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CPN News


Larpers and liars


confronting a Facebook stalker

dealing with the stalkers who killed my daughter

religious vigilantes

dealing with vigilantes


autobiography excerpt

A montage I made in the month following the death of my daughter who was 34 years old when she died.

A look at some private rehab centers in Massachusetts

Welcome to Cheap Phone Ninjah News. I got the name from using a couple of cheap celphones instead of a computerized studio to get my channel going in Youtube and then moved over here. I am a retired artist who lives on the Gulf Coast of Texas and I fund my channel with a few craft-item sales as well as gofundme and paypal accounts.
Windows And Ladders Pattern Quilt
Twin Size $100 + shipping
Full Size $150 + shipping
Queen Size $200 + shipping
King Size $250 + shipping
I use cotton prints but if you want a memory quilt made from your own fabrics, shirts etc I can do that.
I can make one per month.
Send down payment to one of the fundraising links below or direct mail, and please also email me to identify your payment:
[email protected]
CPN News
P.O. Box 876
Corpus Christi, TX 78403
My funding sources:


Created 6 years, 1 month ago.

17 videos

Category None