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Canada is run by the nazi party. They prefer to kill, "euthanize", patients rather than heal them. The United Kingdom, or Great Britain, can't feed it's own people. Welcome to communism! This isn't the first time socialism/communism has resulted in man made famines. The Soviet Union suffered the same fate in the 1930's. Those who are too stupid to learn from history will repeat it. A religious leader said wise people learn from the mistakes of others while stupid people learn from their own mistakes.

Canada is actively supporting nazi ideology regarding how they treat disabled individuals.

Another fake election. For this to be believable would mean the same people that voted for a Republican Congress rep also voted for a democrat Senator. It would also mean the majority of Americans enjoyed the lockdonws, loosing their jobs, having high gas prices, and love it when their loved ones are murdered or mugged by blm and antiffa(nazi) thugs. The Democrats are responsible for all those horrible things and especially for the extreme crime rates around America.

There are more of us than there are of the enemy. We need to act to restore liberty and the rule of law.

In this video I share my thoughts about aliens invading earth. I do believe the UN, which is controlled by communist China, does want to depopulate the planet to less than 1 billion people to the point where all races, except theirs, are extinct.

In this video I talk about who the China communist party owns and who in America are the CCP's allies.

California doesn't need gas powered cars. California doesn't need diesel trucks to bring supplies in to stores. California doesn't even need an electric power grid. The one thing California certainly needs is an expensive electric car for everyone in the State.

California is really the greatest place to live! It's all because of Nancy Pelosi and the other democrats running the State.


Created 1 year, 7 months ago.

7 videos

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