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𝑪𝓸𝓰𝓷𝓲𝓽𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝓓𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽


Added subtitles to this video from Realeyesation. The following is his description:

This short documentary film illustrates the true meaning of self-ownership and individualism, and highlights the importance of individual rights. The title “Who Owns You?” might seem curious at first, but when you watch the entire film, you will learn why that’s the most important question you can ask yourself in the current moment.

Check out The Jones Plantation movie:

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An abbreviated version of... https://tombarnett.tv/2022/05/13/the-offer/
If this resonates with you, consider visiting Tom's website and listening to more of his videos. He is a very grounded Man and shares lots of good advice.
Another video that complements this one well can be found here... https://tombarnett.tv/2022/09/12/take-the-power-back-lismore-talk/

Watched this cartoon recently and was pleased to find something encouraging people to think critically. Especially, in a story geared toward young ones.

It's a good movie overall. A trailer can be found here... https://poketube.fun/watch?v=P-E-IGQCsPo
The trailer only has one very small indication of the part of the story in these excerpts. This is a spoiler for that aspect of it. I don't think watching this will ruin the rest of the movie if you want to watch it all.

Recently read Lysander Spooner's No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority. It's an excellent treatise worth reading or listening to.
Links to various file types for readers can be found here... https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/36145

A clip from Secondhand Lions. https://iteroni.com/watch?v=0EU7-AFzBbA

A clip from the movie Peaceful Warrior. There are many more pearls of wisdom included in this movie...
https://odysee.com/@pahana:6/Peaceful-Warrior-(2006):d Consider watching it for the remainder of them.

Threw a few slides together with this excerpt from a Surviving The Matrix episode titled S-510 and The Money Changers.
It's a great message. Consider making it your reality if you haven't already.

Some great advice from a 2021 movie called Flashback.

This is an animated film that reveals a lot of truth through allegory.

The original film is 2 1/4 hours. I distilled it down to 35 minutes, while trying to maintain most of the plot. I think viewers of this channel will be able to appreciate it.

If anyone is interested in viewing the whole movie, here is a link...

This is the song Freedom of Choice, originally by Devo. This cover is by FuManchu. It came to mind the other day and I listened to it with new ears. Seems to me, it's a message about admiralty law and not to believe you are the fictional entity created by the State. I felt inspired to create a video supporting my hypothesis. Let me know what you think.

A share from Kismet Spiral channel. Her channel here on Bitchute isn't current. https://www.bitchute.com/channel/75ofDS0wgawS/

This is her most recent upload from Odysee... https://odysee.com/@TheKismetSpiral:7/conserve-your-life-force!:f

Thought some others might appreciate it as much as I did.

A speech from Assassin's Creed 2.
Mirrored here... https://odysee.com/@Cognitive_Delight:e/Ezio-speech:e

A good speech from the season 2 finale of His Dark Materials.
Mirrored here: https://odysee.com/@Cognitive_Delight:e/message-for-spiritual-warriors:9

Listened to a video from Inspired channel today. https://tinyurl.com/2p9x9pcd (Sorry for the tinyurl. The direct link has an apostrophe and wouldn't work.)
The message needs to be heard and adopted.
I edited out some parts about 9-11. Listen to the full video if you want to hear those.
The Nolans puts out some other amazing material. Check out their channel on your favorite platform here. https://linktr.ee/InspiredChannel

A great discussion about lies most people have been led to believe and solutions to extricate yourself from them.
Shared from The New Now...
Cambell's channel:

Some of the best knowledge offered up from Anasta, Book 10 of The Ringing Cedar series. This is the final book. I hope those who have enjoyed these snippets consider reading the books themselves.

Note: page numbers listed are the PDF page number.

Link to book:

For anyone interested, I made a PDF of everything I made notes of from the entire series of books:

Hopefully, most already know this, but it's a good reminder.

This is an excerpt from *Hidden Antiquitech and Old World Free Energy* on Autodidactic 2 channel...

Consider visiting any of Cambell's other channels for more discussions like this...

Also consider visiting my friend at The Self Preservation Society...

Just a short clip to share.

Some of the best knowledge offered up from Rites of Love, Book 9 of The Ringing Cedar series. More to come.

Note: page numbers listed are the PDF page number.

Link to book:

For anyone interested, I made a PDF of everything I made notes of from the entire series of books:

Some of the best knowledge offered up from The New Civilisation, Book 8 of The Ringing Cedar series. More to come.

Note: page numbers listed are the PDF page number.

Link to book:

For anyone interested, I made a PDF of everything I made notes of from the entire series of books:

Some of the best knowledge offered up from The Energy of Life, Book 7 of The Ringing Cedar series. More to come.

Note: page numbers listed are the PDF page number.

Link to book:

For anyone interested, I made a PDF of everything I made notes of from the entire series of books:

Some of the best knowledge offered up from The Book of Kin, Book 6 of The Ringing Cedar series. More to come.

Note: page numbers listed are the PDF page number.

Link to book:

For anyone interested, I made a PDF of everything I made notes of from the entire series of books:

What I'm getting at by sharing this is... don't get lost in the hype. There's beauty all around you and inside of you. Don't let all the distractions that are put before you make you forget that you are a creator. You create your own reality. Don't let someone else create it for you.

“Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself in your way of thinking.” — Marcus Aurelius

The main difference between Man and all other forms of existence lies in Man’s ability to create
the present and the future by his thoughts, inventing forms and images which are
afterward materialised. The clarity, harmoniousness, pace of thinking and mental purity of Man
as a Creator is what determines the future.
“Prophets who believe in and talk about the end of the world — they themselves are producing
mental visualisations of the end of the world. The whole mass of teachings foretelling the
ultimate doom of mankind, are hastening the day with their visualisations. There are a lot of
them, a whole lot of them. And these people have no idea, while they seek salvation for
themselves and search for the Promised Land, that a hell is being prepared specifically for them.”
— Grandfather
From The Ringing Cedars of Russia

For Tom's full video, visit: https://tombarnett.tv/2021/09/11/clay-high-meat-raw-milk-blue-zones-remedy-in-nature/


Created 3 years, 8 months ago.

97 videos

Category None

I enjoy things that help me better myself and sharing those things that have helped, with others.
I think divine knowledge exists in most. It has just been conditioned to be hidden in some distant recess of their mind. It's like a pilot light waiting for some flow of gas to reach it and allow it to proliferate. If those that are conscious keep metaphorically opening the gas valve, I'm confident this knowledge will spread like that flame being supplied fuel until the fire burns so brightly it will extinguish the darkness.
n. The mental process of knowing, including aspects such as awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment.
n. That which comes to be known, as through perception, reasoning, or intuition; knowledge.
n. Knowledge, or certain knowledge, as from personal view or experience; perception; cognizance.
n. Great pleasure; joy.
n. Something that gives great pleasure or enjoyment.
intransitive verb To take great pleasure or joy.