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Ron Paul Liberty Report

23.342 Followers + ever changing amount of those who wish a return for amendment on freedom of search & 0% evasion rof privacy anonymous suppoters!

Hey us corp/hollywood/poltiicans get it!

BITCHUTE-PRIVATE-COMPANY-CHOSE...OPEN PLATFORM - blue print:Telephone company, radio manufacters, telephone creators, will be 100% not responsbile for users actions. BITCHUTE + TO MANY FOR JAIL = 100% OPPISITE... they wanna be the company + manufaters with U 100% GUILTY of their own BS. Bitchute voided over 48 hour response, to issues with 230 protection. My sites, if i negecected any issues with compliance to 230, site is DOWN!

best learn old school network coms, cuz alot of guilty, less they do a purge of their idea, their the ones obeying the 230 sections.
All you have to do, is reset, and let we the people use the services like the telephones, radios, were used for freedom of speech.
Technology changes, not the first amendment.

There will be i told you so's.
beep beep
new cup new cup

Bitchute is a farce, saying G*D in their new slogan, yet refuses to tell you what G*D rules to abide by. Who also never list the NO NO transactions that will not only have you shadow banned, yet also reported to 'QUASI-AGENCIES', that shelter you from knowing the industrial child slavers, or the industrial state sanctioned organ harvesting.
Days are numbered for putting this truth out. So many attempts to intimidate others, to the point of threats that drive people to suicide.
Reports from france, that never make it to the news, for reasons, eh. Autopsy reports of muslims taken white europeans, cuting off genitels stuffing down their victims throat, then slicing their throat. While in celebration, this is the diversity that those who get off on seeing suffering. Why else have there been 0 redemption arcs for this, or accoutnability for what will be soon read below this:
If freedom of speech was so dangerous, if christianity was so evil?
Why was quality of life better, murders down, divorces rare?
What more proof do you need on the farce of, diversity is our strength?
Do you know two of the three desert death blood supremsit cults, still to this year, practicing to, "Make Slavery Great Again"
Spoiler it's not christianity! Their the only one to reform thier beliefs an went to war even with themselves to end slavery.
Why was the statues of past slavers taken down... TOREN DOWN, due to them being slave owners way over 100 years ago,
while islam, and jews practice to this day, the teachings that their way will be restored, an enslave the non-blood jews, the non-blood arabs.
Did you know those two religons are more prejduice in foundation than 99% of the white europeans?
If you convert to islam, an nto arab, you are a less than true arab, theres even a specific arabic term for it.
If you convert to judiasim, an not of jewish blood, you are not equal in name wiht the "pure blood jew".

Tell me again, if this is evil to point out, so i know where you stand on mental aquitty, with your position.
Or perhaps just ignorance, due to these two religons, having a strangle hold on freedom of speech?

WHich Bitcheats, will not post what is in "violation" to report you, for monies, on being a "HATER"?
This is the logic strangle hold upon majority of those, who never had the chance for a simple "formal education"

The pledge helped forged by france, who had brutal history dealing with todays issues, had ONE NATION, UNITED, UNDIVSIBALE...WITH JUSTICE FOR ALL.
The 3000 year experiment, of 'tollerance' with the jewish and muslim religon, both proven over the last recent 100 be against freedom of speech, destroying christian religion. How many muslim jewish bakers sued, compared to christian bakers?
These true BLOOD SUPREMISTS, are 100% against the enlgihtenment.
WIth a religion that gives them ability to lie, an not feel guilt.
Don't belive?
You havn't read the book, or seen an sit thru their rabbis an immams. At this rate, will be dead before you, so dont worry on hearing my "i told you sos"

Have a Lessed Day
Dr Ethos Longtails the 3rd.

Some of those I was around, would surgeicly place mangits into thier fingers, an other palces... so they'd always sense a live flucuating current in lines. That's close as one can get to equipment that'll only fail, if you failed.

No one wanted to sit in the chairs others would place me into, when i was sent on calls or doing much needed solace an solitude breaks to come off living under 100% adreniline as a base line... Back when sent into one venture, heh...that people couldn't wait to see how well i'd fill in the chairs, having me constantly border hopping between nations, doing training with others who want to play with power. proffessor warned me to stay way from things that have my hair stand on edge... tried heeding those warnings, except no one else was wanting to help those that had to...step up for the resposnibility others never see needing to go down, to keep them going around thru time an sapce around this sun, all be stuck to share.
The lady who was supposedly more important than my position, wouldn't even come over for just a 'introduction' on what she was resposnible for.
The managments diversity trophy, HE LEAST SHOWED UP an asked to be shown the ropes.
He failed, after a week, he came to me, gave me respects, an said this is allyours, i want nothing to do wtih this, you earned more than my resepect for teaching me what goes on here. He coulda just said "Good boy" an i woulda been just as honoured an happy in keeping him alive, an hopefuly he'll do the same with ohters.
When accident's took place in my corner (actually was dead center of productions, everyone had to be equally safe to escape, what may happen to be sent into, on fixing whats broken, then running things thru the test book, before placing my john hancock on what was placed in there, for me to ... see whats not ticking right... lives were on the line for them to never fail. >smirks< just a line to the long list of things never placed on what i was being needed to help out on. >chuckles< i'm just the lowest one, thats the luckiest one compared to all my predasseers out there, an thier stories, passed around down to me an anyone with a ear to listen. heh...

ohhh use to be able to almost get close to thsi melody,that i never could learn... just never could master what others did so easy when it comes to being musicaly literate. lawl, hard enough being grammar MORALY correct, over factualy accurate to the point, your never stoped being fucked with heh...

stay safe frens.
where'd he go?
is this fake?
No-one wants to be placed in the chairs I kept being sat in, when it's needing to be kept warm, when sent on call, or a no questions 48 hour respice to zero out from 100% adrenaline when solving why your shit don't come on & work like needed.

Those SOUGHT after these chairs of power by cashing in their 'diversity card' to cut ahead of merit. either avoided training days, washed out, or take me aside, saying they'll never bother me & I have respects. Say'n "good boy" was all thats needed, was happy enough to kept'em alive.

hell hard enough finding some trust worth chap, to have tag along with keeping you, as a partner...buddy, that would be willing to try double checking, what your checking, and if even all that fails, then hope'n you picekd the right helper, who'll now jump in soon as making things safe enough so they can start operation rescue, by beating you off the special poles and hooks, so you'll stop shorting the rig, then HOEPFULLY enough meat on you that hasn't been coocked well done, to fire-extinguisher off, then hopefully medic near by to jab you with something to take your mind off the events that was than a second now life time of regrets.

Choose your lab partners, your co-workers, well or hope others have better choice of judgement when setting you up with those responsible to keep you safe.

FREEDOM OF RELIGON vs Freedom of Speech: Take Your Time, Only Fate of the World Going Down....
Sooo why would bitchute, do a version of this censorship? Lets see, what have i commented about...
How practicing muslims and jews, preach slavery and supremciy today...
saying its white western culture that is wrong, and will be changed to fit their holy texts?
Or was it, showing of 'un identifalbe' lil girls wrapped in duct tape, lined out dead, over a dozen? was it that? ALL I SAID WAS PROVE THIS A FAKE!
wasn't against terms of service...
crime scene bullshit is all over,
especially when compared to what is allowed, eh?
So imgur takes down a photo of rabbis preaching how they will enlsave white eurpeans,
nothing to do with bitchute, i guess...

then my digital tounge is cut out,
over two weeks of ranting to bitchute,
with 0 progress other than... cookie cutter lawyer double speak.
wasting time linguistics.


yet to re-iterate, incase its confusing...
Why has bitchute cut out my digital tounge?
over a week of emails, explaing, questioning, flying balloons up of ANY POSSIBLE REASONS...
along with...
USA courts ruled its a human right to post onto white house media page?
oh did that chnage, no more freedom of speech for ... the 99%?
then trump is silenced... oh...
then twitter gets served with bad buisness practices and enforcment to 230
oh now courts say twitter has a human right to speak.
yet not this trash panda.
so is it bitchute comments broken, only on this account?
so is it bitchute, pissed at showing real hate groups, an hate crimes, that go unpunished, unreported?
so is it bitchute, held hostage by others, who wish for reports on serious crimes to be silenced?

Nice flex about freedom of speech, with a nice lil OH YOU BLOCKED HERE... huh... >>>YAWNS<<< Was it the pointing out to everyone that praised and pandered to 'isreal' being shown they have more per capita 'blood spupremists' than all of whtie europeans... flat out... how about arab muslims ... nothing prejudice an supremists about that religon / death cult.

"I'm just really glad this whole ordeal is over."

"Ohhh, Other Raccoon!"
racoon raccoon rakoon raq00n heh

LET ADL w/ other jewish orginizations along with muslim orginizations & ooCF (WITH OTHER UK/EU/USA HATE WATCH GROUPS)


meh... bitchute explained their situation... done with saber rattling to them, yet still upset over the worlds battle between freedom of religon... specically two, given extra freedom/power over ALL OTHERS FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

Bitchute forced to side with slavers & rapists of white westerners

Animaniacs Wheel_of_Morality 10 vote-often

Another Legendary Ranting to Tyrants of Bitchute & the traitorus scum chosen to align with and continue lock stepping to:

get bitchute like the rest of 'private buisness that prove to be abusers of their agreement to be a 'public platform with 230 protection'
by using their...disguise of being a bation for freedom of speech/opinion/expression, but ran happily into being a snitch.
while hiding truth from anyone looking to have freedom of information choices,
like has been done to any other information hub, that emerges from the binary controlled chaos around us all.

Who came to you bitchute? with the typical:
"Get in line with us tyrants such as ADL, ISLAMIC literal wolves in sheep clothing (OLD TO RECENT HISTORY PROVES THIS CORRECT), or be sued by lawyer after lawyer for decades while being smeared in all 'authortive' sources... to even being accused of bogus rape (true story huh, asange was that his name? who looks more gay than a person needing to rape a nameless tramp, WHICH WAS PROVEN TO BE TRUMPED CHARGES ALL ALONG) SO DO AS WE COMMAND BITCHUTE IF YOU WANT TO EXIST AND CONTINUE BEING LIARS FOR DONATIONS AND PEOPLE TO BUY AD SPACE"

This Is how people go around fortifying the worlds biggest election fraud in its history as stoking 'police actions' getting freeweapons, free-tech, away with espinauge (stingray, pegasus ...wheres the outrage? wheres the sanctions? to that state spying on USA/UK & MORE KEY FIGURES IN POSITIONS OF POWER)!

FREEDOM IS the idiots.

Especially the sueful idiots attacking bitchute, making them useful idiots.

WHO WILL AVOID HELPING THE NORMAL PEOPLE, while answering the phones on FIRST ring, if your connected to people such as ADL, from how their actions look over these months. Nothing more than a UK + frens glow op, honeypot, to sucker disgrunteled, mistreated, and abused users from other 'platforms' that are 100% into stopping white supremists, while giving 100% funding, boosting, and COVER to non-whites into keeping their 'BLOOD LINES PURE' their CRIMES NEVER TO BE METNIOEND. What list of nations can the USA not 'boycot'? SURE ISNT MOTHER RUSSIA, OR CHINA, what other nation could be more powerful than those two heavy weight contenders thru history?

doing closed beta tests on streaming, while learning their... 'concept' of freedom in speech/information/OPINIONS and less road blocks with search engine abilities, unlike ... competition. or flat out BACK STABBING THEIR USERS TO TRUE SLAVE TRADERS AND AVIDLY RAPING LITERLY THE PEOPLE AND RESOURCES OF WHTIE EUROPEANS!

**SIGH** disgusting to be into the future with thechnology, yet regressed to the AUTHORTIARIAN RULE OF RELGIOUS DEATH CULTS.

BITCHUTE, UK, USA CHINA, w/ 'their frens' made it clear there is no welcome mat out, NOT ONE LIGHT ON for those who are seekers of truth.

lol, bitchute should'a just kept me happy with leaving comments,
instead of not giving notifications what i said was 'wrong',
instead of ignoring formal requests to fix this 'censorship' of ideas that 'racialy prejudice groups' wish to supress...
well keep testing barbra stryzan effect still works in todays technological climate.
I'll be moving on to better projects as they come across the studios/labs currently helping and being a part of...
untill then, heh... enjoy the fucking in them ears of yours BITCHUTE & frens.

oooo im shaken in excitment... history shows this 'utopia' bitchute & those bitchute chose to 'appease', be finding yourself in, is crashing...
put it this way! LOL
this guy's 'schooling' & 'studies'... had extra credit pass these courses,
have to go with 0 possesions in strnage lands more hostile the more merrit earned,
stranger the languages even more merits, starting out with:
relying on strangers who you have to figure out are true 'frens'
who seem to be happing in not only helping me back on my feet,
making sure i return with more than i had before the venture...
on these travels, seem to always collect more than what i lost before..

be glad... be very glad, i'm happily very pre-occupied with projects/research/conventions(parties) piled up out the door, atm.
#ALL for helping triage others, into having a better tomorrow, today;from what's known from yesterdazes'!!!
Dr. Ethos

p.s. all you had to do bitchute, was place my comments back up for others to read. to ANSWER ME IN SAME SPEED YOU GIVE OTHERS WITH ILL INTENTIONS TO THE WHITE EUROPEANS. go on, try proving these observations, incorrect.

meh... bitchute explained their situation... done with saber rattling to them, yet still upset over the worlds battle between freedom of religon... specically two, given extra freedom/power over ALL OTHERS FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

Bitchute forced to side with slavers & rapists of white westerners


What kind of proof do these people screaming NO EVIDENCE, need to be convinced?
Been eyewitnesses, video, photos, timelines, doctors in math, experts in electronics,
All those types of "evidence" are used in courts for, theft, money laundering, rape &

Easy stealing elections, when left & right stupefied people, slowly over decades. Especially with a media push of 2 minute video, wrecking peoples long term comprehension.
Fight fire with fire, i guess for now.

Excerpt from Jermey @CobraDday, finding this gem of a phone interview, by the lawyer of the kraken division.


Created 6 years, 8 months ago.

13 videos

Category Arts & Literature

Former owner, Corner Stone Founder, of currently continuing research in simulations along with science fan fic.
Over three decades of exploration into all sorts of history, science, people from all 4 corners of this flat earth!
Yet, still don't know jackshit!!! ***SMIRKS***
With more stories now over at <<redacted site for now, "fox hunts" are real>>
leaving bread crumbs over on:

doing closed beta tests on streaming, while learning their... 'concept' of freedom in speech/information/OPINIONS and less road blocks with search engine abilities, unlike ... competition. or flat out BACK STABBING THEIR USERS TO TRUE SLAVE TRADERS AND AVIDLY RAPING LITERLY THE PEOPLE AND RESOURCES OF WHTIE EUROPEANS!

**SIGH** disgusting to be into the future with thechnology, yet regressed to the AUTHORTIARIAN RULE OF RELGIOUS DEATH CULTS.

BITCHUTE, UK, USA CHINA, w/ 'their frens' made it clear there is no welcome mat out, NOT ONE LIGHT ON for those who are seekers of truth.

lol, bitchute should'a just kept me happy with leaving comments,

Dr. Ethos

Shadow banned on youtube (who hasnt)
perma banned on twitter for sharing proofs of major child sex smuggling ring (still who hasnt)
facebook wrongfully used my name, to frame me as a insurectionist to a south american nation.
changed password twice to 16 chracter random, both times supposedly 'hacked'...NO OTHER ACCOUNTS 'hacked' (ok that seems lil specfic coincidence)