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Biden is not the president and if we, the people, sit on our butts and wait 4 years to vote again the communists (democrats) will rig the next election too. But by that time we may not be in a country that votes anymore. WE need to stop using all the social media platforms that censor free speech. Encourage others to do the same. The founding fathers of this nation suffered less than we are now and they overthrew their monarchy to setup our democracy. This is what we need to do now!

This video shows a rough draft of a tech tree asset that can be used in games created using the Unity engine. It uses two scriptable object classes to build the entire tech tree, One for the tech branch/category and another for the individual techs. I've created code that takes the information from the scriptable objects and creates a simple user interface the player can interact with. Minimal coding is required to use this asset. You only need to duplicate the scriptable objects in sufficient number to create the tech categories and the individual techs you want in the game. Enter the information in the fields and assign a image to each tech branch and individual technology. Then drag them to the order you want in the tech tree in the Unity inspector associated with this asset.

For this to work during runtime a function is provided for you to call which you pass the variable holding your total research generated per turn/time interval(RTS games) that will apply towards researching the current tech the user selected. The only other coding you need to do is reference which function/method in your code will be run when a tech is researched. The documentation that accompanies this asset will show you where in the code you specify your own custom function/method to run to affect the changes of the tech researched in your game. I've tried to make it as easy as possible for those who don't have coding experience. I've created a function that allows you to pass your custom function/method in as a parameter to run when a tech is finished being researched. A developer using this asset can have one function run each time any tech is researched passing in different parameters depending on what was researched, or it can easily be setup for each tech to call a different function to make changes in the game after a tech is researched.

You can visit to see what else I'm working on :)

Black lives matter is a terrorist organization opposed to everything Martin Luther King, Jr. stood for. Communist Russia never had an illegal immigration problem. They had to shoot people to keep them from leaving/escaping. If America is as bad as BLM and the so called Democratic political party says it is why do people cross the boarder illegally to get into the United States of America?

Big Tech and woke liars are spreading lies about how beef is bad because the communist party in America (Democrats) want to pass the Green New Deal.

A demo of Daisy has been released. Get it at This video shows how to use Daisy. Currently the demo is for windows only but that will change soon.

Showing off some of my skills as a developer. Visit my site at

This is who the donkey party caters to and who will be running the White House while Biden/Harris occupy it.

This is a video I put up almost 4 years ago on YouTube. Learn how to make a menu system with multiple controls invisible when you don't need it and visible when you do. I'm getting ready to disappear from YouTube. I've removed almost all of my videos from there. YouTube branded me a "hater" and a "racist" after I put up a less than 2 minute video showing news footage of blm and antifa running around in Seattle with assault rifles during the short life of chaz. YouTube sent me a official warning and removed my video in which I didn't say anything but just showed snippets of television news. I can still post videos on ChinaTube but why bother. If you support the United States Constitution YouTube will censor you. If you want to talk about how wonderful Communist China, communism/socialism is and how evil American liberty is your future will be bright on YouTube. This Thanksgiving I am grateful for Bitchute!

This video is another one moved from YouTube. I uploaded it to back in June 2020. This is not the video that put me on YouTube's/ChinaTube's hit list.

Earlier this year I created a game asset for Unity called Easy Mod. It takes a little planning for a Unity developer to implement into their game/project but easily allows the end user/player to mod the game by changing a text file exported from a spreadsheet. Another one of my videos I uploaded to YouTube.

This is a promotional video for my business amariah Design. The promotional code offered at the end is no longer valid. Another one of my videos moved from YouTube as YouTube hates freedom of speech.

I've uploaded part of this video:
Report any election fraud you know of or have heard of to 1-800-895-4152
Go watch the original video. YouTube has made it unavailable in search. You now need the link to watch it. Yesterday afternoon you could find it by searching. YouTube may block her video.
Many people do not know about the truth simply because of the biased media. Get the word out. If we loose this fight the US Constitution and our freedoms are gone! Let everyone know the US election is NOT over and still ongoing and We The People will not stand for the anti-american pro socialist garbage the so called democratic political party stands for.

This video shows video and audio from another video. Go watch the video shown in this video at

I got off work from Amazon this evening and decided to make a video about the voter fraud the communist/Democratic political party is very actively committing in the United States of America during the 2020 Presidential election.A lot more criminal activities going on besides what I've shown. Spread the word. Stop the steal. Protect your freedom.

Spent the day working on the basics for the system that will be used to create ship hulls in game. Learn more about 4X Space Time at

4X Space Time is a game in development by CWDI GAMES. You can find more info at

Ah San Fransisco... the most modern progressive city in America. The place where entrepreneurial dreams die, mobs burn and loot, and kids don't go to school because we don't need no edyoucation.

Netflix has apologized for their marketing errors regarding their pervert show, "Cuties." Let's see who makes the marketing decisions for Netflix....
Oh wow. Netflix board of directors is not very diverse.

CWDI GAMES talks about the social justice warrior way of operating. Star Trek used to be a science fiction show that supported American values. The end of this video shows a less than two minute clip from Star Trek The Next Generation episode "The Drumhead.", season 4 episode 21. Gene Roddenberry showed us what was coming and how to defeat it. Freedom of Speech! The social justice warrior nonsense can't survive in an environment where freedom of speech is supported. Star Wars is what George Lucas did and nothing else, period.

The majority of my videos are about programming, games, and art. This video is important. I share my thoughts on current events regarding the woke mob and a corrupt/woke DA who wants to make a US citizen, who did nothing wrong and exercised his Constitutional rights, a political prisoner. I'm a person of action so I sent President Trump a typed statement asking him to pardon Mark McCloskey and his family for anything the Gestapo DA Kim Gardner thinks Mark did that was against the law. I also asked President Trump to throw the woke DA in federal prison. It's important to fight against the woke tyranny that want to police our thoughts, words, and political views. If you believe something the woke mob is against they want to destroy your life and see you in prison. It's absolutely true the only thing necessary for evil to flourish and destroy our nation is for us to sit back and do nothing because we think it will blow over eventually. Here's a link to the video I comment on:

Even though I can still post videos on youtube I explain why I'm spending my efforts elsewhere. Youtube has become a propaganda and misinformation hub. Especially regarding the "pandemic" that isn't. youtube has gone full communist and censors anything that doesn't fit their political narrative.

#unity #games #camera
A simple tutorial from CWDI GAMES on how easy it is to create a script to move your camera around in game. Also premium tutorials are coming out on CWDI GAMES subscribe star page, Within a few weeks a very simple game ready destructable building tutorial using very little code will be out.


Created 3 years, 10 months ago.

24 videos

Category Gaming

CWDI GAMES is run by a single indie developer who loves to code, create games, create art, and play games. Visit CWDI GAMES at and check out the amariah Design estore,, featuring artwork created by the game programmer who operates CWDI GAMES.