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Dr Swiebelknauf finally explains scientifically the real reason of global warming and climate change. It has to do with the growing population on our planet. Extra weight pushes the tectonic plates down forcing them to compress the melted core of earth and releasing hot gasses into our atmorphere..
Animation done by Erik Tanghe

It's a strange habit that we kill a tree to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ or the celebration of light. I couldn't resist making a confronting little animation about it.. What if Pine trees would celebrate Christmas and the holidays too? do they have dinner By the fireplace?
Would they cut a human down and decorate him with Christmas balls? Animation done by Erik Tanghe. Be good, be different, be you...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Scrambling up Solo Climbing the Galenstock (3.586 m), towering over the Grimsel and Furka pass in Switzerland by the Rhone Glacier with a breathtaking view over the Swiss Alps.

In the beginning I got stuck between crevasses, had to climb in and out one and after the glacier had to scramble endlessly up big loose blocks to finally end up the steep icefields underneath the summit. One misstep could be fatal here when you're alone.
Meanwhile I could test my new Scarpa Ribelle Lite HD for the first time and they are great! Good comfort, nice grip and perfect for crampons

For more videos about climbing and animation, check my channel or visit my website

00:00 Title sequence with route
00:19 start at the Rhone Glacier
01:52 First icy view on the summit
02:52 Into the steep terrain towards the Galensattel
04:30 Reaching the Galensattel
06:22 The first ice fields
08:29 The last steep ice field
10:00 The last steep steps to the top
11:30 Summit
12:20 Top of the world!
13:40 panoramic view from the summit
14:26 Starting the descent
16:14 Going back down + info and end titles

bevallen is nooit makkelijk geweest maar de dag van vandaag is het er niet bepaald eenvoudiger op geworden.. Masker op.. afstand houden.. hoe doe je dat op het kraambed?
Komedie door Erik Tanghe
Watch the version with english subtitles on youtube

Professor V.E.R. Stan Verloren verklaart wetenschappelijk waarom je tijdens het eten geen mondmasker hoeft te dragen. Medische kennis is erg belangrijk in de strijd tegen corona en juiste informatie is cruciaal en levensreddend. Komedie van Erik Tanghe
Watch the version with english subtitles on youtube

Watch the version with english subtitles on youtube
Een vrouw versieren in tijden van corona is geen lachertje.. Hoe lang hou je afstand?
en wat zit er achter dat mondmasker verborgen?
Kan je zomaar een wildvreemde aanspreken?
visueel lijken alle mensen plots op elkaar...
Verborgen achter een mondmasker..
Grappig filmpje door Erik Tanghe

Toespraak van onze eerste minister.. Aankondiging nieuwe strenge lockdown in zorgcentra en rusthuizen..
Watch the version with english subtitles on youtube

Watch the version with english subtitles on youtube
Love in times of corona ain't easy... When do you do it without and what if you end up in bed with someone? Do you use a condom and what about mouth masks?
Comedy by Erik Tanghe

Watch the version with english subtitles on youtube
Finding a partner during a pandemic is harder than ever. Mouth Masks, social distancing.. How do you deal with that?
When do you get clser than 1,5 meter? When can you put your mouth mask of? How to kiss with a mouth mask
we give solutions!! Kissing with a mouth mask

Watch the version with english subtitles on youtube
Love as a couple in times of corona... it ain't always easy but wearing mouth masks can also have it's advantages.. especially if you want to watch the football game while still keeping your girlfriend happy... Cheating on your girlfriend and being selfish in a relationship.
relation advice from Erik Tanghe

Funny animation by Erik Tanghe about the new Corona beer and the new Coronavirus. The new Mexican Corona Beer is out just in the middle of the worldwide pandemic.. Does it contains the corona virus?? Taste it if you dare.. It has a very special effect and taste.


Created 3 years, 2 months ago.

11 videos

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