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We are not a shade.
We are not expendable.
We are Canadians.

After my attempt to charge the Prime Minister at the end of 2022, with conspiracy, in a desperate attempt to make sure I would not be separated from my family again, I was shut down by the Justice claiming there was not enough evidence (even though she didn't even have the time to go through all of the documents provided) I then found out that Reuters did a supposed "fact check" on the "Grenades and Tear Gas for the response for COVID 19" which had a piss poor excuse claiming that the government said, in a phone game level of a response, a friend of a friend of a friend said.....that it was just a "technical glitch"

What they didn't catch was that there was another entry with different wording that completely lacks the same "glitch" and "coincidentally" ALSO called for "grenades" and mentions COVID back in 2013. This entire thing stinks. If you like you can check out my new show brand and watch as I show a few 'digs' as a Digga Dawg.

On December 16th 2022 I entered into the Canadian court system a private prosecution against the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau. The charge I believe would be 'Conspiracy to Intimidate with Seditious Intent'. The conspiracy to intimidate is referring to the pre knowledge of "COVID-19" by name on the government of Canada website, which they also attempted to delete. The Sedition is referring to what I believe to be a generational plot.

I believe that Mr. Trudeau is a part of a generational Communist conspiracy that is intended to fundamentally change the country of Canada as well as all other colonies by use of propaganda and weaponized policy. I also believe that the United Nations has either been infiltrated by these "underground Communists" to suit their global ambitions, or potentially it has always been meant for this purpose. Not only is it a plot to change our countries, it also leads to the potential of a global takeover and manufacturing of the world to suit the ideas of un-elected megalomaniacs.

We have seen people throwing documents at the feet of RCMP in recent days, however this private prosecution application was as simple as filling it out and dropping it off at the criminal prosecution window of the courthouse. This does not mean that they will take it seriously, as the crown seems ultimately responsible for the decision to move forward, however, to me, it's a much better option than sitting here hoping the next steps of this global conspiracy does not take place.

Here you can download and examine the evidence folder I have provided them.

Pic of the application.

Youtube upload (to be able to share on social media that blocks Bitchute)

I will do my best to dig into this subject further in the future, but, for now, please share as I do not feel our alternative media such as Rebel News is going to be helping very much as they have avoided contact with me in the past, however I am always open to the possibility of being wrong. Will see, but for now, please help out however you can by sharing this, even if by word of mouth. Thank you.

Go to 20 minutes in and tell me this isn't exactly what we are seeing happening before our very eyes with regard to the cultural marxism and aim at sexualizing children. It's no longer about being nice or inclusion, it's specifically aiming at cultural indoctrination of todays youth.

FYI, I do not endorse the terms used in the small advertisement within the video. Even if some communist Jews are involved in this or right wing alt news gatekeepers that play bodyguard for them are out there, I think that it is counter productive with the language used. We can fight this stuff much more effectively by maintaining an intellectual approach as opposed to purposeful offensive language that only hurts the possibility of justice as it is used as a tool to their advantage.

Propaganda, propaganda everywhere.

Fakers teamed up back then, fakers team up today in the same way. Now we in the west are the target. I don't care what your identity is, whether the first identity politic or the last, I am going to expose you. Fraud needs to stop.

Just look at the disconnect of today, of who is who and what is what. Imagine if there was a war tomorrow and the left won, how would they tell the tale? It's the same as if CNN were to do the historical rendition. It's not just the left either, even the right is just as bamboozled to some degree.

Weimar Germany, which a man in this mentions, was experiencing the very things we are right now with regard to the left and their sociopolitical push. So just imagine the left going to war with us today, for the common sense and societal decency we desire, imagine them winning and then telling the tale afterwards.... reality wont matter, emotions will.

Imagine there's no deception. It's easy if you try. No false narratives, no bold faced lies. Imagine all the people living life in peace.

Why should we not believe this woman? Whos story actually makes more sense and seems more fluid than any of the others in the 'Last Days of the Big Lie' video?

Is it 'anti-semetic' to believe this Jewish survivor or only when threatening the narrative?

The Interviewer, Ernst Zundel, was locked up in Canada for refusing to be silenced from speaking out about the fraud. If your story is so good and not emotion that needs to be defended from evidence, then perhaps it is indication of it being fraud in the first place. We are constantly fed propaganda to convince us how to think about a historical event that has as many holes in it as CNN's track record.

I guess you can throw me on your list of "supporters" that you target. When we go to court we can go over all the dirt I have dug up over the years. It will be a special time!

Half of me wonders if they are just pulling the victim card in order to make sure to enact the pre planned smack down of the resistant population, so I admit I am falling for the triggering they likely expect. Because she says all the things that people would basically react to the same as I have. Even if not on purpose to get to us, it sure does have a lot of parallels to how they have treated us over the years.

Ironic that they are mentioning things that would require.......tear gas, my video from yesterday suggested as a possibility. Plansies?

Full zoom meeting here



Problem: Canadians are resistant to mass COVID vaccine inoculation and submission to the Digital ID system.

Solution? Instigate an event that eventually paints those resistant Canadians as terrorists. You can't paint people sitting at home as "terrorist" without their action. Action in the street throughout the two years, then action with a "takeover" of the streets in the capital. Politicians have been trying to paint resistance to their crimes against humanity as terrorists for years. If we are just sitting and simply saying no, then them attacking us would be seen as the crime, but, lure us into committing a sort of crime by blockading highways and streets, well, then they look like the "good guys" just reacting to our "unlawful acts"

Result: government reaction to our reaction to their policy. Maybe they will then have more leverage to push for mandated compliance (since we be so unruly) after they have some sort of standoff. Seems to be the way things are going.....

Here is the link for you to check yourself.

*I am sorry for the poor resolution quality of the last video, hopefully this one you will be able to see the text better*

Troubling things found with regard to the Canadian government pre planning a COVID rebellion back in 2016. Well before COVID even hit in the first place. What the 'heck' is going on? DUDE.

But the J's are mentioned....... a lot of what we see going around with only focus on them is likely part of the trick.......however I am not sure 100%. This entire game of misdirection is deep and swimming through it is confusing as is.

What seems to hit home for me at the moment is the screaming left/right play good cop/bad cop routine going on right now.

Notice how many of those who point to the J's also end up pointing us away from Jesus? Just an observation.

here is the entire series if anyone wants to watch all of them.
It's legit. Except.....seems they have changed things around since the video was taken.
They have renamed "artificial intelligence and robotics" to simply "artificial intelligence"
and seem to have removed the "human enhancement" section entirely, unless it's simply moved to another category.

If not, then they are literally hiding things as they get caught.
Same thing the UN has been doing.

Another slightly edited freestyle rant after seeing the newest progressive push, a little more polished though. Things will progressively progress ;)

Racist policy makers of today lecture us about racist policies of the distant past.

It just so happens that the UN has an anti colonialism agenda and our government and NGOs just so happen to focus only on those who might want to cry foul of Canada's destruction.

You can find me on GAB, Christopher Fresque.

They blocked me from posting then sent me junk mail.

I don't talk much but post often, Christopher Fresque on GAB.

I am just reuploading this video> I feel this is very important for us all to realize that many of the theories behind what NWO actually is are linked in this way and just focusing on one specific aspect of it avoids the overall organization.

You can see my notes from the video here:

I think this one should be uploaded too, you know, because........

This doesn't really fit with anything I have posted thus far, but, the more eyes the metier. I guess just consider this comedic relief. :)

I uploaded this in July, it got 3 plays. I am not feeling Rambo with my performance, so this is where it go and no need for my alter ego to remain covered. 😅

Figure it's a good time to share here since I am not so great a digital Twitter soldier anyway with my 3 plays, ha! So, will post it here, figuratively raise a beer, and good luck in the debate tomorrow, eh! :)

Just watching some old docs and I don't think this one is available, from a quick search but it might be misnamed, so, figured I would upload it just in case either way.

Interesting "coincidences" in movies. I like visual learning, personally. It's a good way to learn how to examine movies rather than just watch them, although sometimes getting lost in them is enjoyable. I would prefer the no hokus pocus in them. It's more like filthy scheming than a belief system.

I feel that this is why the illuminati feel as though they are on the side of God. If you look up Chet Hank's (Tom Hanks kid) instagram video entitled "live from illuminati headquarters" showing his illuminati tattoo and he points to the sky as if they are the good guys in all of this, you may be confused as to why they would think that. Once you watch this you will understand why some of them may feel that way. Trouble is, the man on the throne of gold in the Vatican is not of God. It's like the first fake news almost, I bet half of these people think they are holy when they are anything but and only ushering in NWO, the other more than likely know exactly what they are doing. Just think of it like isis, the leadership know whats what and the soldiers think they are on a holy mission.

The Roman Church came first and what came after it? islam and zionism. Both have their agents today and both work towards the same end goal. Both have history with the Vatican as well. This is where I am starting to think, that both islam and zionism are brothers of a sort and as always atop of it all is Rome. Just in this episode itself he reveals their words proclaiming dominion over all the world back then, let alone today. Always behind the scenes but still on top. This is the only explanation that makes any sense to me. Because we see BOTH players, zionists and islamists and we don't see the Vatican......or do we? Nancy Pelosi comes to mind. She works with Schumer to destroy America.......I think we should start looking past their political labels and find out who they are underneath that shell.

islam was created to control the arabs (see the video before this The Islamic Connection - Total Onslaught - Walter Veith), was Zionism created to control the Jews as well? It's either that or there are satanic Jews in the media and elsewhere that are only fronting to be of any Jewish faith. The answer to this we will only find out once we can lift the veil. But as far as I am concerned this is the only thing that makes it make sense, for instance why zionist Jews would be creating illuminati content in the movies. Why also does the pope take part in certain Hollywood events supporting them publicly?

It's a big web I am trying to show here, but thats one of my main interests, who is behind everything and how do they all tie together? Calling them out by their outer shell, islamic, catholic, democrat, jewish, globalist, whatever, it's all just a shell and if we dig deep enough we might be able to find out whats inside. I see guys online saying that "it's all the jews" and that it's all a big jewish conspiracy only and when I go to talk about this with them they cry out that the pope is their savior and is going to thwart their plans.....that's like saying a soldier is the decision maker and not the general. It's the same tactic described in this video where the Vatican sent out two versions of who the anti Christ was or will be rather than IS, same look squirrel tactics are used today. Thats why I think a lot of the push to blame it all on either side is only misdirection from the actual main player. Same same.

This is the missing link I think, the missing puzzle piece, the thing that makes it all make sense, all the players you see out there, not representative of the entire people but of the NWO goal. Take our Canadian PM for instance, went to a Jesuit school, had a Zionist mentor as a child, pushes for islam in Canada. Why would these people be on the same side if they are supposed to be enemies? Unless they are not? Wouldn't such a man be at odds with having a Zionist teacher as him and his father were so fond of islam? Kind of backstabby of his teacher, no? (Semetic means both Jewish and Arab people by the way, so when they say that against Palistinian demonstrations for instance it just makes no sense) It's not a matter of bigotry, it's a matter of conflicting interests and things that make no sense. If zionists don't like islam so much why do their organizations push to bring refugees here that goes along with the NWO planning? Why does the pope as well? Why would they all be all up in our mainstream medias trying to coerce us into all that they are? It's the only thing that makes sense to me at this point. More than one player but they share the same master and the same goal. If you can make it make sense any other way then I am all ears so long as it encompasses ALL the players and not just focus on one.

Also, sorry to anyone waiting for videos, I just got my studio set up and am learning and trying to put the puzzle together in a way that people can understand easily. I understand it seems as though I am all over the place with information, some of witches, some of MKultra, now to religion, but these are layers, consider this the outer most layer, this in my opinion is the puppet master and he is right there in front of us all pretending as they probably have the whole time of the church itself.

This video is to show the connection of the Vatican to islam, which in turn are also linked to witchcraft, different horns to the same beast system. This will come up later, for anyone asking how a man who was trained as an islamic terrorist could be involved with a Satanic cult. It is part of a series called Amazing Discoveries and the speaker's name is Walter Veith. I suggest looking for much of his content, there is even one on the UN and the Occult that I shared on my social media recently. But I will also link it here to be extra effective.

Here is the full series.

I am posting this video so you can take note of the witches headdress at 20 minutes. This will be an example as a comparison to an image that will be examined in my presentation that I will release shortly. Ceremonies. Special headdresses. Sun/moon worship, just like islam, just like voodoo witch Dr's wear, just like Comet Ping Pong's sign. Satanism, no matter the form, all different horns of the same beast.

*warning* graphic description of Satanic ritual and sexual abuse. There is no imagery of it though so I give it a 5 out of 10 on the hard to watch meter as it is eye witness testimony and mainly psychological damage that can result from hearing the descriptions. I am pretty sure by her voice that this is the same girl who came out onto Maury Povich or some other talk show host as an eye witness with the same story speaking of "her owner" regardless her voice sounds familiar.

"Blood and urine and semen" she says, just like spirit cooking.......she was brainwashed and raped at 4 years old. SRA mixed with MK Ultra is what it sounds like.

"Their purpose is to rule the world"

She says she saw colors, when I was still in the EDM club culture for ten years, towards the end I had a blackout on the dancefloor, I was on drugs admittedly, ketemine, everything turned off, I could not see anything anymore around me, but a swirl of colors above me. I was dancing at the time to one of the city's successful DJ's there who I believe was a closet Satanist like most of the gay scene are and his song was about a sexual encounter that the woman states to sodomize her, after I heard that it snapped me out of the trance because I don't like that, never have, I am also a child abuse survivor so to me putting something like that in music is just gross, just like how mainstream music is attempting whore out young kids as well and even though I was a hard core leftist at that time it was my personal distaste that ended up creating disfavor among the cult as they quizzed me on my opinions soon after, It was then that I started to wake up, again, but this time to the influence of Satanism all around me. I was brainwashed over a long period of time into thinking this cult was good, just like she says, and that God was nonsense. Clubs are just a new form of mind control factories, sure it seems fun, but there is a purpose there I believe, hiding underneath. So I wonder, were those colors I saw from the other side? I still wonder to this day. In hindsight after all my experiences I found God and have now escaped to a new life and am grateful for the experience as it was the start of the braking of an illusion.

This shows example of MK Ultra techniques being used in order to shock someone to the state of trauma so that they could "compartmentalize" a new area of the brain, malleable, another personality, perhaps purposeful creation of multiple personalities? I believe this was the beginning of use of extreme situations that can split the mind of a child in order to create multiple personalities. This will come up later on as a possibility of the SRA evidence I will show.

How could Satanic cults use this research for their own means? How could programmed human beings benefit such people? Especially ones with world domination goals?

This as well as the rest of the MK Ultra videos are important to understand what has happened regarding mind control experiments that I feel are now used by abusive people in order to control people. We may be dealing with these people or seeing them every day right now. It is a long video but it does a great job of presenting what MK Ultra is.

They had to do a lot of it in Canada because our regulations were not as intense as the USA.

They make jest of it in comedy movies or emulate it in super hero ones to further solidify the illusion that no one messes with our minds. I was in one of these cults, filled with drugs that have mind altering effects, in clubs in Toronto. "Ironically" this club was right next to a mental health facility. It molded me into quite the leftist over ten years. To me I was in a sort of mind control honey pot created to lure young people in by the drugs and loud music. It is an example of "Direct controlled personality changes"

Rockafeller's are culprit's again, same as mentioned by Ted Gunderson in a previous video released on this channel, as being a Satanic cult who formed the illuminati. People who would benefit from such experiments both by world domination by way of mass manipulation of the general public and also for controlling their own members. MK Ultra seems to be the beginning of the numerous mind control methods there must be today. "molding the new character of the new communist man" I am recalling seeing a madam Rockafeller in that Pizzagate dude's instagram along with his boyfriend propagandist, Brock. Small world eh?

I don't know if this testimony is true or not, but, what he says rings a lot of bells to what we see today. I think it is worth presenting because of this. He mentions Project Monarch, Michael Aquino of the temple of Set, using children to make multiple personalities. Wanted to usher in the anti Christ. Sounds like what the Dr in a previous video "America's MIA Children" said, she mentioned "anti Christ sect"

He mentions Monarch mind control (sounds like an extension of MK Ultra research performed in Canada) with a goal to eventually take over the USA. He says children are trained to be prostitutes and engage in entrapment of elected officials. Sounds like a sick version of "the Farm" and it also resembles Epstein's entrapment tactics. They use code names just like they called one of them "colonel" code names making real like "winter soldiers" except it seems more sex and deception based than super hero. He describes training to become a political operative. Sounds like Andrew Gillum among others that show signs of it, how many of them are there, trained sex spy's? Not just as politicians but media and other areas as well no doubt.

*Warning* this contains descriptions of events that may be disturbing. It is more mentally disturbing than visual though yet has graphic descriptions of events from eye witnesses. 5 out of 10 on the hard to watch meter.

This is another documentary that covers much of the same subjects as previous ones, but the audio is better and it paints a wider picture. I believe Michael Aquino is "the colonel" mentioned. I believe this is all linked to the same kind of behavior that is going on today........MK Ultra mixed with Satanic Ritual Abuse.


Created 3 years, 9 months ago.

34 videos

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