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Healthcare denied radiation sicknes syndroms to be related to Chernobyl catastrophe and being or working in close proximity of the site. Sound familiar to what is happening today with healthcare denying vaxxination side effects?

Clip from the movie Chernobyl: The lost tapes

X-FACTOR WINNER REVEALS WORLD’S SECRET RELIGION – Bitchute copy (you tube copy below) – #1a
Altijan Juric (born 10 June 1975), best known by his stage name Altiyan Childs, is an Australian singer-songwriter. He was the winner of the second season of The X Factor Australia in 2010, and subsequently signed with Sony Music Australia.
Seemingly in this 5-hour Video Altjan claims that in order to make it in the music business you basically have to sell your soul to this cult religion. Altiyan came out of Freemasonry and is now a Christian.

The World Is run by secret societies pushing materialism which leads to aetheism. Freemasonry worship Lucifer and the New Age is Satanic. All the prominent people in leadership positions in government and entertainers are all freemasons.

Trust no man! Only Messiah Jesus saves (Acts 4:12, John 10:1, John 14:6).

Scott Morrison, Pope Francis and David Icke are all freemasons!

The churches have not called out these Satanic freemason societies and are directly responsible for allowing the spread of Satanism within the Christians churches and the Christians nations. The churches have now turned to brothels with satanic masses and are an abomination.

Forbidden Health: Incurable Was Yesterday:

MMS lahko kupite v Sloveniji v spodnji spletni trgovini in sicer kot osnovne kemikalije. Ta firma ima tudi stalno državno dovoljenje za proizvodnjo in promet s kemikalijami. Spletna trgovina:

Strokovnjak za aktiviran ogljik razloži najdbo grafen hidroksida v cepivih. DELI IN OZAVEŠČAJ VSE!!!

Kmalu po objavi svojih ugotovitev preko spletnih konferenc je bil aretiran in kasneje umorjen.

Grafen oksid, je bil zaznan že prej, ampak je Andreas ugotovil, da so napačno interpretirali rezultate in da se znotraj cepiv dejansko nahaja grafen hidroksid, nano velikosti, dolžine 50nm in debeline 0,1nm (debelina enega atoma), ki ko je ta snov vnešena v telo zaradi svoje stabilne in trdne strukture v žilah deluje kot britvica/rezilo ter tako poškoduje epitel (notranja površina žile), srčne žile, možgane in tudi posledično, ko je epitelj žil grob zaradi poškodb (v normalnem stanju je zelo gladek), povzroča nastanek krvnih strdkov. Problem je samo če ta snov pride v krvni obtok (cepi se v mišico, ampak lahko pride do tega da igla predre veno in tako pride v obtok). To je torej neke vrste ruska ruleta, ker nikoli ne vemo ali bodo pri cepljenju zadeli veno.


Created 2 years, 4 months ago.

10 videos

Category Health & Medical