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Theosophy teaches that satan was the enlightener and saviour of humanity

Warning to all spiritual seekers. Theosophy has an underlying philosophy that exalts satan as enlightener and saviour, just like gnosticism.

As a spiritual seeker about 15 to 20 years ago, I was exploring all religions. I thought they were all compatible and were pointing to the same truth, but this is false. I was into tibetan buddhism, hinduism, theosophy, and I even had Blavatsky's books on my shelf. Then one day I discovered a passage which was defending satan, and exalting him as the enlightener and saviour of humanity, like the gnostic philosophy. I was very disturbed and shocked by this. As all along, I always accepted the Bible and Christianity as true, while trying to synthesise and adopt all other religions in a kind of new age way. Well, I had no idea such view about satan existed in theosophy, and to think I had a book on my shelf essentially praising satan, in opposition to the Bible and Christ. This video was made as a warning to any other spiritual seeker, who may not realise the spiritual deception and satanic allegiance behind theosophy. This is one quote from "The Secret Doctrine" that exposes the deception and true satanic philosophy behind theosophy.


Created 4 years, 6 months ago.

1 video

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