GrindTooth Media

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GrindTooth Media



A link between the Inferno and the normal realm is discovered when ChefDiablo reaches the lowest levels of the local dungeons.

ChefDiablo finishes clearing the last levels of a dungeon and finds further clues to about the origin of Planet X

On his quest to enlightenment, ChefDiabo takes on a long journey.

As ChefDiablo works to uncover the secrets of the land, unexpected challenges slow progress.

ChefDiablo continues to clear a local dungeon that is heavily decayed. Along the way, he discovers some links to the past that could lead to answers.

The Guru Sadhu tasks ChefDiablo with a delivery task

In order to advance trade relations, ChefDiablo built a windmill and waterwheel to speed up resource production.

After discovering a dungeon deep underground ChefDiablo decides to explore it hoping to find answers about the strange planet. The answers he finds lead to more questions.

ChefDiablo takes on a mission to gather a few things and explores some nearby structures.

A genuine Indian Guru offers ChefDiablo the path to enlightenment and a Monastery is protected by a horde of monsters.

A genuine Indian Guru offers ChefDiablo the path to enlightenment involving a zombie hoard.

Episode 2, Life In The Village Modded MInecraft
ChefDiablo gets to know the local villagers and runs into some hostiles

This is the beginning episode of an evolving series of the Life In The Village Mod Pack for Minecraft. Unlike a let's play series, this one is based on a story that follows an explorer and colonizer seeking to solve the mysteries of the unique world he has landed on. The series involves the growth of a city, dungeon exploration, and a storyline that interacts with the citizens and the monsters of the world.


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

13 videos

Category Gaming