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Cell phone Towers emit dead sound dead zone energy detrimental to human health and the environment this video protects human health 7.82 Hz Orgone & 7.83 Hz Schuman Resonance these two frequencies combined protect human health. Listen 1-2 times every day or night headphones are optional.

* Wellness Frequencies

Hi There Friends Yes it's me the real DrVirtual7 right here is my #2 back up channel.
Email Address [email protected]

Healing Morgellons Lyme Co-Infection
This contains many various individual healing frequencies.

Blood plasma cleaner
Candida Albicans
Chemtrail_detox, Mycoplasma_general
Mycosis fungoides
Nanobacteria_2, Nanobacteria_3
Borrelia Lyme Tertiary
Borrelia Garinii Lyme
Borrelia Spirochete Inhabited
Lyme 1 Lyme 2 Lyme 3 Lyme 4 Lyme 5
Morgellons Myiasis
Morgellons Ruko Tick
Morgellons Plastics Detox
Morgellons Nancy DB
Morgellons Int and Ext Parasites
Morgellons Expeller
Morgellons Collembola
Morgellons Chronic Lesions and Fibres

Listen up to two times every day or night drink an extra glass of purified water after listening.

Headphones are optional. Run at about 46 -50% volume.

Contains Absolutely Positive Affirmation Messages

Now removing worldwide curses now and forever

I keep my shield in front of me

I keep my shield all around me

I am blessed by the hand of god

I have absolutely no fear

The voice of hell shall cease

I have the eye that sees

The eye that has understanding

I have the the ear that hears

Now removing the curse of financial loss

Now removing the curse of financial crash

Now removing the curse of property loss

Now removing the curse of destruction

Now removing the curse of disease

Now removing the curse of insanity

Now removing the curse of panic

Now removing the curse of fear

Now removing the curse of anxiety

Now removing the curse of depression

Now removing the curse of darkness

Now removing the curse of evil

Now removing the curse of socialism

Now removing the curse of despair

Now removing the curse of terror

Now removing the curse of war

Now removing the curse of hatred

Now removing the curse of bitterness

Now removing the curse of corruption

Now removing the curse of stolen destiny

Now removing the curse of unrighteousness

Now removing the curse of poverty

Now removing the curse of suffering

Now removing the curse of pain

Now removing the curse of famine

Now removing the curse of pestilence

Now removing the curse of slavery

Wav Download https://sellfy.com/drvirtual7/p/removal-of-worldwide-curses/
Paypal https://gumroad.com/l/GnenBV

Hi - Powered Frequency Zapper Blaster listen for 3-4 months one time every day or night.
No subliminal affirmation messages.
Contains Frequencies - 100,000 hz 200,000 hz 300,000 hz

Wav Download https://sellfy.com/drvirtual7/p/cancer-zapper-blaster/
Paypal https://gumroad.com/l/dFutR

All trauma comes from alpha Draconis - Draconians recycled feedback loop of abuse fear turned inward through destruction chaos death despair tension panic stress mind control etc. 

This Audio Track Heals All Timelines The Past And The Present Now Moment.

This contains very powerful healing affirmations below the normal range of hearing.

Wav Download https://sellfy.com/drvirtual7/p/clear-alpha-draconian-system-control-fear-based-trauma/
Paypal https://gumroad.com/l/clVMh


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

5 videos

Category Science & Technology

Cell phone Towers emit dead sound dead zone energy detrimental to human health and the environment this video protects human health 7.82 Hz Orgone & 7.83 Hz Schuman Resonance these two frequencies combined protect human health. Listen 1-2 times every day or night headphones are optional.

* Wellness Frequencies