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This is an VCR recording of an official German TV broadcast from September 2021 with German audio.

Robert Kennedy jun., the nephew of John F. Kennedy, delivered a political speech about freedom in Berlin on 08/29/2020 in front of thousands of peaceful protesters for liberty. In his speech Kennedy sees a link between the scaremongering over Covid19 and government action to restrict the freedom of citizens. Like his uncle before him, he said in his speech, "Ich bin ein Berliner!". The crowd of protesters was delighted and cheered. Kennedy points out that the implementation of 5G is planned as a means of controlling the citizens. He is concerned that the implementation of 5G is a step to transforming our money to a digital currency that can be easily controlled by Governments. Also the citizens can be easily spyed on. "Alexa" and other digital assisents ware means of control.

The video material originates from the Russian television station "RT Deutsch".


Created 3 years, 8 months ago.

3 videos

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