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OK BEFORE ANY OF YOU TRAILER TRASH WHITE NATIONALISTS START WANTING TO LEAVE YOUR INBRED HATE IN MY COMMENT SECTION.......JUST GO BACK TO HAVING SEX WITH YOUR MOTHER AND LEAVE US BE. It's so funny that all you neo nazi douchebags are so scared of everybody taking your women from you. It's like you have an entire movement of microdicked homos.






Created 4 years, 6 months ago.

705 videos

Category Education

Deluminati is an organization founded by _______ _______ ________. It consists of X amount of members who believe in FACTS, not propaganda, not theories, not speculation, but FACTS! Deluminati also consists of companies such as Deluminati Entertainment, LLC and Healing of the Nations, LLC. Deluminati Entertainment, LLC was founded as a record label specializing in Golden Age Hip Hop music and Rhythm & Blues, both with and without lyrics. It has many productions already and produces movies which can always use more support and is always happy to provide the high quality and uncut versions of the productions you will see on this channel whenever a donation is received.....we are disgustingly generous by duty. We believe in freeing the human race from the bonds of our anti-thesis organization known commonly as Illuminati but is originally known as The Brotherhood of the Snake/Dragon or The Ancient Babylonian Mystery Schools. Most of you think you understand how and who this Brotherhood works and is.....You do NOT! You think that oh it is this secret society or that one or another that is running the show......WRONG! IT IS ONE SINGLE WORLDWIDE GROUP CONSISTING OF EVERY SECRET SOCIETY, IT IS THE RELIGION THEY FOLLOW THAT IS THE IDENTIFIER. Now, most of you believe that you know and understand what this religion is and consists of. YOU DO NOT! You have been misled by disinformation plants such as: David Wilcock, David Icke, Alex Jones, Art Bell, Richard Hoagland, Pete Santilli, and others of that ilk. On one hand they tell you that the Brotherhood which they call,"Elites," worship the devil which is the EXOTERIC(literal, false, facade, mask, decoy) meaning of Luciferianism/Satanism, only the lowest degree initiates which are used for their money and foolish loyalty to something they do not even truly understand. While on the other hand they are teaching you what seems like a different religion which is New Age which is in fact ESOTERIC(Hidden, Actual, True) meaning of the Luciferian doctrine and THIS is the religion the Elites practice which many of you have unwittingly been so easily manipulated into adopting this doctrine as a fact....What is this doctrine? "Man is God" is the doctrine the enemy believes....Satan or Lucifer is a SYMBOL to them which means The Light, FIRE, THE INTELLECT.....which is what they worship, themselves. Man is NOT God, can never be God and is the most arrogant of all life for ever believing such a have NO POWER! You cannot MANIFEST a JELLY DONUT let alone a blade of grass and neither can Satan.....You are being tricked into this ideology which is SECULAR HUMANISM so that you defect from God and Jesus Christ and YOU! YES YOU! Will be used to wipe out the Christian population, Muslim population and the Torah Jews. Atheism will be destroyed as well as all other organized religions so the ONE WORLD RELIGION can be revealed in full to the public which all of you will gladly accept because you have been fed this doctrine your entire lives. YOU ALREADY HAVE! The Fact is ALL religions come from Ancient Babylon in their philosophy except for one which is not even a religion because man created religion......God gave us all our history and the correct ways to live which if followed protect you from the evils that occur when you do not. The Bible is a history book and it is the ONLY source of FACT on this Earth! You want to defeat the people lying to you, who murder you and your children by manipulating others into doing it for them? Well, YOU ARE THE ONES DOING IT FOR THEM! YES, YOU! Rothschild never shot a gun in his life, Rockefeller does not do his own dirty is the ACTUAL SECRET that all you freemasons are actually seeking without realizing it til you have already sold your souls, which then you are told....the secret is HOW TO CONTROL OTHER PEOPLE! Which is how you become god in their religion. If you disagree with a syllable of this introduction then you are still ignorant and without knowledge for you have done no true study or think watching videos is going to give you higher understanding and you know the truth....well if you had a reliable source of information then you would still only be half way.. The ONLY way to confirm if your information is truly factual is Using the HOLY BIBLE and the Teachings of Jesus/Yahshua/Yeshua Christ and YES JESUS IS HOW YOU SPELL IT IN ENGLISH AND YES HE HEARS YOU WHEN YOU SPEAK OUT HIS MIGHTY NAME! LET NO MAN DECEIVE YOU! BE NOT AFRAID..JUST BELIEVE! REPENT OF YOUR SIN AND CRY OUT LOUD HIS NAME AND BEG HIM TO FREE YOU OF YOUR SIN! ONLY THEN WILL YOU BE BAPTIZED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT(which begins your training) AND YOUR DEMONS YOU HAVE LIVING IN YOU WITHOUT REALIZING THEY ARE THERE BECAUSE OF YOUR SINS GIVING THEM PERMISSION TO ENTER WILL BE FLUSHED OUT OF YOUR BODY NEVER TO RETURN INTO IT! A DEMON CANNOT INHABIT A BODY THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT INHABITS! JOIN US AND BRING THE LOST SHEEP BACK HOME TO THE SHEPARD!