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ENG: Everything You Need to Know about the Government’s Mass Censorship Campaign
English, french subtitled
The national security state is the main driver of censorship and election interference in the United States. "What I’m describing is military rule," says Mike Benz. "It’s the inversion of democracy."
FRA: Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur la campagne de censure massive du gouvernement
Anglais, sous-titré en français (trad. Google, pas top)
L'État de sécurité nationale est le principal moteur de la censure et de l'ingérence électorale aux États-Unis. "Ce que je décris, c'est un régime militaire", déclare Mike Benz. "C'est l'inversion de la démocratie."
Source: https://youtu.be/CRYSKaS-XtQ?feature=shared

1992, Ukraine. Crimeans wants to get back to Russia. It kills the false claim that Russia took Crimea by force. Annexation never happened.

Source from Thierry Mariani youtube channel, french deputee in the EU Parliament.
What will this report be used for?
Mainly to control more the
media landscape in Europe
In article 33 you want to control the media experts
who talks on the traditional medias.
In article 35 you want a European Media Committee
which we do not doubt that it
would spread the European Commission's ideology.
Ministry of Truth is not very far.
You still want more control over the Internet and
in particular the Twitter platform
who the commitment to freedom of expression
ruffle the hair of the commission
you continue to spread the idea that
Russia wanted to influence the next
European elections without learning from
manipulations by the American Democrats
when accusations are once again
swept away by two differents reports
from the American Department of Justice
These reports says clearly that
there is no evidence of a russian interference
in the american presidential campaign
When we reads this report
We're right to be worried
Those who shares not your designs are either
manipulated, conspiratorial, agents.
They have maybe simply an different opinion.
Will they keep that right for some time?

Si les journalistes faisaient leur métier, tout le monde saurait ça.

Thanks to https://youtu.be/0gufI06c_Yc

«Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.»
— George Orwell —

Prof. DiLorenzo and Prof. Tom Woods on historical revisionism.

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Full video, licensed under creative common: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J87ZF2fSi9Y

A documentary and interview series covering the information needed to understand where we are today. The full-length film came out on January 15, 2022. You can also watch the full interviews and subscribe to our newsletter.

Original publié sur la chaîne youtube de Russia Today France, bloquée aux USA et en Europe.
Poutine rappelle des faits historiques qui l'on amené à décider de protéger les Russes d'Ukraine. En même temps, il sonne la fin de partie pour l'Empire dans sa course vers la domination mondiale par le chaos.
SI vous utilisez le navigateur Opera, vous pouvez activer le VPN intégré et sélectionner "Asia".

Gabor Maté CM (born January 6, 1944) is a Hungarian-born Canadian physician. He has a background in family practice and a special interest in childhood development and trauma, and in their potential lifelong impacts on physical and mental health, including on autoimmune disease, cancer, ADHD, addictions, and a wide range of other conditions.
Now retired from clinical practice, he travels and speaks extensively on these and related topics, both in North America and abroad. His books have been published internationally in over twenty-five languages. Maté's approach to addiction focuses on the trauma his patients have suffered and looks to address this in their recovery, with special regard to indigenous populations around the world.

Full conversation of this audio is from the Tim Ferriss podcast

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La crise du H1N1 a-t-elle été une tentative avortée des mondialistes réussie avec le corona?

Because we need to laugh a little bit.

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Une femme docteur en médecine parle des effets qu'elle voit dans son cabinet. 40-45% des vaccinés.
Les effets négatifs augmentent surtout à cause que ce sont les jeunes qui se font pîquer. Leur système immmunitaire est plus réactif donc réagissent très fort.
La bonne nouvelle ici est que certains groupes sanguins ne sont pas touchés par les effets du vaccin.
A female medical doctor talks about the effects she sees in her office. 40-45% of the vaccinated.
The negative effects increase especially because it is the young people who get bitten. Their immune system is more reactive and therefore react very strongly.
The good news here is that some blood groups are not affected by the vaccine.

Certains dénoncent ce qui ressemble à des signes de mythomanie. Pas forcément qu'il soit de l'opposition contrôlée, mais la confiance n'est pas totale.

Dan Stock from Indiana tells us all in 7 minutes.

Date d'origine et source inconnue.
— «Tout le mal que vous avez fait à Israël, vous le payerez au centuple»
Des rabbins annoncent qu'ils utilisent l'Islam pour créer une guerre contre les Chrétiens, pour le bénéfice d'Israël.
Juifs du quotidiens: fuyez ces prédictions autoprédictives apocalyptiques.
Dieu est amour. Quiconque dit le contraire vous ment.
- - -
Date of origin and source unknown.
"All the evil you have done to Israel, you will pay a hundredfold"
Rabbis announce that they are using Islam to create a war against Christians, for the benefit of Israel.
Daily Jews: don't fall for these self-predictives doomsday crap.
God IS love. Anybody telling you about an angry god is lying to you.

Only french, sorry.
He explains in a sythetic way where we are now. Vaxxine Pass, global surveillance, total digital control are the new future nromal for very soon.
We must act now while we can. Talk to police, to army, talk to local politicians, talk to neighbors.
Organize we we can peacefuly to make the moste people receptive to what's going on.

Read well.
Dr David Martin has gone through all the patents related to this hack. The virus is nothing new. Its genetic sequence is included in 73 patents over the past 20 years, and the vaccinators started making their death juice at the end of 2019 even before the virus was designated.
All of this only serves one thing: TO MASSIVELY INJECTED US, period.

July 11, 2021
Excellent news that confirms that all this circus does not turn around a virus. Proof that the virus has nothing new is that the natural immune system responds quickly, it recognizes the virus right away like any known virus. It's all proved. Magor publications coming fast. Watch the good news.
11 juillet 2021
Excellente nouvelle qui confirme que tout ce cirque ne tourne pas autour d'un virus.
La preuve que le virus n'a rien de nouveau est que le système immunitaire naturel répond rapidement, il reconnaît le virus tout de suite.
(IgG IgA)
response to vaccine ARNm +++
(spike & IgG after vaxx)
(3rd response IgG to vaccine)

C'est marrant comme certains savaient tout ce qui arrive...
En résumé: ils veulent la guerre civile par des provocations. Ils ne l'auront pas.
Montrez ce petit clip à tous ceux qui pensent que l'islamisation est le problème.
It's funny how some people knew everything that happens ... In short: they want civil war through provocations. They won't have it. Show this little clip to anyone who thinks Islamization is the problem.
Le livre qu'il agite:
https://www.fayard.fr/documents-temoignages/100-jours-pour-que-la-france-reussisse-9782213700748 )

Hearing in the Shasta County maybe around 2014 or before
Here it seems the entire hearing of 3 hours: https://youtu.be/cakve26zvZY


Created 3 years, 12 months ago.

106 videos

Category News & Politics

In troubled times, the true human finds salvation in the belief that there's an invisible force that guides us where we need to be. Without necessarily naming it or manifesting it in the form of religious rituals, the main thing is that our life is a vessel, it is a flow that carries us.

I'm neither a journalist nor a writer. I'm more of an observer.
We hear often: "Yes, but you are not a journalist". To be frank, I don't care at all. Having your press card does not guarantee that you are a good journalist. Namely, if you have learned that only the "official" press agencies deliver the valid information and that this one is fucked, you transcribe a biased information while believing to give the truth.

French philosopher Alain wrote: «We must never believe. We must examine, always.»