Chris Weinert

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Chris Weinert

Brutal Honesty


Some really dirty shit keeps going on…

Finally, others are talking about the central banks’ plunder beneath the fog of war, impositions of perpetual crisis, & deliverance of ensuing peace (brokered by the largest terrorist organization known to humanity…).

To let these complicit psychos keep dictating any (or all) resolutions, after directly causing these unnecessary catastrophes, in the first place, is truly the definition of insanity. (Yet, we constantly lament their crazy-making, but refuse to acknowledge it, or do anything about it ???)

At some point, these self-appointed despots & CFR/AIPAC operatives need to be stripped of their wealth & power, & dealt with in the court of public opinion. These traitors, pedos, & war criminals need to be held accountable… Their punishments should suit their crimes. Unless their heads roll, they will keep doing this. These eugenicists need to be jailed, sterilized, & in many cases, publicly executed. Paid with the same quarter. These were not mistakes, nor hustle fouls, they are depopulation efforts (eugenicide).

How we respond will determine the future of what is left of humanity, after they sought to destroy 90% of it… Measure twice, cut once.

Mass genocides by these mass murderers are not allowed to be called what they are, & those who resist are labeled as terrorists.

We go to jail for pointing out these war criminals, while these serial killers walk free, loot us blind, rape & kill children, unleash dozens of soft kills & ponzi schemes, invert & gaslight their victims into perpetrators, then continue to embezzle 90% of our tax dollars, to build a national security system to protect them from our righteous outrage. Doesn’t sound like philanthropy, nor patriotism, when we say it like that, does it?

When shit hits the fan, make sure you can properly identify your true enemy!


Stop fueling their gyros…

Cbdc will be initially rolled out for stimulus payment, then it will be snared in, like a barbed hook, once we’ve all bitten, & used to collect our national debt.

(Another janisary Judas goat, who brokered the bankruptcy of Detroit.)

Mergers & Acquisitions, bankruptcy, leveraged buyouts, bailouts, hostile takeovers, et al.

These are all jargon for the same endgame result. (JWO)

Get your capital away from psychotic mass murderers = STEP #1.

We must hold the truth above the law, & uphold the truth to those who uphold these (inverted) laws.

R.I.P. - Matt & Jeff C.
We must never forget those who fought to bring us the truth!

Big jew is looting our assets & foisting it upon BRICS (Russia & China). We were sold out from within, ALWAYS remember that!!!

Tune into Brutal Honesty radio show on Saturdays 6-8pm (est) on Revolution Radio studio B




Created 4 years, 3 months ago.

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