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Only a few months ago, Dries Van Langenhove was just an unknown college student. He runs a flemish-nationalist group called Schild&Vrienden. He got singled out by the Belgian media with a hit piece in an attempt to silence him for sharing politically incrorrect memes in the group. Instead of apologizing in, he used his new-found fame against them, exposing their lies. Sunday he gave this speech in front of 10K people. It was also broadcasted on national television.

Update Januari 2019: He's gone into politics and is the third-most popular politician.

Addendum: Let this be a lesson for everyone. If you are ever targeted by a witch hunt because of wrongthink, do not apologize or compromise your ideals. Ever. It's an admission of guilt, a victory for them and you will be perceived as weak and cowardly by people who would otherwise support you. Capitalize on the spotlight they just gave you, but do it wisely and keep your emotions in check.


Created 5 years, 4 months ago.

1 video

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