Follow the Science

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Follow the Science



On Friday, the 16th of June 2017, Michaéla Schippers Endowed Professor of Behaviour and Performance Management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) presented her inaugural address entitled ‘IKIGAI: Reflection on Life Goals Optimizes Performance and Happiness’. In her inaugural address, Michaéla discussed the role of self-regulatory behaviors that people can employ in order to live a full-filling life. These behaviors include reflection and personal goal setting, in order to formulate a direction or purpose in life (Ikigai). In the inaugural address, an evidence-based goal-setting intervention is discussed. This relatively brief intervention has shown to have lasting results: not only does it increase well-being of students, the intervention also boosted academic performance of students by over 20%. Moreover, the intervention significantly decreased the gender and ethnic minority performance gap. The goal setting is shown in a broader perspective with examples in education, business and operations management. The perspective presented in this address emphasizes taking control of one’s life in order to optimize performance and happiness.

originally published to

In this interactive lecture, Michaéla Schippers talks in a personal capacity about the importance of scientific freedom, truly independent (scientific) institutes and about the importance of dreaming and writing about the ideal future: “letters to the future”.

In the workshop, participants are challenged to use concrete questions to think about what such an 'ideal university' would look like and participants think about what they could possibly contribute to its realization. With the help of the “Schippers' future triptych” we will think about a concrete first step. People who prefer to think about other forms of education (primary/higher education) or even about the ideal world can also do this. Participants are invited to write their own Letter to the Future. During the lecture a short exercise will be done to stimulate this (Tip: Bring a pen and paper).

Docent cognitieve wetenschappen Tjeerd Andringa gaat in op de vraag of je je wel of niet moet accrediteren. Accrediteren houdt in dat je je aantoonbaar aan de EU-regels voor (hoger) onderwijs houdt. Dat houdt in dat je met leeruitkomsten werkt: van tevoren vastgestelde uniforme eisen waaraan leerlingen en studenten moeten voldoen: dus hoepels waar ze doorheen moeten springen.

Natuurlijk moeten studenten aantonen dat ze iets beheersen, maar ze moeten ook zelfstandig leren denken en zelf keuzes leren maken over wat ze wel en niet willen doen: hun eigen doelen leren stellen en die leren realiseren? Precies dit punt heeft tot zijn cancelling geleid aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

Tjeerd Andringa heeft eerder dit jaar de School of Understanding opgericht, waar studenten wordt bijgebracht hoe ze zelfstandig kunnen denken. Het doel van een nieuwe universiteit zou volgens Tjeerd namelijk moeten zijn om onafhankelijke denkers op te leiden: jonge mensen met brede zeer goed onderbouwde meningen die het niet altijd met de docenten eens zijn. En waar je wellicht wat van kan leren.

Follow the Science:
Nova Academia

Molecular biologist Peter Borger explains how the theory of evolution came about before the DNA molecule was discovered. With today's knowledge, the theory of evolution must be revised. In this conversation we go back to the origins (the title of Borger's book), but also back to the Origin of Species, by Charles Darwin. What does modern biology teach us about the origins of life on Earth?

We are guests in the prehistoric museum in Boxtel, where Borger talks about his lifelong study of the functioning of DNA, and about what recent discoveries mean for the theory of evolution and the history of life as we still learn it in schools.

Prehistoric Museum:
Peter Borger lecture 2022:

In deel twee van deze interactieve lezing gingen deelnemers enthousiast aan de slag met het Schippers' ideale toekomst drieluik. Wat een mooie dromen en concrete acties kwamen daaruit, prachtig om te horen. De focus in de lezing lag vooral op mogelijke oplossingen voor de grote sociale problemen van deze tijd.

Dit verslag is in twee delen gepubliceerd, dit is deel 2. Deel één vind je hier:

Wetenschappelijke papers die worden besproken:
Is Society caught up in a Death Spiral? Modelling Societal Demise and its Reversal

Shaping ideal futures: Writing a letter to the future

De Practical Psychology videos waaraan wordt gerefereerd vind je in deze playlist:

In de interactieve lezing gingen deelnemers enthousiast aan de slag met het Schippers' ideale toekomst drieluik. Wat een mooie dromen en concrete acties kwamen daaruit, prachtig om te horen. De focus in de lezing lag vooral op mogelijke oplossingen voor de grote sociale problemen van deze tijd.

Dit verslag is in twee delen gepubliceerd, dit is deel 1. Deel twee vind je hier:

Wetenschappelijke papers die worden besproken:
Is Society caught up in a Death Spiral? Modelling Societal Demise and its Reversal

Shaping ideal futures: Writing a letter to the future

De Practical Psychology videos waaraan wordt gerefereerd vind je in deze playlist:

October 7th Hamas attacked Israel, now Israel is attacking Gaza and the world is appears more divided than ever, in which side to support. Everybody appears to be 'rallying around a flag' if it were and if you don’t like the mayor in Rotterdam refused to do, you get scolded. The Economist oct. 16 headlines "Wartime leaders usually get a popularity bump. Israel’s hasn’t" what is going on, and what happens when the Rally Around the Flag Effect fails. Michaela talks about the rally around the flag effect.

This video is part 10 in our Follow the Science series explaining psychological phenomena in practise

March 4 expert on childhood-trauma, dr. Gabor Maté sat down with prince Harry in an online broadcast private session. Maté got severe backlash for doing this, to the point of him having regrets for participating in the event in the first place. Did negative associations with Harry make Maté seem guilty? With this as an example we discuss 'the Halo and the Horns' effect. Get ready for some biblical references and learn why Gabor Maté got scorned for his interview with Prince Harry.

Maté told his story of regret last week on the UK based Steven Bartlett Podcast called The Diary Of A CEO. In the podcast Gabor talks about how the UK tabloids coverage of his session with Harry ánd the fact that the session would not be permitted to be made public for fear of legal repercussions, were his main regrets.

But the story does not end there. When we go looking for the actual negative stories Gabor mentioned, our search engine turns up zero hits. Have they all been censored away? By the newspapers or by the search engines? One clip did turn up however. That of another UK based podcaster called Stef the Alter Nerd who actually saw the online session between Gabor and Harry and who showed actual newspaper clips in her show, through which a different story appears to be told. A story of both Harry and Gabor apparently discussing the virtues of a psychedelic drug called ayahuasca. Could the backlash on that be the reason for Maté's regret?

'The Halo and the Horns effect' in this interview is explained using the example of the Gabor Maté conversation with Steven Bartlett. Maté is a lifelong specialist in his field, well worth listening to. Was a halo effect affecting our judgement in choosing this example?

Harry meanwhile is busy selling his new book. His memoir. Did Harry perhaps arrange the uproar to sell some more copies? Or is that the horns effect affecting our judgement?

What do you think?

This interview is part of a series of talks about psychological phenomena: Psychology in Practise:

– dr. Gabor Maté
- The private session between Gabor Maté and Harry of Sussex discussed;
“Prince Harry Was Traumatised!” | Dr. Gabor Maté On Childhood Trauma.
- The private session discussed by 'Stef the alter nerd'
- the original session discussed on Yahoo news

Information is a real substance. It is not only a message, something you may know or read in a paper, argues Arend van Campen. In this interview he explains what this means: "we can measure and map the information quality and quantity in man-made systems and predict if they can function and perform fully. This means that the EU, US, the UN will cease to exist in their current form, because they cause harm due to an information deficit".

It is information which makes life and living things in nature function and survive. Man builds things, organisations, countries or governments that can't and won't function or cause harm. The root cause is a lack of information that we call an information deficit in physics. We should not ask; is what we create sustainable, but rather; can what we create function without being or becoming harmful to life, the environment and social cohesion. Information is energy, physics finds. Information shortage due to misinformation or censorship causes 'entropy' or uncertainty and means that the required energy is no longer there to do the work. Negentropy or negative entropy = information, certainty, needed to stabilise man-made creations rendering them functional without causing harm

About Arend van Campen: "I created TankTerminalTraining and since its launch in 2011 our team trained people on all continents. I write a monthly column in Hazardous Cargo Bulletin which is also posted on my blog: I write about current affairs and systems science as a way out of our corporate and global risks. Our thinktank helps companies to become sustainable by cybernetical risk management tools and applications." (

Optimizing Decision-Making Processes in Times of COVID-19: Using Reflexivity to Counteract Information-Processing Failures

This interview op Follow the Science:

Governments often try to modify human behavior. Not always successfully. A perverse incentive is an incentive that has an unintended and undesirable result that is contrary to the intentions of its designers. It is a wide-spread phenomenon in organizations and society at large. For instance rewarding the military-industrial complex for war or the pharmaceutical industry for keeping people sick (an develop medicines to treat the sickness).

This interview is part of a series of talks about psychological phenomena: Psychology in Practise:

The just world hypothesis is a positive illusion that the world is fair and that actions lead to positive consequences. When confronted with cruelty and suffering people can do two things:(1) Conclude the world is not “just” or (2) Derogate the victim (blaming the victim).

People with a strong just- world belief, will be more inclined to derogate the victim (e.g., blaming poor people for their circumstances). Lerner was prompted to study justice beliefs and the just-world hypothesis in the context of social psychological inquiry into negative social and societal interactions. Lerner saw his work as extending Stanley Milgram's work on obedience.

He sought to answer the questions of how regimes that cause cruelty and suffering maintain popular support, and how people come to accept social norms and laws that produce misery and suffering.

This interview is part of a series of talks about psychological phenomena: Psychology in Practise:

Michaéla Schippers is hoogleraar Gedrag- en Prestatiemanagement aan de Rotterdamse Managementschool van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Ze is gepromoveerd aan de afdeling Psychologie van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Michaéla houdt zich bezig met positieve psychologische interventies, onderbouwd door een wetenschappelijke theorie. Ze helpt mensen door het stellen van levensdoelen (Ikigai) hernieuwde energie en levenslust te krijgen.

deze video is gepubliceerd op en overgenomen met permissie

In de podcast vertelt Michaéla dat geluk het bijeffect is van wat zij doet. Michaéla doet onderzoek naar wat je kunt betekenen en bijdragen in de wereld. Geluk is daar eigenlijk een bijproduct van. Michaéla vindt het interessant om te onderzoeken wat de bandbreedte is. Hoe kan je bijvoorbeeld mensen die ongelukkig zijn, toch naar geluk laten neigen. We hebben het over de "Self-determination theory" waarin de basisvoorwaarden voor geluk staan genoemd. Volgens Michaéla worden mensen pas echt gelukkig als zij iets kunnen betekenen voor een ander en voor de wereld. Dit blijkt ook uit onderzoeken waarbij mensen aan het eind van hun leven wordt gevraagd wat hun gelukkig heeft gemaakt. We hebben het over de "Dark triad" waarin persoonlijke eigenschappen worden genoemd van mensen die minder gelukkig zijn. We gaan samen dieper in op deze eigenschappen als narcisme, machiavellisme en psychopathie. We hebben het verder over de dierenwereld, oude beschavingen en of er parallellen bestaan met ons huidige gedrag. Ook praten we over het onderwerp “lifecrafting”, waarbij je beschrijft hoe je leven eruit moet komen te zien als je geen belemmeringen hebt. Michaéla is met haar studenten hier veel mee bezig geweest en heeft daar mooie resultaten mee bereikt. Michaéla vertelt hoe zij zichzelf diezelfde vraag heeft gesteld. We praten dan ook verder over de betekenis van het leven (Ikigai in het Japans) dat ervoor kan zorgen dat je daadwerkelijk langer leeft. Michaéla beschrijft welke drie soorten mensen er zijn. We kijken nog even terug naar de coronacrisis, toen bleek dat 87% van de jongeren ongelukkig waren. Ze heeft zich daarover veel zorgen gemaakt en had het gevoel dat daar in de maatschappij maar weinig aandacht voor was. Michaéla vertelt als laatste, aan de hand van een schilderij. een mooi persoonlijk verhaal.

Voor meer informatie over de Podcast of HOPE:

MICHAÉLA SCHIPPERS - Het is iets wat je niet mag onderschatten: uitsluiting. En vooral welke schade dit kan aanrichten, sociaal en emotioneel gezien. Het kan leiden tot gevoelens van eenzaamheid, isolatie, angst, verdriet en zelfs depressie.

deze video is gepubliceerd op en overgenomen met permissie

Iets waar we allemaal voor willen waken, maar het gebeurde toch in 2020, toen de vrijheidsbeperkende maatregelen werden opgelegd. De impact van deze maatregelen is tot op de dag van vandaag nog voelbaar in de samenleving. Michaéla Schippers, hoogleraar Human Behaviour and Performance: ‘Uitsluiting is één van de ergste dingen die je een mens kan aandoen, psychologisch gezien. We hebben mensen de meest ernstige dingen aangedaan zonder daar echt bij stil te staan wat we elkaar aan het aandoen zijn. We zijn kroongetuigen van grootse misdaden.’

Als reactie hierop startte Michaéla Schippers een platform om te streven naar een mooiere wereld. ‘De mensheid kan beter dan dit, het is tijd om onze innerlijke kracht te ontdekken.’ Wat jouw kracht is kun je ontdekken door middel van individuele challenges, die gratis beschikbaar worden gesteld op haar website Ze geven je de mogelijkheid om door middel van concrete doelen jouw mooiste toekomst te creëren!

Vanavond bij ons op de bank: Michaéla Schippers. Een confronterende uitzending waarin ‘de kennis van nu’ er toen ook al bleek te zijn, haar tv optreden bij Jinek destijds en welke gevolgen dit haar voor haar heeft gehad op persoonlijk vlak en op werkgebied. Ook Tim geeft een persoonlijke en enotionele inkijk op de gevolgen die ‘slechts een aantal vragen stellen’ had op zijn leven en carrière.

Een uitzending waarbij je van de ene verbazing in de andere valt. Een uitzending die je moet zien. Kijken dus!

Recorded September 2023 Michaéla and Rico discuss new censoring laws in Europe, the start of the Follow the Science newsletter and the recent (and future) interviews coming up.

subscribe to the brand new Follow the Science newsletter here:

On Follow the Science:

Prof. Schippers discusses how to increase your own, your co-workers' and the company's performance.

Prof. Michaéla Schippers will talk about how to master the skill of life crafting: “a process in which people actively reflect on their present and future life, set goals for important areas of life—social, career, and leisure time—and, if required, make concrete plans and undertake actions to change these areas in a way that is more congruent with their values and wishes.” As a professor of behaviour and performance management, she has made it her life goal to let other people shine and prosper.

Prof. Schippers developed a tool that can help you and your co-workers craft an ideal life by thinking about what this ideal life could look like, and contrast this with thinking what life would look like if you follow the current chosen path.

this Free webinar: How can your company perform better: life crafting as an evidence-based tool, was broadcast on Erasmus University Rotterdam July 15 2022 - publication on

"What we are dealing here with is is a very serious problem. It is radicalization and extremism institutionalizing in our academic institutions that are paid by the taxpayer, that are meant for general education and research
that are now being hijacked by radicalized groups".

In this follow up interview with social scientist at the University of Amsterdam, Laurens Buijs, we talk about what has happened to him after blowing the whistle, late 2022.

He's been cancelled, threatened, and defamed now also in Dutch state media. Buijs: " it's completely unacceptable we have to speak out as openly as we can about what is happening. That the university is complicit that the administration is complicit, that staff who is not speaking out is complicit. It is such a grave problem that the only thing that I can do as a whistleblower is bring it into the light".

This Follow the Science interview by Rico Brouwer was recorded late March 2023 where Laurens and Rico were paying a visit to Michaéla to see how she was doing.

- On Follow the Science:
- Whistleblower protection at UvA
- January 25th interview
- March 13 Forbidden Event on Free Speech in Dutch Higher Education - Laurens Buijs

It's Easter 2023 when we publish this story. It appears this time we're all trying to find out who we can still trust and at risk of loosing our faith. But how can you tell the difference between who's genuine and who's a 'False Prophet'? Michaéla shares the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin to explain what we can do.

PS No cats were harmed during the recording of this interview.

On Follow the Science:

On 3/3/23, the Great Citizens Institute co-organized a “forbidden” event in Amsterdam about free speech and free thought in higher education. In general, there has been grave concerns about the erosion of these freedoms in the last three years (e.g.,

The filmed event arose from the consternation around Laurens Buijs, a gender studies scholar at the University of Amsterdam who got into a full confrontation with students and staff after critiquing the non-binary gender movement. He decided to use the whistleblower legislation of the university to formally object to the rise of woke and cancel culture at his university. Despite this, he is currently in a situation where he is fighting for his position.

The free speech event was meant to show that his case does not stand by itself, but that we are confronting a fundamental challenge in higher education. Over 40 students, teachers, concerned citizens and others involved in higher education visited the event to discuss how the rising totalitarian zeitgeist is threatening freedom of speech and thought in colleges and universities. The event was supposed to take place at the UvA, but the central board decided to prohibit the meeting less than 24 hours in advance. Luckily, a community of free thinkers opened their space for us so that this unique “forbidden event” could take place.

On March 10th Rico Brouwer and Laurens Buijs look back on the event and discuss the issues that were raised by some of the speakers.

on Follow the Science:

great citizens institute
article on follow the science

research paper "Is Society caught up in a Death Spiral? Modelling Societal Demise and its Reversal"

research paper "Shaping ideal futures: Writing a letter to the future"

Wybren van Haga is leader of the liberal conservative Dutch opposition party BVNL [red. ‘the interest of the Netherlands’]. He was the first Dutch MP to refer to Michaéla’s work in the Corona crisis, when he cited her 2020 paper ‘For the Greater Good? The Devastating Ripple Effects of the Covid-19 Crisis’.

Rico Brouwer of follow the science interviewed van Haga February 15th 2023 about the new paper; "Is Society caught up in a Death Spiral? Modelling Societal Demise and its Reversal" (with John P. A. Ioannidis and Matthias Luijks), in which prof. Schippers makes the argument that inadequate decision making is what keeps society on a downward trajectory. What role does science play in political decision making?

further reading (with links) on:

Individuals, groups and even whole societies sometimes enter a death spiral. A vicious cycle of self-reinforcing dysfunctional behavior that can even lead to societal collapse if the course of suboptimal action and decision making is not corrected.

In this conversation recorded earlier, Michaéla Schippers and Rico Brouwer discuss the new academic paper "Is Society caught up in a Death Spiral? Modelling Societal Demise and its Reversal" (Michaéla Schippers,, John P. A. Ioannidis, Matthias Luijks), that is currently under review and available as preprint at

Schippers: "While the period before the Covid-19 crisis seems to be characterized by policy underreaction to complex social problems, the current times seem to be characterized by overreaction to a small set of problems. In this theory-building review we coin the term Death Spiral Effect to describe this type of overreaction and the resulting cascading effects in (health) policies. Our review, synthesizing research from multiple fields indicates several evidence-based solutions to reverse the decline, such as turn-around leadership and the strengthening of democracy. Ideally, public health agencies, governments, companies, all relevant stakeholders as well as individuals should collaborate toward the goals of a healthier and happier future for all.

referenced letters to the future:

on follow the science:

Threats, attacks, possible dismissal and cancelling happened when Laurens Buijs, social scientist and professor at the University of Amsterdam spoke out about his field of expertise and made a report of the cancel culture at the UvA. Buijs talks to Rico Brouwer of Follow the Science about how diversity policies have turned into a threat to Academic Freedom to the point where he's now called on Whistle-blower protection. In this 50 minute interview Laurens explains what is woke culture and the concept of non binary and talks about what happened to him after he published an opinion piece about it last week.

on Follow the Science:

Is science corrupted? Is it institutionalised? Can we reverse the trend? Takeaways from the conference "lack of scientific freedom" in Copenhagen. A lack of transparency and scientific freedom seems to have consequences for scientists, some of whom even stated they were being fired and/or received death threats, and even had family members being threatened. We discuss causes, consequences and possible solutions.

This video is part 5 of a report we made on the Lack of Scientific Freedom Conference in Copenhagen, oct. 24/25 2022. In this report you'll find impressions of the lectures and debates by scientists on day two of the conference such as John Ioannidis.

The lack of scientific freedom conference turned quintessential after we had filmed it. We received slander and defamation. Threats even, should we dare publish our report.

We decided to proceed on a path of transparency. In the introduction to this report we show you what happened to us, after we volunteered a preview of our report to the organisation of the event.

The reports is in six parts:
- introduction
- 1 preface and impressions of day one of the conference
- 2 interview with Harald Walach
- 3 interview with Kim Witczak
- 4 interview with Nicolas Vermeulen
- 5 reflections and impressions of day two of the conference (this video)
- 6 conclusions

Links to all parts can be found on

Intimidation does not solve the lack of scientific freedom, it exposes it. Our apologies to the audience and to the speakers who asked us to publish from their sessions. We refer you to the meeting organisers who also filmed at the event. We urge them to publish as transparently, as we had set out to do. ​Conflict amongst ourselves, only has losers. Let’s choose a different path.

In the field of psychology it has long been know that fear can lead to biased decision making. In this talk prof. Nicolas Vermeulen of Université Catholigque de Louvain explains how this affects biased decision making and the polarization of society during the Covid-19 crisis.

This interview is part 4 of a report we made on the Lack of Scientific Freedom Conference in Copenhagen, oct. 24/25 2022. In this report you'll find impressions of the lectures and debates by scientists such as John Ioannidis, Peter Gøtzsche and Tom Jefferson, and interviews by Michaéla Schippers and Rico Brouwer with some of the presenters.

The lack of scientific freedom conference turned quintessential after we had filmed it. We received slander and defamation. Threats even, should we dare publish our report.

We decided to proceed on a path of transparency. In the introduction to this report we show you what happened to us, after we volunteered a preview of our report to the organisation of the event.

The reports is in six parts:
- introduction
- 1 preface and impressions of day one of the conference
- 2 interview with Harald Walach
- 3 interview with Kim Witczak
- 4 interview with Nicolas Vermeulen (this video)
- 5 reflections and impressions of day two of the conference
- 6 conclusions

Links to all parts can be found on

Intimidation does not solve the lack of scientific freedom, it exposes it. Our apologies to the audience and to the speakers who asked us to publish from their sessions. We refer you to the meeting organisers who also filmed at the event. We urge them to publish as transparently, as we had set out to do. ​Conflict amongst ourselves, only has losers. Let’s choose a different path.

After the tragic loss of her huband, Kim Witczak tirelessly demands honesty, transparency, reform and accountability in terms of drugs. With her actions, she hopes to inspire people to rise above their circumstances, and make a real difference in the world. We discuss how this can be a form of self-transcendent post-traumatic growth, that can help her own healing as well as help make the world a better place. Kim Witczak is a drug safety and consumer advocate from Los Angeles, California. She exposes fraud in clinical trials after her husband died after using drugs with suicide as a know side effect.

This interview is part 3 of a report we made on the Lack of Scientific Freedom Conference in Copenhagen, oct. 24/25 2022. In this report you'll find impressions of the lectures and debates by scientists such as John Ioannidis, Peter Gøtzsche and Tom Jefferson, and interviews by Michaéla Schippers and Rico Brouwer with some of the presenters.

The lack of scientific freedom conference turned quintessential after we had filmed it. We received slander and defamation. Threats even, should we dare publish our report.

We decided to proceed on a path of transparency. In the introduction to this report we show you what happened to us, after we volunteered a preview of our report to the organisation of the event.

The reports is in six parts:
- introduction
- 1 preface and impressions of day one of the conference
- 2 interview with Harald Walach
- 3 interview with Kim Witczak (this video)
- 4 interview with Nicolas Vermeulen
- 5 reflections and impressions of day two of the conference
- 6 conclusions

Links to all parts can be found on

Intimidation does not solve the lack of scientific freedom, it exposes it. Our apologies to the audience and to the speakers who asked us to publish from their sessions. We refer you to the meeting organisers who also filmed at the event. We urge them to publish as transparently, as we had set out to do. ​Conflict amongst ourselves, only has losers. Let’s choose a different path.

How the Covid-9 crisis generated censorship; during the crisis prof, Walach published two papers that were published, retracted and republished after thorough rereview. One paper was about a risk-benefit ratio of vaccines and argued for active monitoring of Covid-19 vaccine side effects. The second paper dealt with an experimental measurement of the levels of carbon-dioxide under face masks worn by children. Harald speaks of the fact that politically correct narratives may not always be factually correct, and how this affected him personally. Prof. Harald Walach, Next Society Institute, Kazimieras Simonavicius University Vilnius, Lihunaia

This interview is part 2 of a report we made on the Lack of Scientific Freedom Conference in Copenhagen, oct. 24/25 2022. In this report you'll find impressions of the lectures and debates by scientists such as John Ioannidis, Peter Gøtzsche and Tom Jefferson, and interviews by Michaéla Schippers and Rico Brouwer with some of the presenters.

The lack of scientific freedom conference turned quintessential after we had filmed it. We received slander and defamation. Threats even, should we dare publish our report.

We decided to proceed on a path of transparency. In the introduction to this report we show you what happened to us, after we volunteered a preview of our report to the organisation of the event.

The reports is in six parts:
- introduction
- 1 preface and impressions of day one of the conference
- 2 interview with Harald Walach (this video)
- 3 interview with Kim Witczak
- 4 interview with Nicolas Vermeulen
- 5 reflections and impressions of day two of the conference
- 6 conclusions

Links to all parts can be found on

Intimidation does not solve the lack of scientific freedom, it exposes it. Our apologies to the audience and to the speakers who asked us to publish from their sessions. We refer you to the meeting organisers who also filmed at the event. We urge them to publish as transparently, as we had set out to do. ​Conflict amongst ourselves, only has losers. Let’s choose a different path.


Created 1 year, 5 months ago.

28 videos

Category Science & Technology

Follow the Science: Talks with scientists that critically assess the current situation and propose a (better) way forward. Guests speak on a personal note with Dr. Michaéla Schippers, professor of Behavior & Performance Management, and journalist Rico Brouwer.