbon dioxide be the cause of Climate Change?
Courtesy of
Pyramid Project (Pyramid Presentation)
Youth/Parents (Black child - science and the survival of humanity)

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* * *

,via the book Project: "The Pyramids' Mysteries Resolved: Scientific Solutions to Challenges Regarding the Earth's Magnetic Field and Climate Change" in 2011, Seattle, Washington, by Bernard Christian Magnongui.
|☆☆☆| The Recurrence of the Coronavirus.
|☆☆☆| The Consequences of the Deterioration of the Earth's Magnetic Real Cause of Climate Change, etc.
|☆☆☆| The Pending International Scientific Expedition in the Pyramids.
|☆☆☆| Happy birthday to myself 🦅🦅🦅

May God have mercy on humanity!
Pyramid project (Pyramid Presentation)
Youth/Parents (Black child-science and the survival of humanity)
The Pyramid's Mysteries Resolved: Scientific Solutions to Challenges Regarding the Earth Magnetic Field and Climate Change 1 St Revised Edition.
Link to Amazon:
The Challenge of A Message: From the United States to France and Switzerland, Tome 1
Link to Amazon:
In case you Facebook does not allow you to share this video, you can still share its YouTube version at

Could the fire in California be Man made? Hear the Divine Revelation.
Why is Barack Hussein Obama Masterminding the death of the discoverer of the science of the Pyramids and Climate Change (not man made) in Europe? Would that explain why President Kaddafi killed?
God's Revelation to Americans concerning FAST & FURIOUS Guns. Revealed by the discoverer of the ancient science of the Pyramids and Climate Change (Christian Bernard Magnongui).
Pyramid project (Pyramid project Presentation)
Youth/Parents (Black Child-science and the survival of humanity)
YouTube Video:

What ideology the founding fathers of the US fought for?
Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.
George Washington

What makes America different from the other countries?
Why is that everybody wants to leave their lands for America?
Americans, be grateful for keeping America A Capitalism Nation.

Eagles fly alone and at high altitudes.
They don't fly with sparrows, crows, and all the other little birds.

Stay away from the narrow-minded people, the ones who can bring you down. The eagle flies with the eagles. Keep yourself in good company

*2. Eagles have a clear vision.
They have the ability to focus on something over a distance as far as 5 km. Regardless of the obstacles, the eagle does not deflect its attention from the prey until it catches it.
You have to have a vision and stay focused, no matter what the obstacles may be, and you will succeed.

*3. Eagles don't eat dead things.
They feed only on fresh produce.
Don't count on your past successes, keep moving forward, making new conquests. Leave your past where it belongs, in the past.

*4. Eagles love the storm.
When the clouds gather, the eagle is excited, it uses storms to rise further. Once it finds the wind of the storm, the eagle will use the raging storm to rise above the clouds. This gives him the opportunity to slide and rest on his wings. Meanwhile, all the other birds hide in the branches and leaves of the tree.
Face your challenges head-on knowing that from these you will come out stronger and better than you were before these challenges. We can use the storms of life to reach higher peaks. Those who focus on performance are not afraid to climb to the highest peaks. They are not afraid of challenges, but rather they enjoy them and use them profitably.

*5. Mating or amorous play in the eagle.
When a female eagle meets a male and they want to mate, she flies down to the ground, picks up a twig and climbs up into the air with the male eagle in pursuit. Once she reaches an altitude high enough for her, she drops the twig on the ground as she looks. The male eagle chases the twig, catches it before it falls, then brings it back to the female eagle. The female eagle again grabs the twig or twig and flies at an even higher altitude to drop it again somewhere for the male eagle to continue to pursue it. This will occur for hours at ever higher heights each time, until the female eagle is assured that the male eagle has mastered the art of catching its twig, which is proof of its commitment. Then and only then will it allow him to mate
Whether in private life or in the company, you need to test the commitment of people who want to partner with you. Only associate with people who have really demonstrated that they want to associate or work with you and have shown determination to do so. This principle can also be used when it comes to accepting a spouse for life.

*6. Eagles prepare their young for flight.
They remove feathers and soft grass from the nest so that their young become uncomfortable, and prepare them to fly, eventually the young feel compelled to fly when it becomes unbearable for them to stay in the nest.
Drop your comfort zone, there is no growth for anyone staying in their comfort zone.

*7. When the eagle ages.
Its feathers become weak and can no longer train it as fast and as high as they should. This makes him weak and could make him die. So he retreats to a place, far into the mountains. There, he plucks the weak feathers from his body and breaks his beaks and claws against the rocks until he is completely naked; a very bloody and painful process. Then he stays in this hiding place until his new feathers have grown, and his new beaks and claws have formed, and then he comes out, capable of flying much higher than before.
We need to deliberately get rid of old habits, no matter how difficult it is, the things that weigh on us and add no value to our lives must be abandoned. There is no "it's like that"

"Fascinating isn't it!"
Are you a quiet little sparrow that runs away at the slightest sound or do you have the mink of the eagle?"

To put into practice.
* * *
For the future generations

The South Atlantic Anomaly (S.A.A), Atmospheric Variations (Climate Change) are recurring Earth's Magnetic Field phenomenons.
The solutions used by ancient civilizations were, are, and will always be the scientific understanding of the Pyramids. Carbon dioxide (CO2) has nothing to do with atmospheric variations (climate change).
Just read about history!

"The Pyramids' Mysteries Resolved: Scientific Solutions to Challenges Regarding the Earth's Magnetic Field and Climate Change"
To purchase the book on Amazon:

Visiter notre site internet:
(The Pyramid project) and climate change

My blog page:

Note: We do not own the copyrights of the videos compiled in this short documentary. Used for scientific research and educational purpose only.
This video was first published on August 30, 2015 on YouTube:

Pourquoi les civilisations anciennes ont-elles investi tant d’énergie dans la construction des Pyramides, quelle importance avaient ces édifices sur leur survie et quel impact peuvent-elles avoir aujourd’hui sur la préservation de l’Humanité, dans un monde de plus en plus soumis aux catastrophes naturelles et dérèglements climatiques ? C’est à ces questions que l’auteur, à la lumière de plusieurs recherches scientifiques, a tenté de répondre dans un premier livre paru en 2011, intitulé : Les Mystères des Pyramides Résolues : Les Solutions Scientifiques aux Problèmes Relatifs au Champ Magnétique Terrestre et au Changement Climatique. Le présent ouvrage est l’occasion pour lui, de revenir sur son parcours, les évènements marquants de sa jeunesse, sur les convictions intimes et spirituelles qui l’ont mené à se pencher sur ce projet de grande envergure.Du continent américain à l’Europe, il évoquera dans ces pages les embûches et difficultés rencontrées, mais également sa grande détermination à aller au bout d’une mission qui lui a été confiée par le Divin.

Un Ouvrage à Découvrir !

Acheter sur Amazon:

Visiter notre site internet :
(Le Projet Pyramide) et le Changement Climatique.

CBC DZINTARS CERS, Nina Hilger discuss the pyramids and Climate Change with Christian Bernard Magnongui (Broadcasting from Lyon, France. Dec 18, 2013).,

Original YouTube video posted :

Christian Bernard Magnongui:

Why did ancient civilizations invest so much energy toward the construction of the Pyramids? What did these buildings contribute to their survival and what impact might they have today on the preservation of humanity in a world increasingly subject to natural catastrophes and climactic anomalies?

In his first book entitled " The Pyramid’s Mysteries Resolved: Scientific Solutions to Challenges Regarding the Earth’s Magnetic Field and Climate Change," the author addresses these questions backed by relevant scientific research. The current book is an opportunity for him to retrace his steps, starting with events from his childhood, and including the development of the personal and spiritual beliefs that lead him to undertake this important project. He writes of the problems and deceptions that he encountered in his travels from the American continent to Europe, as well as his determination to accomplish the mission that was conferred on him by God.

He founded the Foundation of Classical Music for Children, a non-profit organization dedicated to educating children about the effects (positive and negative) of music sound in schools, and encouraging them to practice a musical instrument. In August 2011, one month after his move from Boston, Massachusetts, to Washington State, Christian-Bernard had an inner experience that invited him to the Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt and a series of dreams (dreams) revealing the scientific goals of building the Pyramids.

Driven by a spirit of adventure and intellectual curiosity, after spending a year and seven months of research work with periodic interruptions in his professional work, and enjoying little income, he devoted his time to continuing his investigations on the subject, until he was able to confirm his intuitive guidance regarding the scientific goals of the Pyramids and how they relate to climate change. The report of his scientific hypotheses is transcribed in his book: "The Pyramid’s Mysteries Resolved: Scientific Solutions to Challenges Regarding the Earth Magnetic Field and Climate Change.

"Wishing to convey this salutary message to humanity, he engages in an unprecedented and arduous struggle to spread it to the international community (the political class, scientists, the media, NGOs, and now the population). This book represents the challenges encountered in this journey from 2011 to June 10,2014; bravado posed in large part by the lack of courage of certain political personalities, but in large part by the lack of media to spread information; it traces some key events that marked his adventures from Washington State to France. In 2014, because of his opposing view on climate change, he was not given a chance for a reentry resident visa in the US at the US Embassy in Paris by the former government of President Barack Hussein Obama.

The President was the first to be informed and invited to support the project for the benefit of the people of America, but instead, he sabotaged it by using his political influence when he served the US at the White House. Now that you have this book in your hands, it relies on your sense of humanity to help it carry its message of humanitarian interest.
To order this book on Amazon:

Visit our website:
Courtesy of
Pyramid project (climate change)
Original link on YouTube:


Created 3 years, 11 months ago.

14 videos

Category Science & Technology

An Independent Pyramids, Obelisks and Climate Change Researcher since 2011, Seattle, WA to PRESENT, France, at

Our main pages of current investigation and research:
-Pyramid project (The Pyramid Project Presentation)
-Youth / Parents (Black Child Science - Science and the Survival of humanity)

Books by the author :

1- The Pyramid Mysteries Resolved : Scientific Solutions to Challenges Regarding the Earth's Magnetic Field and Climate change (2011, Seattle, WA. With illustrations and updates in 2013, Paris., France)
2- The Challenge of A Message : From the United States to France and Switzerland, Tome 1
3- The Power of Musical Sound : how music affects our state of mind, health and society.
4- The Power of Music - An Anthology

French Books / Livres traduits en Français

1- Les Mystères des Pyramides Résolus :Les Solutions Scientifiques Aux Problèmes Relatifs au Champ Magnétique Terrestre et au Changement Climatique.
2- Les Défis D'un Message : Des États-Unis à la France puis la Suisse, Tome 1.

Christian Bernard Magnongui
Available at Amazon ( Disponibles sur Amazon)