Fighting Zenith

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Fighting Zenith



Original Upload Date - Nov 02, 2016
Sometimes, I think my state would be better off without a government. The drawing used in this is just a dark joke.

Original Upload Date - Nov 2, 2016
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No, I don't support either side.

Original Upload Date - Oct 30, 2016
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I made this to bring up Newgrounds' poor direction.

Original Upload Date - Oct 29, 2016
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"The Right's hands aren't clean." - Sheldon Richman
To be fair and upfront, I'm not fond of the Right or the Louisiana Republican Party.

Uplifting Trance at 145 BPM. Made with Presonus Studio One with Impact, Synth1, and Sample One.

Original Upload Date: Aug 2, 2016
Transcript -
I made this just to break the preconceived notions Liberals have about the Louisiana Democrat Party.

Original upload Date - Oct 10, 2016
Should Navistar International return to the Pickup Truck and SUV market?

Original Upload Date - Aug 23, 2016
What kind of car would you like to see in a car combat game? Cannot be from an existing series.

Original Upload Date: Jul 26, 2016
Progressive Psytrance at 140 BPM. Studio One and Synth1 were used. However this still isn't finished for I'm looking for a voice actress for this line: How pitiful, is this what angels have become? Their spirituality atrophied by bloodlust and conquest. By contrast, you demons are unashamed and sincere in your perniciousness. By the way, can you stand up? You will most certainly die if you don't. Take advantage of your anger and together we will ascend. I am the Organic Angel Alexiel, and from this moment onward, I declare God Almighty as the enemy of existence!


Created 6 years, 4 months ago.

10 videos

Category None

This is more of a Variety channel of sorts. Music, rants, comedy, you name it, chances are I'll do it. I used to be a bit popular on, but that shut down due to them hemorrhaging money. I also happen to be from Newgrounds, believe it or not.