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Yann Guillou


In the 5th century before Yoshua Ben Joseph, Greek historian Herodotus describes the Budini of Scythia as red-haired:
"The Budini are a large and powerful nation: they have all deep blue eyes, and bright red hair."
The Herodotus' description of Budini fits well to Udmurts, who are the most red-haired people in Europe.
The 2nd-century Greek philosopher Polemon includes the Scythians among the northern peoples characterised by red hair and blue-grey eyes.
The ancient Persians called all the Scyths "Saca".

In "The Nine Books of History", the Greek historian Herodotus describes how the Scythians inhaled cannabis vapor, throwing it onto heated stones... vapor is mentioned, not smoke. Moreover, the effect of inhaled natural hemp vapour is not as "speed" and electric as that of its smoke.

It takes only eight drops of purified nicotine to kill a horse, and tobacco is one of the most toxic plants in the Mediterranean flora.

Au Ve siècle avant Yoshua Ben Joseph, l'historien grec Hérodote décrit les Budinis de Scythie comme étant roux :
"Les Budinis sont une nation nombreuse et puissante : ils ont tous des yeux d'un bleu profond et des cheveux d'un roux éclatant".
La description des Budinis par Hérodote correspond bien aux Oudmourtes, qui sont le peuple le plus roux d'Europe.
Le philosophe grec du IIe siècle Polémon inclut les Scythes parmi les peuples nordiques caractérisés par des cheveux roux et des yeux bleu-gris.
Les anciens Perses appelaient tous les Scythes "Saca".

Dans « Les Neuf livres des Histoires », l'historien grec Hérodote décrit comment les Scythes inhalaient la vapeur de cannabis, la jetant sur des pierres préalablement chauffées. Il est question de vapeur, pas de fumée. D' ailleurs l' effet de la vapeur du chanvre naturel inhalée n' est pas "speed" et électrique comme celui de sa fumée.

Il faut seulement huit gouttes de nicotine purifiée pour tuer un cheval et le tabac est une des plantes les plus toxiques de la flore méditerranéenne.

"Impatience is a spirit poison;
anger is like a stone hurled into a hornet’s nest."

An archangel of our local universe

The Urantia Book
Paper 48
The Morontia Life

“For, although one may be very strong in armed forces, yet in entering a province one always needs the goodwill of the natives.”

Niccolo Machiavelli
The Prince, Ch. III

One cell phone to rule them all, one cell phone to find them, One cell phone to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them. Cell phones cause cancer and some military have known it since the 1930s.

“Men deceive themselves in respect of their own affairs, and most of all in respect of those on which they are most bent; so that either from impatience or from self-deception, they rush upon undertakings for which the time is not ripe, and so come to an ill end.”

Niccolo Machiavelli
The Discourses: III, 8

If you have called yourself a muslim for a long time and are now understanding this documentary and willing to watch it until the end, then it means that you are realizing that we all have been fooled by the papal bloodlines. All of us including the most hardcore "christians" who think they have a better version of the bible when actually the original ancient sacred texts are lost, and some lies were inserted in ALL the ones we have access to.
Don't despair, brother, we are not alone. Here's a quote from a Melchizedek of our local universe found in a book that our planet received around the middle of the 20th century (note how this wonderful being tried to help us by pointing both the most significant earthly lie and the most significant divine truth in our altered books):

The strength of Islam has been its clear-cut and well-defined presentation of Allah as the one and only Deity; its weakness, the association of military force with its promulgation, together with its degradation of woman. But it has steadfastly held to its presentation of the One Universal Deity of all, “who knows the invisible and the visible. He is the merciful and the compassionate.” “Truly God is plenteous in goodness to all men.” “And when I am sick, it is he who heals me.” “For whenever as many as three speak together, God is present as a fourth,” for is he not “the first and the last, also the seen and the hidden”?

a Melchizedek of Nebadon, paper 95 of the Urantia Book
[Urantia being the name given to our planet by the celestial hierarchy who handed us this book]

"...I'm going to bring down the United States by funding black hate groups. We'll put them into a mental trap and make them blame white people. The black community is the easiest to manipulate." George Soros, Bild Magazine september 2014
[https://odysee.com/@Laura/Dr.-Phil-Valentine--The-History-of-The-Shadow-Government @ 20 min 50 sec]

The first minutes of a video downloaded from pagansTV's odysee channel, then slightly modified by me. Indeed, Oleg kept using the term "christian" instead of the word "luciferian" (quite a problem if we choose to not insult Mikaël, the creator of our local universe, also Joshua Ben Joseph or Jesus Christ when he visited our planet). So I had to at least replace the inappropriate term "christian" by the term "catholic" knowing that the catholic institution has been infiltrated by adepts of the so-called philosophy of lucifer.
I also took the liberty to cut the few seconds where some things were being repeated twice.

“When many powerful persons are united against one, who, although no match for the others collectively, is also powerful, the chances are more in favour of this single and less powerful person, than of the many who together are much stronger… it will always happen that, by exercising a little dexterity, the one will be able to divide the many, and weaken the force which was strong while it was united.”
Niccolo Machiavelli, The Discourses: III, 11


source (sauf les sous-titres / except the subtitles): odysee.com/@FrancoisChartrand

Source (except the subtitles): Agnès and François' channel https://odysee.com/@FrancoisChartrand

Source (sauf les sous-titres): la chaîne d' Agnès et François https://odysee.com/@FrancoisChartrand

Translation of what is written in blue letters:
"To get all the details and
to be in the guests' list
contact us by mail at
[email protected]"

A definition of wisdom is: a form of acting intelligence whose source is love.

1ère moitié d' une émission que "suisgentil" avait sauvegardée sur odysee.

1st half of a repost that I found back on suisgentil's odysee channel.

vignette complète / full thumbnail: vidéo --> urantia.org/fr/news/2019-04/lhistoire-meconnue-de-jesus-une-biographie-moderne-du-livre-durantia

Extraits d' une vidéo de la chaîne odysee "Suisgentil".

excerpt from the video "Make Of It What You Will # 66 : DreamWorks Doll designed by pedos" https://www.bitchute.com/video/tGzCKVbqlSPz

Emission de François Chartrand diffusée puis supprimée au début du mois de février 2023 sur la chaîne suivante: https://odysee.com/@FrancoisChartrand:3

[email protected]

Pour les virements interac, si vous trouvez que le travail d' Agnès et François est important et que vous avez les moyens de les soutenir:
question: derrière le mur de la?
réponse: propagande

"I don't smoke it anymore. I drink it, and I eat it", the elder said.
The marlboro cowboy was brutally thrown at us by child rapists. But wisdom (a combination of tender love, sharp cleverness and creative action) comes through time, with experience.
The lie took the elevator, the truth is in the stairs.

"How FDA can move at the speed of science.
FDA is responsible for protecting the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy and security of (...) biological products."
Full interview: https://odysee.com/@DrGroup:b/juicing-raw-cannabis-with-carl-loveday

Résumé de la traduction française:
Pour rester dans un cadre strictement alimentaire (0% récréatif) quand on récolte le légume principal:
-ne pas faire chauffer la récolte (attention à certains extracteurs de jus pouvant chauffer, par exemple en cas d' usage prolongé sans pause)
-ne pas mélanger le légume principal avec: pommes, agrumes, huile de coco
-consommer immédiatement après la récolte, ou placer immédiatement au congélateur puis un jour consommer dès la sortie du congélateur (possibilité aussi de mixer avec de l' eau, et éventuellement avec d' autres végétaux, pour remplir le bac à glaçons du congélateur... si on utilise des bouteilles en verre, ne les remplir qu' à moitié pour ne pas qu' elles éclatent sous la pression du liquide qui congèle).

Video source: https://odysee.com/@TheLIBERcast/The-LIBERcast-Ep48--Urantia-with-Francois-Chartrand
Or on youtube with exactly the same title and the choice to display subtitles or not, or to display them in another language, plus 2 minutes of introduction.
Ou sur youtube avec encore exactement le même titre et le choix d' afficher les sous-titres ou pas, ou de les afficher dans une autre langue, et 2 minutes d' introduction en plus.
sous-titres parfois subitement absurdes (généré par la machine), mais brièvement et pas souvent, heureusement.


Created 1 year, 4 months ago.

21 videos

Category Education