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Do it! Create communities.
Get involved in IRL creating a future for our people....

Where is our governments loyalty on both sides of the political paradigm?
Why do they not treat the anti white rhetoric the same? It is very clear who controls our governments. All of these politicians are disloyal traitors and agents of the JWO

Joseph Goebbels

Throw away the things of the past.
What is presented as entertainment is
but perversion and subversion. The
news is NOT news. The schools are not
places of higher learning but degradation.
It is time to recognize the filth that our nations
have become immersed in. We must rise from
the quagmire. The Light is ahead. Run towards it!!!

A very comprehensive compilation video with a few clips I had not seen yet.
The demonic jEw Mafia Behind Multiculturalism & Gene Mixing.
They play the same game, run the same script in every white western nation
they reside. There is no denying what they are trying to achieve. Our destruction
guised in beguiling words of deception. Serpents!

Uncle Adolf explains the JQ

And how far we have descended..

@Louis Marschalko

This needs to be shared everywhere. Get on it.
A traitor scumbag reporter "investigative journalist" Paul Dermot Connoly (TV3, RTE, Virgin) ships in illegal invaders to Ireland as Antifa to get violent with people on Rememberence Week of the Easter Uprising. Some lads kicked the shit out of them and got into their phones.
The Guards are in on it too, they went around looking for the phone with evidence of their treason on it.
This is the biggest scandal since before Irish independence.


Good video, important message.
I do not advocate for a couple of the speakers in this video but the overall message along with the video insertions/captions etc. is of extreme importance. They have been waging war on the minds...

Lose the jeW media and schools.


The Diversity scam has killed white London and is out
to destroy all formerly white western nations. Treason in
the highest places. Genocide.

mirrored from:

A little peak into their mindset.
check out DDD channel as he does some
good work exposing how deep the hatred
and violence toward whites runs.
The link below is a great video ...watch in full on triple D's
channel. An eye opener that should be shared with all
the "I'm not a racist but" folks.

Old video footage of National Socialist Germany with
some excerpts of speeches.

Parody of Conan...

"There is a woman in every color" - bLack women in art.

Asian hits older WHITE MAN while boarding a bus.
White man has a good left knee.


COI - NOT a judeo church.......
They're singing "The Horse and His Rider"
I like seeing all the white children behaving
as it used to be in our once great societies.
They know what sex they are and have respect..

ps. Anyone who calls themselves a white nationalist
that thumbs this down is a big part of the
problem we are facing...self centered self obsessed
godless wandering fools who speak before they

Johnny Gat

A parody song...

Give this a listen...very important and eye-opening information. Powerful.
The jewish role in Bloshevism and it is the same in all nations today.
 Bolshevism and Capitalism are weapons of the jEw which they make use of to remold the world for their ends and purposes. "The process of renovation of the world is thus carried on from above by jEwish control of the riches of the world and from below by jEwish guidance of revolution." The jEwish power of organization is manifested at one and the same time by bolshevism with it's delirium of destruction and by the league of nations in the sphere of reconstruction. (today the UN)
The jEwish nation is one of the most intensely nationalistic of all people while they
use their control of the narrative via their media to portray all others who have nationalistic ideals as evil. Two face lying murderous devils. Their agenda? World
domination and absolute despotic rulership.
It is time for people to awaken as one to the evil of the jwo.


@Louis Marschalko

This woman speaks the truth.
White people so afraid to be called the name "racist"
that they will be silent in the face of their own genocide.
Embrace your Race!!!

Whites have been programmed for destruction. To
embrace their own genocide as a good thing.
To ignore the truth. To abhor the truth and those
that speak the truth. Programmed every day and they
turn the programming on willingly.

Snap out of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@Bubba8613 truthpodium

This is from several years or so back but it is even more so pertinent
now. Sadly, it takes a 15 yr old girl to stand up and speak what adults
should be saying. Listen to her closely...
It is not just Germany. It is every formerly
white Christian western nation. Traitors among
us and people too worried about being PC.
Defend your nations and your people!!!



Created 6 years, 2 months ago.

1790 videos

Category None

“If a man is born ignorant, to parents that are ignorant, in a society that is ignorant, lives a life of ignorance, and eventually dies in ignorance…..then, ignorance is the norm. Thus, indoctrination can be called education, hypnotism can be called entertainment, criminals can be called leaders, and lies can be called truth, because his mind was never truly his own.”