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video by Lynn Hiles ;

but NOW, once at the end of the ages, He HAS appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. Heb 9

Meghan mentions "the firm" that these people seem to be submitting to. Britney Spears also mentioned "the firm" in her recent voice recording.
Who is the firm?

#RiseShineInChrist exposes the darkness #randonautica by the grace of God Jesus & shares words of the Lord's #Gospel of peace based on the Love of God which fulfilled the law that brings death.
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Who was this young man and is he still alive???

I recorded my tab as it was scanning for bluetooth devices (and later from my mobile phone)
I have done this in two countries (UK & Ireland) and both outcomes were the same. People who walked into the radius of the bluetooth scan all came up with their own personal number/bluetooth address.

What wasnt visible on the mobile phone was the words written under each number "DEVICE NAME WILL APPEAR WHEN THIS DEVICE IS CONNECTED"

Looks like the device is the person him/herself who have now a dormant bluetooth inside of them waiting to be activated.

How can it be activated? #5g? What are your thoughts?

video in background:

What is difference between Bluetooth and BLE?
The difference lies in how they distribute data for energy savings. Bluetooth can handle a lot of data but quickly consumes battery life and costs a lot more. Bluetooth Low Energy is used for applications that do not need to exchange large amounts of data and can run on battery power for years at a cheaper cost.

After watching a video about the new street lights with L17-A sensors on them, I did a search and came across a link which wasnt accessible anymore. I went to the internet archive and found a screen shot from 2011.
This is what I found. Might be important, it might not. I put it out there for someone who can make sense of it.
May the TRUTH Jesus Christ bless you all.



Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

8 videos

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