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So there is a new sutior vying for chances attention. I give to you the new scam man the Doo-Doo ninja. Boy is micheal hackings upset at being cock blocked

Here us the unorignaL, and unfunny dad joke that is suporting chance wilkins the hebophile Coward of Akroyn. Its crazy trying to figure out who is the bigger liarbetwewn the two. Horrible dad jokes, rhis guy is aweful and anti semetic out of the gate. Chance and his nuddies want attwntion, im going to give rhem all they desire. New vid and comentary coming very soon

Look at chace wave hello to his jewish brothers anD Sisters

Brand new club banger by sneaky jim

That monster tape and tuck tricia had to come from somewhere

Meet tape and tuck tricia, she is the monster of a bigger monster. Buckle up, it just gets wierder


Created 2 years, 5 months ago.

9 videos

Category None