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The subject of Revival is so commonly used currently in many Christian circles and groups, as the church struggles to halt the decay and diminishing influence it has been experiencing in relations to all spheres of life and living. Matters have gone from worse to catastrophic as the global pandemic is throwing significant challenges and demands unto the backs of Church lacking vigor and vitality. The only way out is for those who still have some breath left to turn to God with a cry for revival.

Question: When Christians talk or pray for revival, are they praying for the same thing? Can they differentiate true revival from false revival? Is there even a clear definition for revival?

These questions are very pertinent for the season we are in. For many are praying for revival, others are preaching about it, while some say they are already in it. At Candlelighters International we consider the stakes to be very high to just rush over the phenomenon of revival and its importance for such a season we find ourselves. At such we decided to engage in a deep dive into the subject of revival. For more about us please visit https://www.candlelightersinternation...

This video is the first within a series of 8 videos on a review of What Really is Revival?

We understand that your interest on the subject of revival prompted you to check out this content. In order to have a complete grasp of what the Lord is saying with respect to the phenomenon of revival, we urge you to make time to view all the other 7 parts of this review. We are very certain you will not regret it.

This first video serves as an introduction into the series of reviews that will be produced by Candlelighters International. Our aim is to stimulate you to consider researching deeper into the subject of Revival. For we are certain that the Holy Spirit wants to reveal more to you than you can ever imagine.

The outline of the review on What Really is Revival? is as follows:
Part 1: The Meaning and Context of Revival
Part 2: The Purpose of Revival
Part 3: True Revival
Part 4: The Fruits and the Sustainers of Revival
Part 5: The Life of the Word and Revival
Part 6: The Foundations Preceding Revival
Part 7: The Shekinah of the Lord and Revival

We pray God's fresher revelation upon you as you engage. You are blessed!

For more information and registration, visit:

PROTECT 2022: Raising Parental Awareness Against Child Abuse and Child Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking.

An expert conference aimed at providing vital information to parents on child abuse, sexual exploitation and trafficking. Conference target goal is to stimulate parents to activate protective measures for their children and home.

Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung unter:

PROTECT 2022: Sensibilisierung der Eltern gegen Kindesmissbrauch, sexuelle Ausbeutung von Kindern und Menschenhandel.

Eine Expertenkonferenz, die Eltern wichtige Informationen über Kindesmissbrauch, sexuelle Ausbeutung und Menschenhandel vermitteln soll. Ziel der Konferenz ist es, Eltern dazu anzuregen, Schutzmaßnahmen für ihre Kinder und ihr Zuhause zu ergreifen.

Pour plus d'informations et l'inscription, visitez

PROTECT 2022 : Sensibilisation des parents contre la maltraitance, l'exploitation sexuelle et la traite des enfants.

Une conférence d'experts visant à fournir des informations essentielles aux parents concernant la maltraitance, l'exploitation sexuelle et la traite des enfants. Le but de la conférence est de stimuler les parents à activer des mesures de protection pour leurs enfants et leur foyer.

The subject of Revival is so commonly used currently in many Christian circles and groups, as the church struggles to halt the decay and diminishing influence it has been experiencing in relations to all spheres of life and living. Matters have gone from worse to catastrophic as the global pandemic is throwing significant challenges and demands unto the backs of Church lacking vigor and vitality. The only way out is for those who still have some breath left to turn to God with a cry for revival.

Question: When Christians talk or pray for revival, are they praying for the same thing? Can they differentiate true revival from false revival? Is there even a clear definition for revival?

These questions are very pertinent for the season we are in. For many are praying for revival, others are preaching about it, while some say they are already in it. At Candlelighters International we consider the stakes to be very high to just rush over the phenomenon of revival and its importance for such a season we find ourselves. At such we decided to engage in a deep dive into the subject of revival. For more about us please visit https://www.candlelightersinternation...

This video is the first within a series of 8 videos on a review of What Really is Revival?

We understand that your interest on the subject of revival prompted you to check out this content. In order to have a complete grasp of what the Lord is saying with respect to the phenomenon of revival, we urge you to make time to view all the other 7 parts of this review. We are very certain you will not regret it.

This first video serves as an introduction into the series of reviews that will be produced by Candlelighters International. Our aim is to stimulate you to consider researching deeper into the subject of Revival. For we are certain that the Holy Spirit wants to reveal more to you than you can ever imagine.

The outline of the review on What Really is Revival? is as follows:
Part 1: The Meaning and Context of Revival
Part 2: The Purpose of Revival
Part 3: True Revival
Part 4: The Fruits and the Sustainers of Revival
Part 5: The Life of the Word and Revival
Part 6: The Foundations Preceding Revival
Part 7: The Shekinah of the Lord and Revival

We pray God's fresher revelation upon you as you engage.

You are blessed!

This video serves as a quick introduction to Candlelighters International and its mandate, goals and objectives.

The video presents a quick review of the contemporary state of life and living of our world. It highlights the need of the Christian or Biblical Worldview, and how such a worldview could contribute in improving on morality, peace and the general well-being of humans, if properly practiced in our lives and local communities.

For more information on Candlelighters International, please visit our website

For more information on information on Europe and Christianity, check our Corporate Brochure


Created 2 years ago.

6 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Welcome to this Candlelighters International Channel.

Here, our focus is to bring to you spiritually edifying content that would support and accompany you in your understanding and development of a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

"Lighting Your Fire: One Person at a Time", is our slogan.

Enjoy and be Richly Blessed.