Eyes to Heaven Ministries

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Eyes to Heaven Ministries



Prepare to challenge conventional wisdom and uncover the hidden truths behind the holiday season in my latest video. We delve deep into the cosmic tapestry, exposing the stark connections between Christmas and the celestial realm.

In this provocative exploration, we confront the symbolic representations found in Sagittarius, Centaurus, Norma, Libra, and Lupus, each revealing a facet of the holiday steeped in ancient myth and lore. Witness Sagittarius, the archer, embodying the essence of Balder, shedding light on the winter solstice with an accusatory glare.

Follow along as we navigate the cosmos and confront Centaurus, the Janus of the heavens, gazing into the past and future with a critical eye. Libra's celestial scales serve as a reminder of the imbalance and injustices perpetuated during this time of supposed harmony.

But the revelations don't end there. We shine a harsh light on Lupus, where echoes of the Mersburg Incantations resound, questioning the efficacy of ancient rituals in modern times. And in Norma, Odin's presence looms large, casting doubt on the validity of his guidance through the darkest nights.

Prepare to have your perceptions shattered as we uncover the truth behind the holiday facade. Subscribe now to embark on a journey of enlightenment and skepticism with me. 'Tis the season to question everything.


🌌 Dive deep into the cosmic mysteries of Saturn in this eye-opening exploration that transcends the realms of astrology, mythology, symbology, and etymology. Join me as we decipher the celestial symbolism and unravel the profound connections between Saturn, the Ten Commandments, and the forgotten contract between humanity and the divine.

🔍 Explore the astrological tapestry woven between Saturn, Aquarius, Cepheus, Lacerta, and Capricorn, revealing the intricate dance of celestial bodies that influence our spiritual journey. Discover the profound links to centaurs such as Chiron, Pholus, and Nessus, shedding light on the deep wounds and forgotten wisdom that shape our existence.

🌍 Unveil the hidden truths about our collective amnesia, exposing the fractures in our covenant with the divine that have led to global turmoil. Challenge conventional narratives about the creation of men and women, debunking biblical misconceptions and asserting the equality of the sexes. Examine the pervasive influence of patriarchy and question the agendas of world governments and spiritual powers that may be leading us astray.

⚖️ Recognize Saturn as the enigmatic black pillar, symbolizing knowledge and wisdom. Explore the profound implications of Saturn transits as snapshots of God's rod and staff guiding humanity. Discover the presence of spiritual Israel scattered across the Earth, emphasizing that God is the true ruler, and we need no earthly authority to teach us.

🌟 Join me on this journey of enlightenment as we reconnect with the cosmic truths that transcend societal constructs. It's time to rediscover our divine contract and embrace the wisdom that Saturn, the celestial teacher, holds for us all.

🚀 Like, share, and subscribe for more thought-provoking content on astrology, mythology, and the spiritual journey! Let's unravel the mysteries of the cosmos together. #SaturnMysteries #Astrotheology #SpiritualAwakening #CosmicWisdom #MythologyUnveiled #DivineConnection

In this video, I give an explanation of something God told me in October regarding His name, what His name is, and a little bit of why it's His name. I hope you thoroughly consider the info I present here.

Speaking out about what Israel has been failing to do for thousands of years and the bulk of the lies we have been told. How we get God to bring us back to the land He gave our fathers involves obedience to His commands. Listen and seek God. Repent.

#Commandments #Repent #Israel

This is what God told me to say to the “people without borders,” Israel, last night.

“Speak now to the people that are without borders saying,
‘Go to your God and Savior, the one who loves you.’
Saying, ‘where is your heart? Where is your mind and soul?
Why do you chase after idols? Why do you lust after these things—not shaken?
Go back to where you started from. Love me again, because I loved you first.’”

#Israel #Commandments #EndTimes

An impromptu version of what God told me to say regarding what we should all be doing. We should all be waking up to the fact that we have been given over, and we should all be moving in the correct direction.

God spoke to me concerning His name and some of the things that are happening/will happen before Jacob returns. He mentions blasphemers and their fate, but also mentions those that seek the old ways and how they are reckoned.


"I asked the Lord why His name was so blasphemed; why everyone had a different name for Him.

He drove me outside and showed me birds flying away from wind before a whirlwind. They were looking to roost in trees that had little leaves, ignoring the old lush forest that was right behind them. They sought young trees, covered in poison, with few branches that have been continuously cut down. I saw birds seeking shelter onto roofs, but not under them. And it greatly grieved my spirit to see.

I considered a single bean plant that had grown even though men had sought to destroy it. And I saw dead rotten beans holding onto a bush shaken by the wind.

Then the Word of the Lord came to me saying;

“This is what is to befall before the last millennium, before the children of Jacob are brought back. These are only echos of the winds and rains to come. They all flee in fear as the time is approaching—they grasp at things hoping to find shelter but those things are not good shelter—these things are bad judgment in fear.

They flee away to disappear in groups to go the way that leads nowhere between houses. The rain lightly falls and wind blows slowly in warning, as birth pangs. My people leave Me in order to roost in places that don’t exist; under names that are not real because they think they have power. Under chopped up and reformed versions of My name. Not at all a covering.

Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh—the driver of the wind and of words and of sea and of air. The one Israel will fly on in warmth/love.

The beacon will be alive with white and purple, and will confess life and not curse. Visibly white surrounded by green. Standing with the rod of iron with no blasphemy.

Those that blaspheme will wither with no green thing, being moved by the wind with no roots. Dried, having no water, and black from death. Their acts are not right. Their head is sick.

Those that seek the old ways will have adequate shelter and will be reckoned as wheat. The whirlwind won’t come to them, but shall send them good, calming rains in the last millennia.”

Isaiah 29
(whole chapter)

“For the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered. And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed: And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.” Isaiah 29:10-12
(especially pertinent)


✰ My website: eyeslookingheavenward.wordpress.com

Twitter: twitter.com/JOnThingsAbove


Eyes to Heaven is a series of words and edification given by God to His servant. This channel was created in order to get what He said out to as many people as possible. These are words of warning, reproof, and love.

I hope that you seek Him and a relationship with Him before anything else. He is the best teacher and the giver of all wisdom and knowledge.

#EyestoHeaven #Shelter #NameofGod #Ehyeh

This is the last thing God said to me in an official manner before I decided to put His words in video form. This is connected with the last video. He stresses listening to Him over what you think you should do.


“Listen to me.
Love the Lord thy God with all your heart, soul, and strength, and lean not unto thine own understanding. Choose the way that honors Him and He will direct your path. Blessed are you when they shall speak vile of you.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.
Seek His face truly and bend not your knee to Baal.

Listen to My words.
Lean not unto thine own understanding.”

Proverbs 3



✰ My website: eyeslookingheavenward.wordpress.com

Twitter: twitter.com/JOnThingsAbove


Eyes to Heaven is a series of words and edification given by God to His servant. It was created in order to get what Jesus said out to as many people as possible. These are words of warning, reproof, and love. Most importantly, I hope that you seek Him and a relationship with Him before anything else. He is the best teacher and the giver of all wisdom and knowledge.

➵➵➵Sound effects from Zapsplat , obtained from www.zapsplat.com

#EyestoHeaven #Commandments #Understanding

This is a short and sweet set of sentences that God said to me. Although it is brief, it is somewhat controversial and not what a lot of people want to hear. Regardless, we should all listen.


“Thus saith the Lord of Hosts:

Turn not away from your fathers that have held the law and the prophets.
Abide in those things which hold fast to me and worship therein in spirit and in truth.
For I love the ones who are obedient and seek My Face.

Serve the LORD with fear and lean not unto thine own understanding.”



✰ My website: eyeslookingheavenward.wordpress.com

Twitter: twitter.com/JOnThingsAbove


Eyes to Heaven is a series of words and edification given by God to His servant. It was created in order to get what Jesus said out to as many people as possible. These are words of warning, reproof, and love. Most importantly, I hope that you seek Him and a relationship with Him before anything else. He is the best teacher and the giver of all wisdom and knowledge.

➵➵➵Sound effects from Zapsplat , obtained from www.zapsplat.com

#EyestoHeaven #Commandments #Return

This is something that was given to me to say. At the time, I was exceptionally vexed with the repeat patterns of sin that I was seeing from confessing followers of Jesus. People continue in their search for lucre and have no want for things He said to purchase from Him in Revelation. They do not care to seek Him with their hearts. After seeing how angry and upset this was making me for God, I can’t imagine how He must feel every second of every day about these things—the One Who Sees All! How grateful we should all be that He does not completely destroy us.


“Laodicea, you are a lazy generation! You cannot seek to discern yourself?

Everyone of you pollutes himself with abominations daily. Your ears and eyes should be plucked out and cut off for they have become useless because of the damage you have wrought on them from constant pollution!

Yet you don’t even give time to consider truth?

Because you refuse to hear it or to see it!

You seek your infant milk from these apostates, these pharisees, where there is no anointing, these workers of iniquity; these people who have denied true followers of Jesus, who have exploited the sheep!

You have all fallen away.

You are all blasphemers who seek not the truth, who want not the truth.You are all liars and followers of lucre!

When you are told that this world is evil, you think “how can this world possibly be so” when The Lord of All told you it was so from ancient times! You are blind! You cannot see!

The light of the world is brighter and the dark is darker than the delusion that you have embraced! Things are not always made known at first; you need to anoint your eyes with salve and wake up from your sinful slumber. You follow after all these things that are completely worthless. They are all wind. They are all nothing. When The Lord spoke to you, you did not harken. You ignored Him and became trapped in your slavery.

You are all slaves to Babylon. And you will be consumed to death. Saying “what is this that comes to us” and wonder at it.

I am angry for the Lord at these people that honor Him with their lips but follow lucre!

You are all speaking of the promises to come to His people but you refuse to see the danger that is about to consume you in your transgression! You all live in denial; you have no fear of the Lord!

God of Heaven and Earth, hear my supplication. Make these people see the truth of their wantonness. Rip the blackness from their eyes and allow them to see the foundations you have laid. Help them to see their utter folly and blasphemy. Make plain their vanity and Your Glory.

How long until the King of Kings returns?”



✰ My website: eyeslookingheavenward.wordpress.com

Twitter: twitter.com/JOnThingsAbove


Eyes to Heaven is a series of words and edification given by God to His servant. It was created in order to get what Jesus said out to as many people as possible. These are words of warning, reproof, and love. Most importantly, I hope that you seek Him and a relationship with Him before anything else. He is the best teacher and the giver of all wisdom and knowledge.

➵➵➵Sound effects from Zapsplat , obtained from www.zapsplat.com

#EyestoHeaven #Laodicea #EndTimes

God has never stopped loving Israel, the people that He made to be separated unto Himself. He is always going to have something to say to His people as a nation of people, and as you can see here, He is still speaking. He is calling His people to turn away from idolatry and to follow after him earnestly. He is for his people Israel, those scattered over the whole earth.

Most confessing followers of Jesus do not even recognize how and when they are committing idolatry. I implore each one of us to scrutinize what we are doing and ask God if it really is what He wants for us and if it aligns with His words.


“Thus saith the Lord, The Most High:

Oh Israel! How I have been with you from your youth from when I called you! I spoke with you in secret places and told you the things that would come after. But you still went whoring after strange gods and settled there, in My name did you commit yourself to another. Your strange gods gave you poison scraps to eat, your clothing became tattered and stained—it fit you not as the glory which I had made you. Your strange gods gave you no bed to rest in and put you in low places. You had no house to make pleasing—you lived in filth amongst creeping things in strange places. You worked to bring forth fruit; but the glory of the fruit of your hands was stolen and discarded until you worked for it no longer. Your strange gods raped you, cherished you not, and stole life away from you. Your silver became dross and the shining silver and pearls that I dressed you with were cast away from you.

And the lover you settled with hated you in his jealousy, stood accusing you, as he hated all women. You gave him your hand, and your glory left you. He caused you to run away to hide and the other nations saw you not. He cast you aside to die and neither loved you with your wounds nor healed you; he gave you neither ointment nor comfort. He made your children to hate you, like unto how he had hated you from the beginning; your sons hated your instruction and your daughters lived in hopelessness; your children found no rest in their dirty beds. You longed for gifts, love, and peace, but these things did your lover not give unto you. You met your lover with supplications, but he cared not and lent not his ear to you.

But do I not love you?

Have I not extended My Hand to you and shown you My promises?

Will I not heal the wounds of My beloved who turns to Me and hears My voice? Will I not hearken to Israel who brings forth fruit and works to show My glory? An Israel who seeks My face, My commandments, and the ways to worship Me? An Israel that seeks My counsel continuously? Yea, I will clothe you in fine linens. I will make you full with milk and honey. I will give you a pleasing bed to rest in and will shower you with gifts. I will give to you a clean bed, undefiled. I will build for you as ships of Tyre that will reach to the ends of the earth; I will make you fishers in abundance and the goods of other nations will be yours. I will speak to you in the secret places—I will give you peace and understanding. I will make your sons My sons and I will be your daughters’ oath. Your sons will eagerly do good and delight in you and your daughters will dance and sing to me in the early hours of the day—I will delight in your children. I will give you living waters and cleanse you from your filth. I will give you dignity. You will be seen and known again by all nations, and they will know that I have loved you.

But your lovers balk at acknowledging your chosenness, because they cannot bear it in their hatred of you. They seek to have dominion over you and to blaspheme My Word. Your lovers’ hearts are made known in their scornful eye. But they cannot separate Me from you once you turn to me; I will give you knowledge of Me, wisdom, understanding. Seek Me first, as I have been for you from the beginning, and all of these things that I promise will be added unto you.”

Isaiah 65



✰ My website: eyeslookingheavenward.wordpress.com

Twitter: twitter.com/JOnThingsAbove


Eyes to Heaven is a series of words and edification given by God to His servant. It was created in order to get what Jesus said out to as many people as possible. These are words of warning, reproof, and love. Most importantly, I hope that you seek Him and a relationship with Him before anything else. He is the best teacher and the giver of all wisdom and knowledge.

➵➵➵Sound effects from Zapsplat , obtained from www.zapsplat.com

#EyestoHeaven #Israel

This is what the Lord showed me regarding a white wolf. I was perplexed by it for a while, but then He showed me who the white wolf is, and I will have a lot to say about it in the future.


I was resting on my bed on the sabbath in the 13th month* on the 25th day in the third hour of the day, when I saw dark rocks resting in darkness. And from the center of the darkness came a white wolf, shining with golden light.

The wolf was comely and seemingly harmless and agile, and I wanted to be near to it. But the wolf stepped down from the rock and walked past my left side and then I awoke.

And again I laid down to rest on the sabbath around the sixth hour of the day, in the 13th month* on the 25th day, and I saw the wolf on my left side suddenly. It’s mouth covered in blood, snarling.

And the word of the Lord came to me saying–

“Thus saith the LORD of Hosts;

This wolf comes from afar, from the depths of a refuge, standing firmly on the strength of darkness. It’s comely so that the sheep do not want to look away and will pine after it–how soft and beautiful it looks to them! The wolf appears spotless and just and mighty and lithe and beautiful. The sheep forget that it’s a wolf because of how comely it is. This is deception: For the wolf will be close to the sheep suddenly for the reason of their carnality and blood will already be lining its jaws by the time it bears its teeth.”

Ezekiel 22

*Adar II


✰ My website: eyeslookingheavenward.wordpress.com
✰ Twitter: twitter.com/JOnThingsAbove


➵➵➵Sound effects from Zapsplat , obtained from www.zapsplat.com

The next thing God told me to say to the churches was about not being welcome at His gates. If we look in Revelation, we can see that entering His gates and eating from the Tree of Life means that one does His commandments. What do you think the commandments are? Most people obviously do not take God’s commandments seriously enough and cannot answer that question.

You can access a free book I wrote about this topic. Here is the like that is directly to the PDF: https://eyeslookingheavenward.files.wordpress.com/2020/08/the-missing-commandment-1-1.pdf


“Thus saith The LORD God of Israel

Say to the seven churches:

I know your works

That you are neither cold nor hot

That you are not guiding yourselves to the area of rest

That you are not listening


That you are not welcome at my gates

That silence is all you will hear in response from My Throne

That the LORD of Hosts will not fight for those that refuse to kneel

Blessed are those that hear and see

Blessed at those that seek, for they shall find truth

Blessed are my sheep, for they know my voice

Learn to quiet yourselves and be still with ME in My sabbaths.



✰ My website: eyeslookingheavenward.wordpress.com
✰ Twitter: twitter.com/JOnThingsAbove


➵➵➵Sound effects from Zapsplat , obtained from www.zapsplat.com

This is the next thing God told me to say, and it is directed at the seven churches. He mentions that the churches are not doing what they have been told to do. His assertion may be alarming to most, but to many others, it is not news that those who purport to be shepherds are not actually doing “good.” God then assures that He brings up children.


“Say to the seven churches

Thus saith the LORD, Maker of heaven and earth

I know your works

That you are not with them that harvest the grain

That you are not with them that purchase gold from Me

That you are not those who listen to my voice and share in my harvest

That you work for those who speak evil and seek lucre and seek hurt

Know this– that the LORD of hosts shall swoop down like a burden on those that hear well My voice

And know that I will bring up them who are doers of my word

I will pour on them living waters

I will drown out their sorrows and the yoke of this life with fountains of living water

I will abundantly bless them”


✰ My website: eyeslookingheavenward.wordpress.com
✰ Twitter: twitter.com/JOnThingsAbove


➵➵➵Sound effects from Zapsplat , obtained from www.zapsplat.com

This is the third thing God told me to say, and it is related to submission to Jesus. God is interested in getting His people to turn to Him instead of the system that most of us are a part of. The way He presents this word is pressing, especially when we consider what hour it is.

***NOTE: I misspoke! This video is from January 21, 2020, not February 1, 2020! Apologies!***


“Thus saith the Lord of Hosts:

From where I come there I am coming to bring salvation to those who listen and heed my words—those who listen to the voice of the most High (glorify His name)
Say to the people—Thus saith the Lord of Hosts that brings up clear waters risen to those that heed my call. Bring forth offerings of praise and thanksgiving to me.

Say to my people— Thus saith the LORD God of Israel: Listen now. Submit yourselves before the coming of the LORD down from His throne. Give to Me glory due me, and I will make do you. Submit to me, and I will make rivers of living water flow from abundant places.

Does not he that maketh himself a king speaketh against the LORD? Shouldn’t men not do these works and shouldn’t they submit themselves holy before the Lord through Jesus Christ—the one who comes? Shouldn’t man not attempt to place himself in the judgement seat? Has not man utterly fallen? Isn’t there a TRUE WISE KING? OUGHT NOT MAN KNOW HIS PLACE?

They cast Him aside in their utter wickedness. They are filthy, followers of lucre.”


✰ My website: eyeslookingheavenward.wordpress.com
✰ Twitter: twitter.com/JOnThingsAbove


➵➵➵Sound effects from Zapsplat , obtained from www.zapsplat.com

This is the second thing God told me to say to people. He started telling me to tell people certain things in January 2020, which is why I started this channel. I will be posting His words before I will be posting any other type of content.

This specific message is on false prophets who unfortunately make up the majority of those who claim to be giving people the truth.


“Say to my people:

Thus saith the LORD, the Alpha and Omega:False prophets are deceived and perceive that they are clean, but are not. They cry, screeching, but they do mock. Their words come after, chase after mine, for My word was the first. But are not My words formed from reproof and love? Are not their words causing you to err and taking away your peace; are not they blatantly against Me? Do I quicken their hearts? Do they stand in My counsel? Or do they stand in vanity?

Say to my people:‘This is the heart of a false prophet: they abide in lies.’

Let this serve as a sign to those who refute Me and liken My words to dust—Be still and know that I am the LORD who maketh the world to turn asunder in the end. I am the one who hearkens to those that bow to Me alone, that make themselves low, that stand before Me habitually. These prophets work evil— before My eyes that go into the whole earth.

They impart lies that they sew together. They sew them together with the truths that come out of Mine mouth; they are weavers of deadly webs. They are creeping things that do seek to destroy—sons of Satan! Be advised, and be warned! They do speak poison.
(Give thanksgiving! For the LORD your God is not a God that is afar off! Praise the Lord who is worthy! Submit yourselves in righteousness with praise and thanksgiving—for the LORD is merciful! He will give to the righteous that which is due to him in due season, and will give to the wicked his just deserts! He is the one who speaks and His flock listens!)

Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly. They are those whose good fruit is made known to those whose fruit has also grown of My spirit. Whose face is turned towards Me. Who has put away selfish ambitions. Those who do live separated unto Me. BLESSED ARE THEY!

The Lord of Hosts says,HEARKEN! Are not my words as fire? As living water, flowing from My mouth continuously? And are not they those that speak lies? Are not they those that profane My name? HEARKEN! For the Day of the Lord is at hand! HEARKEN! For the Spirit of the Lord is coming unto the church for strengthening, building up, and edifying in this season.”


These chapters are to be considered:

Psalm 58
Jeremiah 23


✰ My website: eyeslookingheavenward.wordpress.com
✰ Twitter: twitter.com/JOnThingsAbove


➵➵➵Sound effects from Zapsplat , obtained from www.zapsplat.com

This year, God told me to start saying things to Israel and the followers of the churches. After months of not being able to get people to read what I had written, I realized that I needed to make videos. This is the series of words spoken to me by Jesus.


“Say to My people and also to the followers of the churches:

Thus saith the LORD, the one who forms children and brings them up-
Why do you hide in lifeless places? Know not that such places testify against you—that you are poor, and blind, and exposed?

You are found lacking, saith the Judge of Heaven, the Beam of the Scale and the Holder thereof. The branches are dead. All the leaves have withered. They have been carried by the wind to be crushed underfoot into dust!

Because you have not sought refuge in Me but in lifeless places and have called evil good, I am coming forth to consume you to death. I will pluck you off. I will chase you from your hiding places, from the dead places where there is no breadfruit; where I am not. I will chase you off your dead branches, where you perch yourself on high. I will chase you and place you into the jaws of death. Because of your blindness, I will come from where you will not see. You will perceive that you are well hidden, but I will pluck you off until none are left—all will be given unto death. For who can hide from Me?, saith El Elyon.

Go then back to your own homes. Make your houses upright. Cease to do evil. Learn to do well. For the wages of sin is death, saith the LORD.

For the LORD sees that those that make themselves lowly glean fresh food from among green grasses. For you need not that any man teach you, but from the bread which emanates from the throne of heaven—that you should eat, saith the LORD.”


✰ My website: eyeslookingheavenward.wordpress.com
✰ Twitter: twitter.com/JOnThingsAbove


➵➵➵Sound effects from Zapsplat and CCO, obtained from www.zapsplat.com
➵➵➵Stock footage provided by Beachfront, Videvo, Motion Places, and Kiril Dobrev, downloaded from www.videvo.net***


Created 3 years, 8 months ago.

17 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Hi, I'm Jen! ☺️

This channel was created in order to get some of the things God told me to say out to a wider audience. It is entirely meant to bring glory to Jesus Christ and to urge people worldwide to put their eyes solely on Him. Because of this, the structure of my channel may appear a bit abnormal:

1. The words He has given me specifically constitute their own videos apart from the edification He has given me to repeat.
2. I post what I am told to post when it is I am told to post it.
3. I won't monetize as long as the choice remains mine, and I will never try to sell you anything material. Not even books.

All that being said...
Seek the Lord and turn from all your wicked ways.
May He bless you abundantly.

My blog: eyeslookingheavenward.wordpress.com
Twitter: @JOnThingsAbove
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGJq9wmog_n05Y4W_b7L2Sg