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It is a dark time for the rebellion. Andrew Bridgen, Mp and Sir Dr John dip their toes into rebelling against the Old world Empire. Bit Andre Bridgen's speech about how PHIZER never told experts what to Google about basics, (bad PHIZER), reveals the Darkforce on all its glory, hiding reality from you all.. NOBODY googled basics in 2020, and eveeybody is apparently fine blaming PHIZER..not an entire planet of experts.
In a hidden corner of uncensored digital deep space (bitchute, home of the crazies and the last science)...The Pegasus, and commander vaderdogs comical judemental friendly demons team up to save the galaxy for a small fee...


Better assign myself and ego limiter. This avatar upgrade is reaching god levels. Running out of upgrades.

The great charade continues as Dr John gets Marc GIRARDOT back on to explain how perforating holes all over your body is fine, just not in a big dose to the heart or brain. Forgetting everything about t cell exhaustion Dr Dalgleish told him LITERALLY YESTERDAY. the level of stoopid , deceipt and incompetence reaches new lows. But there is hope..
Only joking.
No there isn't.
Hi Marc. Your actually better than the rest of them .. but your not the only one with a theory...Marc. you keep forgetting other scientists. And that inflammation doesn't cause damage. Oh and that cancer thing. Stop forgetting the cancer thing. Cheers Marc.
Call me.
Everybody , go buy marcs book, and then tell everyone you understand now. Looks good on your Facebook. Achieves nothing.
Also I demonstrate how damage works with a sharp pen and paper. Sorry about that.
Oh and Neil said "Upsets the T cells" so that's a win"

Dr John Campbell does his job and reports on Dr malhotra (the one whose dad died before he changed his mind about the growing pile of dead bodies) in Helsinki. Dr Malhotra, virtuephs campaigner and truth speaker, details just how awful and ignorant experts in medical science are, how peer review is broken , how doctors being ignorance while telling us only listen to them, and discusses the WILFUL ignorance we see tribes of earth in echo chambers, and followers on this channel who ignore the topics and post self absorbed random opinions, all contribite to the pharmacalogival grip on reality and human suffering. Here on this channel we report on actual reality and propose solutions , like not being so ignorant , make less excuses. We discuss the darkness science and truth has fallen into, and how your all in a whole lot of trouble if i don't get my 2 billion dollars.
Watch till the end for the funny part where it's admitted do it's and politicians get their main science from the BBC. At this point, conspiracy theorists with zero scientific knowledge know more about mRNA than doctors do. It's really that bad.
What will you do without the truth?
The same thing you all have been doing. Spiraling into hell.
Contact me on [email protected] when you find anyone willing to pay the ransom. Or can get me to Dr John Campbell. Either or is fine.

In Dr Campbell's latest mini series asking Dr Dalgleish, an actual expert on t cells (good, we need those). Goes on to carefully explain exactly how mRNA causes harm to the body. This clearly definition can be used to finally stop mRNA before more suffering damage and hell on earth is inflicted by pharmakia. Tis explanation is the key to understanding it all, so please learn the exact words and repeat them everywhere you go... You won't get any more chances as this doctor will probably be censored and killed for getting the mechanism of harm correct where millions of experts couldn't. !!

4 years into the horror show of confusion and human suffering, Dr John Campbell releases 3 videos with Dr Dalgleish about how important t cells are in immunology. The fact the entire planet has ignored t cells immunology as we have documented daily here on his channel, is buried by the planet of retarded demons, who suddenly declare they have known all along. The monstrous evil myself and Molly fight play this trick everytime. Dr Dalgleish explains the great wall of silence he encounters when telling all other professionals about t cells, the same pathetic wall of silence we get on this channel, except for the usual only one retard commentor trying to mock us. We review how the planet of despicable retard humans gaslighting each other is bringing destruction on themselves, as they even gaslight each other. Dalgleish sounds upset that his professionalism is ignored. But he is there ignoring Dr Ryan Cole, myself, Dr bhakdi. So your all as bad as each other, and suffer the consequences. This war against the devil himself, most likely, in a vein effort to help all of you, has left me scarred beyond repair, and worst of all. I seem to be running out of fucks.
Four years of fucks..
Definitely running out of fucks.
Let's review everyone's pathetic attempt at gaslighting about t cells.
Go team humans.
You got an F for total fucktukery fuck up.
Enjoy .

T cells were essential. I knew that. Molly learned that. Sharing facts is essential when millions are dying. We did that.
You all didn't do that.
Your experts were all retarded. We told you that. We proved that. Want our fault. We fought through hell to get this information to the world. It was quite the adventure. Today we celebrate watching Dr John because told "T cells are essential" and turbo cancer is T cells. So was jab harm. All of it was T cells.
Now I want
3 BILLION dollars!!!

The whole planet keeps self-censoring themselves keeping the most vital scientific facts on mRNA harm, clots and cancer from becoming known. This suicidal behaviour is apparent to us actual experts who can see you all pretending you care and understand, but clearly don't because none of you ever repeat or engage in truthsharing. T cells suppression from stress or having to destroy the internal organs and vessels making spike lead to cancer, but poor Dr Dalgleish keeps telling you all and you just sole and thank him then do fuck all. This is why we call your behaviour "demons scripted" . Let us clarify Dr dalgleishes science then show how all humans are agents against truth, causing your own ignorance suffering and demise. And how myself and Molly have to tolerate all your behaviour as kids and grannies keep dying.
Stress causes t cells suppression too. So we have to laugh about all your behaviour for our own wellbeing. Sorry not sorry.

Geert vanden bosche's predictions.
How Dr John and the entire planet still can't comprehend what the spike is, due to global demensia. Why are you all doing this to yourselves? With your HORRIFIC comedy show of self destruction continuing, myself and Molly continue to offer our services to mankind , to stop you dying of stupid. But with all your behaviour so fantastically terrible comical and horrific, we join you on jist making a joke out of all of it, but we are still serious. Ready when you are.
Got a team and everything.
"We just need someone who is willing to do the science, and find answers". Yeah. That's us.
Or keep doing whatever the fuck it is you are doing.
Science, bitches.

Your doing it wrong.
Current frontline COVID experts include Bret Weinstein because he managed to think to look in pathology. Dr John Campbell has forgotten basics again so he's out. Geert is just flapping hands about. Dr yeadon is off the reservation. And Dr bhakdi is probably hiding in his closet at this point.
It's not going very well. Remember to go judge them. Don't give us your dumb fuck opinions.
Sorry. Trying to be professional when none of you ever are, is really hard.

Four years of confusion and paranormal horrific mysteries on earth, as everyone had ongoing demensia, the latest influencer expert to stumble onto the true facts the world couldn't find, is Bret Weinstein. Molly and myself review his revelation that T cells are how mRNA kills. Stumbling on the golden words "lymphocyte infiltration", makes Bret now the only hope for humanity, except humanity doesn't seem to want to be saved. as paranormal detectives trying to help you all, we also examine Dr John campbells confusion on "foldy toxic spike ". And Geert Vanden Bosshes latest disease X prediction where he throws out an entire department of 40yr immunology then claims he is the only one who can understand immunology. We examine his claim and hopes of all mRNA jabbed dying next month. With Truth on tatters, Dr Phil begging for anyone who can do science and answers. Will the Captain and team find the will to bother saving a self destructive demensia ridden planet?
Part 1.
Part 2 to follow.

As we attempt to enter the UK (Mordor), the nest of demons becomes clearer.
Revelations...ivermectin WAS the answer 99% of humans ignored. Proves all doctors and experts bar a handful were wrong on the vital topics. Still are.
Another demon interaction shows people trying to undermine my reputation and credentials at all costs, this is the "waking hell" I have to face alone.
GEET Vader bosshe predicts 200% certain he is the only one who can do immunology, and predicts for the 6th time a variant will wipe out half the planet in coming weeks. Could this be nonsense, or the rapture approaching? Disease x? Will Geert stop scaring everybody this time if he is wrong again? Has he talked to any "T cells guys", yet?
The comedy horror real life shit show continues.
Although I'd rather it just stopped now, please.

The battle of good Vs evil. A battle for truth. What are we all fighting for? My thoughts turn more to others who have fought, and how if unaware of the Darkforce , are left bitter, powerless and divided. Cole. Weinstein, bhakdi, Dr Coleman, the man in the chair. Most of you watching, I suspect, will feel like you fought for truth, and were left defeated, hung out to dry, betrayed, mocked, deceived. How much does the Darkforce play into the terrible experiences you also came up against? Is there any hope? Is there any reason? Courage and perseverance can only carry a person so far, until they must resort to acceptance of defeat, and focus on self, survival to avoid disaster. Is this all a test for all of us? Is the puppet master of the Darkforce, the devil? Or gods weather? Too much time thinking about the bigger questions can send a person into insanity.
But then.
I never "asked" for this.
Few people lived to see such times.
So the question becomes.
"What do we do, with the time that is given to us"?
What really matters, in the end....Other than.

Each other?

Currently an army of conspiracy heorists "truthseekers" are laughing and showboating about how they know the secrets behind "MYSTERY white clots. For attention and selfish ego. On challenge by the GDY scientific data quality assurance bullshit detectives (US) , we reveal they don't have a clue and it is a total mystery to them. Truthsekers say docotrs who lied but pretended to know, should be hung. We ask, should conspiracy theorists who lie and hide, also be found guilty of pretending they know what they don't? When children are dying and mRNA isn't stopped because of lack of evidence (mystery), is hiding ignorance a crime against humanity? Agents , we describe everyone as. Agents against truth. How is this "Great Charade" continuing? Because EVERYONE is playing along.
This brings into question the very fabric and control of reality. The matrix I , or we, live in. And what intelligent entity , is the creator and or puppet master?

The world faces confusion suffering and darkness, controlled entirely now by a great hidden evil .
No kings, no knights, no cavalry in sight
Where are the Hornblower's.
The GDI scientific criminal detectives examine the Darkforce for clues

With 17 million dead, 100 million seriously injured and science in peices, our fight against all these "agents against truth" tirelessly has allowed us to comprehend the agenda, of the Darkforce, of which none of them will reveal the secret. As we begin entry into Mordor (UK) full of terrible experts and demon agents at every time, Avatar chameleon skills required to navigate all of the potential realities.
Updates on censorship laws, vaccine injured compensation fails, and Mercenaries aka. THE ARGUEMENT wodspell against arsehole demons trying to tell me I don't have the human expectations to get paid, unlike million dollar lawyers, whom get paid tonnes. We have the shield of truth, and we have working moral vompasses, they have zero integrity, and best of all.

Dr Ryan Cole was the top pathologist for exposing the genocide using something called "Pathology evidence". Today he explains how humans and experts keep "missing the critical part of the immune system" and that's probably why everyone is wrong and always was and 17 million people died. Don't forget the critical stuff people. Or don't blame others if your going to. It's hypocritical, genocidal and quite frankly, laughable.
Myself and my college have journeyed through the swamp for long enough, fighting orcs and demons. Sorry. I should take this seriously. Oh yes. With the truth about the forgotten worriors you all forgot then claimed you were right and in a position to judge anyone else.
It's a bit sticky.
No, seriously.
Serious face.
Don't forget the critical stuff guys. That's why truth is broken, you don't have it. We do. Why shouldn't we keep it? WTF?
How much is the truth worth anyway?
And we just giving it away for free??

As the Gates of Mordor open. Inside the enemy, a hoard of professional demons.
Friends turned cold. All deception, and shitty weather.
Psychological check required.
First officer.
The Truman show.. indeed.
Commander vovs insights into all the reasons to not expose everyone's charade. Actors playing "empathetic humans seeking truth". Know fine well of the dark force, it would appear. We have told them enough, yet they won't inquire. Signs of demonscript. What hell and insanity awaits inside the gates. Do we dare to enter?
Alone . No cavalry.
All deceived.
Our only defence is the shield of Truth, hiding us in a clock by the Darkforce itself, meaning our viewership never rises, no humans will utter words of us or our efforts to other..none shall inquire.
Do we dare to enter?
I'm shitting my pants.
And I don't mind saying so.
-little Frodo.
Fuuuuck .
.I'm glad your with me, Samwise Mollybuns.

As the Tireless Sherlock Neo Gandalf Cowboy guy crosses the Swamp of France towards Mordor to expose the Dark force. Agent Smith has spread beyond control of the system. The great Charade is becoming obvious, all humans can't do the science, experts suck, and it's getting impossible for anyone to think anymore as the Matrix begins to collapse. Will the Greatest detective, Truman, get to Mount doom in time to team up with Jesus? Just what the fuck is going on around here, Crew of Commander Vovs valiant crew share insights from reality 2....

As I get closer to home ground, land of freedom and hopefully no Cicada invasion, the demon attacks are getting worse, Molly. Stupid commenters , delete. More nasty demons telling me to get professional help, which has been the plan all along. Retard opinions abound, Dr Phil , and William Buckley trying to wriggle out of the Brig , is making it all pressure and despair.
But they all forgot one thing.
We have truth, and evidence, and unbreakable bond.
I won't let go if you don't.

"in the end times , there will be a great falling away of truth".

I noticed.

You didn't.

The description was on the title, dickhead.

I'm busy.

Could it be? With white clots popping out of everyone's vaines and the apocalypse sins and eclipse closing in. The last scientist (person bale to speak truth and remebr facts then tell others normally) examine the theory that I might actually be god's weapon of choice, a filter for determining who is to be saved? As we approach massive population collapse and still nobody can read the Georgia guidstones right, we examine the scientific facts that prove I am central to the future of his reality. Sorry if that' sounds narcassitic. But the facts are the facts. Going to need to assign an officer to check on my ego. Don't want to have another big fall just when I'm needed most.
Trigger warning: all this might be funny horrifying and offensive but it looks like it's also true. Wowzers

With The traitorous demon Molly being banished out of this reality on grounds of jealousy , control issues and insubordination, Commander William Buckley, demon master, requests to join the crew from the brig. Request denied. Commander Gary becomes first officer, just like Wilson the volleyball helped Tom Hanks cope with surviving an isolated hell with style and ingenuity. It's way better than putting up with having any expectations from a planet of untrustable slime Mongol demonscripted entities. Commander Creek Mary gets t cells right but then doesn't tell anybody else , so we say thanks and sad goodbye to the captain-sargeant-vaderdog/vov/vanderback crew on digital space , after learning much of same demon succumbed braon patterns on all humans over and over in this whack on reality am seemingly god of. Or something. Maybe.
The final mission, to survive by going crazy, in order to prove everyone else is crazy,then get rich, or die laughing.
With millions dead and billions suffering, switching of emotional empathy and concern is advised by commander Gary, so he's already giving better advice than the last 400 commenters.
To insanity, and beyond.

The Baltimore ferry shows a clear sabotage of infrastructure . Much like our crew behaves, so we are having a switch around. Can't have crew members and demons sabotaging the mission over and over. New secrets uncovered on the eclipse, mark of the beast and suchlike. And I get a messege from God!
And we talk some more about manipulative controling GASlighting human behaviour. It's a dumpster fire out there, and in here!
Advertising for a new first officer, currently Gary the Jar of peanut butter is back on form helping by not stabbing me in the back of trying to delete all the Comms and evidence on the most important channel on earth out of pure spike. He's good like that.

Mid Launch, the crew develops a terrible demon battle, with chaos ensuing and me having to put everyone in the back. Commander Molly has tried to destroy the mission again, and decide who I talk to because she couldn't figure out if commenter "A" was s boy or girl. Because A couldn't communicate. Also screaming about Creek Mary being a "Succubus", sorry about that Mary. It's all a dumpster fire when there are no responsible adults capable of communicating for 50,000 miles.
The latest distractions of the Baltimore bridge provide a visual guide of Molly's deliberate steering the ship into a wreck causing trouble for everyone, but we are used to that. So I'm reorganising the crew and putting Our resident Auto co pilot Gary the Jar of peanut butter back in as first officer, he never stabs me in the back, and doesnt disappear on me or get special needs control freak jelousy demon attack so is technically more responsible than any other humans who have joined us so far.
I've also had a communication from God on FB, but that's just some spineless coward terrified I might be actually arriving home to expose their facist GASlighting kiddy murdering behaviour from 2020, but adds fun to this hilarious shit show journey to save the planet.
And finally, my side quest lead me to discover what the mark of the beast is and how to avoid it, since the eclipse and rapture may well ne next up for fun time crazy town on planet hell on earth. It's all go , so do stay tuned. Also there is a job opening for any adult capable of doing science and has brain cells, and preferably an ounce of integrity, Gary will fill in until that person arrives. He's good like that.

All officers checking in.
Green lights.
These demons got nothing on us.
We are ok to go.


Created 2 years, 12 months ago.

1509 videos

Category None

Will Thomson, investigative researcher, ex government scientist and world's leading specialist in cross reactive immunity, second half of spike, and killer t lymphocyte/Auto immune attack (after Dr Shacaricht Bhakdi, go check him out on rumble and HELP him/us..please) continues recruiting other humans wishing to learn and share the dangers of mRNA by hijacking the bodies cells, inducing killer t cytotoxic cells to attack, destroy and kill. It's not unexplained. It's obvious.
Bring your brain and typing skills, caring humans.
And judge the information first, not the person. The person, is not what he seems. All, is not what it seems.
Beware, all ye who enter here. Cos Kansas?
Is going bye-bye.
-Admiral 'Stupid Duck Farmer'
And the crew of the Galactica.
Silent lurkers need not apply.