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Just as awesome today, as he was in the 70s

Classic dancefloor smoocher!

Soothing tune!

God do I miss the 80s and 90s This is how I escape the madness of today.

His channel on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/@LarkenRose

Also another facinating channel. A nice chap who lives near me: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/67khUdV6ccrv/

Just a bike ride down to see how many soldiers! oops! I mean, ( refugees) came in to off us all!!! but then, what does an old fart like me know? In the meantime, please buy a book to help me save enough money to fuel my bike for a trip to mars,so I can get the hell off this crazy planet. Cheers! :-)

Make of it what you will.

This is another location with a long spooky history that we did intend to investigate, but never got round to it. Oxney Wood also has a reputation for being used by local covens over many decades.

Hallucinations caused by electromagnetic radiation, swamp gas and cow farts no doubt.
Yeah Right!! A few of my friends are former Radio Caroline DJ's they lived directly under a huge radio mast pushing out 50'000 watts they never saw any ghostly hitchhiker's, although, that could explain some of the crap religious programs they were forced to play at one time. :-) I do so love the inane explanations for the unexplainable these imbeciles try to gaslight people with. Truly hilarious!

Part one of two. My only interest is this eerie site in kent. part two will be posted shortly.

Sorry, posted the wrong file the first time.
part two and more will be posted soon! It's been a long day, and tomorrow is going to be worse. I'll post more in the week.

My friend Al, recalls his demonic encounter in this very spot back in 2009.
This is an old abandoned napoleonic fortress in the Uk which has been used for hundreds of years for satanic rituals, indeed, still is to this very day. I will be posting a great deal of footage from this eerie site in due course!

If you would like to know our full story, please follow the links to my book here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Darkest-Path-Paranormal-Layered-Reality/dp/1699886695

Audio book here: https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/The-Darkest-Path-Audiobook/B0CVHH3MB6?qid=1707824466&sr=1-1&ref_pageloadid=not_applicable&ref=a_search_c3_lProduct_1_1&pf_rd_p=c6e316b8-14da-418d-8f91-b3cad83c5183&pf_rd_r=38DTS0GPTYM4477BSQD5&pageLoadId=s7UeZV9Qsk5eMqcT&creativeId=41e85e98-10b8-40e2-907d-6b663f04a42d

A full detailed historical documentary on the bizarre life of, Alister Crowley here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYbVPEjP5zc
Super creepy! Prior to the terrifying series of events described in my book. I had no idea who this man was. But when alarmin coincidences / synchronicities started to present themselves to me, and my team, I soon started to research the man. And was shocked by the links within links to this man within my own small circle of friends. Still to this very day, sends cold chills down my spine.

Audio book here: https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/The-Darkest-Path-Audiobook/B0CVHH3MB6?qid=1707824466&sr=1-1&ref_pageloadid=not_applicable&ref=a_search_c3_lProduct_1_1&pf_rd_p=c6e316b8-14da-418d-8f91-b3cad83c5183&pf_rd_r=38DTS0GPTYM4477BSQD5&pageLoadId=s7UeZV9Qsk5eMqcT&creativeId=41e85e98-10b8-40e2-907d-6b663f04a42d

physical books & Kindle here.


I've captured a few myself!!

even if it wakes up one person.

Who'd have thought? More soon!
Get a copy of my book here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Darkest-Path-Paranormal-Layered-Reality/dp/1699886695

Creepy coincidences start to manifest. See part 2. You can view more supportive video's regarding our story here: https://www.youtube.com/@DavidConal/videos


Created 11 months, 1 week ago.

38 videos

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