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Inregistrare cu Alexandru Rafila, membru în Comitetul Executiv al OMS si şeful Laboratorului Institutului Naţional de Boli Infecţioase Matei Balş din Bucureşti, declarind (la începutul stării de urgenţă) că, citez: "Corona virusul nu există!".

They say it was a tribute to National Health Services (NHS) in UK. I say it was a tribute to dark ocult, "retard syndrome" in many human-beings, 5G control and medical pandemic world-wide scenario - all ment to engulf the future of the children of this planet.

Image and editing provided by drMeno

They say it was a tribute to National Health Services (NHS) in UK. I say it was a tribute to dark ocult, retard syndrome in humans, 5G and medical pandemic wolrd wide scenario - all ment to engulf the future of the children of this planet.

Image and editing provided by drMeno


Created 3 years, 12 months ago.

3 videos

Category None