Buzz Nightmare

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Buzz Nightmare

Buzz Nightmare


20 minutes of GHI clips, one liners, animations and barbarity.

A look back on GHI Death of Comedy's best as compiled by I.
G & H will also be selecting their favorite moments over the last 2 years. Look for those!

This clip may be part of a new animated b- flick we are thinking about doing. Watching Mr. Bongino's report yesterday we send prayers to him and his family. I wanted to honor him the only way GHI knows how. Enjoy!

The Mayor of Linden just fired his PR guy who was inappropriately messaging with an under age girl. So lets see who he hires next.

GHI isn't putting out podcasts right now but still dropping some humor

I shares thoughts about the current crises. Brings up some uncomfortable truths. Video was banned on you tube...for what? makes no sense. Dude just telling it the way he sees it.

Here is a short to give a taste of some of the nonsense you will find from Buzz Nightmare. An S&M Production spin off from GHI Death of Comedy. We will be playing all kinds of crap so come back again


Created 5 years, 3 months ago.

7 videos

Category Entertainment

GHI Spin off. We ain't right in the head