Delete The Elite

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Delete The Elite

Delete The Elite

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Flat Earth Shills & Trolls Getting Doxed

I do not know who the original uploader is. If someone knows, please tell me so I can add their channel in the description box.

From Abraham Lincoln, John Adams, Napoleon Bonaparte to Adolf Hitler, they all had things to say about the Jesuits that should be warnings to everyone.

Very important information IMO.

If you want to see the most obvious evidence of Big Oil being behind the climate change scam, then just check out Maurice Strong.

If you want to see the most obvious evidence of the connection between eugenics, depopulation and the U.N. then just check out Julian Huxley.

Excerpt from "Why Big Oil Conquered The World" by corbettreport

Video by Anonymous ÄÑØŇ Ḧḭṽḕ

Video by: An0n Truther

One of the most powerful Orders enslaving the world. And they're called "Military" for a reason.

They come from all countries, and they all work together for their common goal: enslaving us, the more, the better.

Sovereign Military Order of Malta (Knights of Malta)

Knights of Malta: Membership List ~ Who really controls the NWO?

Initial Membership List of the Knights of Malta

Knights of Malta (Wiki)

The Puppet Show Revolving Puppet Trump's Ego


If you wish to donate, please do so at your nearest homeless person, instead of paying shills for information that should be free.

If you wish to donate, please do so at your nearest homeless person, instead of paying shills for information that should be free.

If you wish to donate, please do so at your nearest homeless person, instead of paying shills for information that should be free.

If you wish to donate, please do so at your nearest homeless person, instead of paying shills for information that should be free.


Created 6 years, 5 months ago.

21 videos

Category None