DB's Choice - Informative Videos

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DB's Choice - Informative Videos



Too good not to have a backup.
Mirrored from: https://twitter.com/i/status/1710359254631174284
#StopBitBurning #internet #censorship

Uploaded from file allegedly originating from TikTok @felicia.willams/Peter McIsaac

#StopBitBurning #internet #censorship

See also:
Greg Reese, InfoWars

Mirrored from: https://youtu.be/jODoxkGd8Rk

#StopBitBurning #internet #censorship

“I think anyone who puts WiFi into a school should be locked up for the rest of their life, I really do. I think they’re not fit to walk on the surface of this planet because they haven’t looked at the research and whatever incentive they have it is not worth the genetic problems that parents are going to face with their children when they’re born. And if you think of a single parent, a Mother, who has a genetically deformed child, that particular Mother will feel guilty because she gave birth. She will feel guilty and she will be worried every single second of every single day of her life. She will worry that the child won’t marry. If the child can marry, she’ll worry that children will carry the disease, which they will. She will worry when she dies who will take care of them. So you are condemning both the family and the children to a lifetime of absolute hell. And this is already published. It is available to look up. It’s what I call intentional ignorance.”

Barrie Trower (mark 6:22)

Mirrored from: Squatting Slav TV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRjLIzNSRoE
- 3 video clips showing muzzle fire from lower floor of Mandalay Hotel
#StopBitBurning #internet #censorship

The pandemic response is being revealed as a power & money grab (which also causes harm).

Stew Peters!


#StopBitBurning #internet #censorship #DoNotComply

Mirrored from: https://youtu.be/1q6stELCqA4
#StopBitBurning #internet #censorship
News & Politics, no discussion

Interviewed by Riccardo Bosi
Source: .mp4
#StopBitBurning #internet #censorship

Governments pushing COVID-19 vaccines are in clear violation of all ten of the Nuremberg Codes.
Follow Greg Reese at:
Not about a virus. All about the vaccines.
#StopBitBurning #internet #censorship

Featuring Canadian lawyer Rocco Galati, Executive Director and Founder of Constitutional Rights Centre, Inc.

Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act RSO 1990, c E.9 (see "Revoked/spent regulations under this Act" tab)

Revoked/spent regulations 9-Jun-2021 include:
Declaration of Emergency (https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/r21264)
Extension of Emergency (https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/r21291)
Stay-at-Home orders

Ontario's COVID-19 measures continue (illegally?) under an Interim Order under the Food & Drugs Act, which expires 16-Sep-2021 at which time all COVID-19 drugs/vaccines listed would no longer be legal. Trudeau gov't/Health Canada introduced transition measures to amend the Food & Drugs Act to allow experimental COVID-19 drugs to continue to be imported and sold past expiration.


Mirrored from: https://www.facebook.com/Peter.Salemi.Auth/videos/618713076198868
#StopBitBurning #internet #censorship

Dr Roger Hodkinson interviewed by Anna Brees on June 11, 2021
About the experimental vaxx that should "never have been released", "complications", frequency of myocarditis in young adult males
Mirrored from: https://youtu.be/HwM_1R79maE
#StopBitBurning #internet #censorship

Featuring Canadian lawyer Rocco Galati, Executive Director and Founder of Constitutional Rights Centre, Inc.
Mirrored from: https://youtu.be/cYLgKcqJ_LQ
#StopBitBurning #internet #censorship

The Harms of Lockdowns, The Dangers of Censorship, And A Path Forward
Mirrored from: https://youtu.be/pNntSNmpOL4
#StopBitBurning #internet #censorship

by Nick Hudson, co-founder of PANDA
Mirrored from: https://youtu.be/80Vz7tZLuBI
#StopBitBurning #internet #censorship

#StopBitBurning #internet #censorship

#StopBitBurning #internet #censorship
Mirrored from: Johnny Bravo https://youtu.be/01psekGKn3Y

#StopBitBurning #internet #censorship
Mirrored from: https://youtu.be/-EhgfFLfn8g

Reiner Füllmich, lawyer registered in Germany and California who has made a career holding corporations accountable, reviews the findings of the German Corona Investigative Committee formed on July 10, 2020. “This “corona crisis” … must be renamed a “corona scandal”. And those responsible for it must be criminally prosecuted and sued for civil damages. On a political level, everything must be done to make sure that no one will ever again be in a position of such power as to be able to defraud humanity or to attempt to manipulate us with their corrupt agendas.” [mark 1:15]

News coverage from around 27-Sep-2020 Rather than just case counts, a more complete measure of the pandemic is hospitalizations and deaths. Fewer than 100 hospitalizations in Ontario.

Dr. Rashid Buttar appearing on Ministry Now reveals the dangerous consequences of wearing a mask and what to expect for the upcoming (planned) second wave. (4 mins)


Created 3 years, 11 months ago.

21 videos

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#StopBitBurning #internet #censorship